
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Little things

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day, again. Luckily it’s a nice song so I didn’t mind.

It’s been two days of doing this and that, not necessarily bad, just that it comes across as very little, despite it needing to be done.

Had a full workout yesterday morning, it was still a little nippy, but all in all it didn’t go bad at all. Did need a friggin’ hot shower afterward, but that is hardly a bad thing, is it? But anyway, afterwards I tackled the laundry and then headed up to tenant’s place after opening the greenhouse and seedbed.

There was the usual breakfast, followed by a short session by the storage looking for wood to make a box for firewood. I finished up with the paws and big brother would finish the rest while I headed back up to tenant’s. She and caregiver joined me outside, and for the remainder of the afternoon we worked on cleaning tenant’s favorite cupboard.

She helped cleaning, sanding and then painting, and didn’t do bad at all. In fact, I think she did it markedly better than the last time she tried helping out, besides, it is good for her to be involved in the beautification of her apartment. She used to be an avid DIYer after all, no reason she can’t learn again. Heck, grandpa’s niece lost an arm in the war, and the nuns even managed to teach her how to tie her own laces again. I guess there’s a reason why the saying goes that you can have the patience of a nun. If I’m to believe grandpa’s stories, they taught her everything she needed to know to be self-sufficient in six months.

But anyway, it went pretty well, all things considered, and by the time it got to nippy for her to be outside, we were ready to start on supper, with which she helped again. Personally my stomach didn’t much appreciate the fare we prepared, but all in all it wasn’t bad at all.

Next I unloaded a small cupboard inside tenant’s apartment, brought the repaired and repainted one back inside and cleared up the mess we’d made during the course of the day before I went to fetch a batch of wood for the night.

There was of course the edit. We did the usual amount of pages, partly because I was rested due to an hour long nap. Hadn’t planned on it either, seeing as I’d only lied down to relieve some of the tension on my back (it was nagging somewhat fierce). Had planned to lie there for about fifteen minutes and then I woke up a solid hour later. Ah well. Got the edit done, and didn’t even fall asleep on our charity run later that night.

Today. Got to bed late, so we didn’t do a workout this morning, which was a good thing because we had some serious activities later on. First off, there was of course the laundry. Hah. But next it was up to work on the doors of tenant’s cupboard for which I didn’t have time yesterday. They’re in now, but I’m not happy with the results. Will have to think of something better for that. Those antique doors are way too torqued.

That done we worked behind my cabin for a bit. We still have to dig out a tone or two of rock there, and we really shouldn’t take ages for it, but there you have it. We took down about six wheelbarrows and then changed occupations by tackling the mimosa tree down the mountain.

Lots of its branches have died (I think it’s that disease again) and there were these really big branches that were steadily starting to hang on top of the bus. So for a couple of hours we worked with chainsaw and axes (making me feel very pioneer-ish, hah) taking down enough wood to see us through at least a week of firewood next year.

Chaos loved this part, he kept going through the fallen branches, petting himself. The other dogs, in particular the labs thought it a good idea to be there where the big pieces of wood were going to land. And Fortuyn, well, he went bonkers because he first got to chase every single shovel of dirt, and THEN also falling branches. Seriously, he was in doggie heaven!

The wind was blowing like mad, clouds hung low all around, and I was happier than ever with my favorite body warmer. Jeez, the moment I stopped moving, the chill would get me. Other than that it was nice work. I like wielding an ax despite that I’ll undoubtedly end up with achy muscles tomorrow (already have it) because my muscles are not used to that particular motion.

Next there was supper to make (tenant prepared the veggies prior to my arrival) a veggie mix plus nopales (cacti) and potatoes. It was actually kind of yummy, but again my stomach did not agree with it.

By now it’s time for me to get ready to work on the edit again, though I wouldn’t have minded another nappy right about now. Hah.

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