
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Milk, milk, milk

Song of the day: “Haven’t met you yet,” by Michael Bublé. Thankfully the classics gave me a rest today. Yesterday, however, Doris Day’s “perhaps perhaps perhaps” was still there. Hah.

So I’m a tad tired, which is weird, since I slept more than enough hours last night. Ah well, I’ll just have another early night today.

Did a workout yesterday morning, naturally, but today I totally didn’t feel like it, so instead I opted to run up our incline a couple of times, which really makes for a fantastic substitute. It’s a 45 to 55 degree angle, and works better than a Stairmaster. By the time I reached the top of the drive sweep, I almost passed out. Hah.

But anyway, yesterday’s workout was business as usual, followed by a laundry session and then getting ready to go to Marbella. Yep, time to face the masses in search of glass fiber putty. We need to make repairs on the old camper (springing leakage all over the place) and in town they no longer have the tube of hardener. In fact they haven’t had it in more than three months, which makes this trip kinda vital.

Did a few groceries, visited a friend at the same time. Turns out he had 140 liters of milk that had expired the day before. He wanted to get rid of it, so we offered to take it of his hands. Which brings us to the majority of the activities since then. Processing 140 liters into a cheese-like substance is not easy, I assure you, and apparently 140 liters is more than approximately 70 dogs can devour. Hah. The whey is incredibly good for them, but since the stuff won’t hold they’ll have to go through it fast. And boy have they been trying.

Seriously, there is fortitude necessary to make your way through a child’s bathtub in search of the bottom, but Chaos, Tadaika, Labhana, Bambi and Indigo made an effort. They round as barrels at the moment. Knight II, on the other hand, who could easily eat up to twenty pounds according to the program on animal planet, barely managed to liters. He’s such a whiner when it comes to food. I swear, if I didn’t put it in front of him, he wouldn’t bother.

But anyway, made some serious fresh cheese last night, this morning and right now. I’ve got nine 2 liter bottles to go and then the lot is processed. Have I ever said that processing food is exhausting? It is…but also worth it. Yay! I love nice gifts like that.
Added to the pleasure was old bread for the dogs, which they positively love. Seriously, there are times I think that our dogs enjoy bread and raw veggies more than meat.

Also went out to get sand last night, which allowed for a short walk with Knight II. He was of course his whiny self (seriously, for such a majestic creature he’s incredibly whiny about some things) and rushed back to the car vying for his favorite spot.

Yesterday’s edit went rather badly. It didn’t help that I really wanted to go to bed, but still, another three pages got done. Just hope that today will allow for that at least too.

Which brings us to today, eh?
So there was the run, I mentioned, and my doubting for a minute or two…or twenty to go back to bed.

A busy day, all in all. I started it off with…well, the L word, and then started on breakfast of stirred eggs and veggies. That done, along with a quick chat with tenant whom I set up to paint her cabinet doors on her own, I unloaded the car of sand, and cleaned the lot out so the sibs could load up later for the market.

Next I went down into the yard. Big brother was digging out the batches of potatoes that didn’t survive the rain, and ended up with two crates of potatoes for his efforts. I decided to hunt pumpkins. Found five of ‘m hiding in the vines and bushes. Also gathered some tomatoes, herbs for cream cheese later on, and a few peppers.

Only found a few bugs during the whole episode, which is good, and the first broccolis are forming at last. After that rather calming session in the yard, we went up and decided to change the schedule a little and managed to (after preparing dog food with the many, many liters of whey) get in two hours of editing before we resumed work by starting on a frame and door for the storage of fuel and oil changes and such.

Dinner was next, and since tenant had already cut all the veggies for me, it was easy as pie to prepare. Hah.

Which brings us to now, five hours later and 30 liters more of whey that has been separated from the future cheese. Am going to freeze most of it, mind you. Can hardly expect us to eat that much of the stuff. There’s like endless pounds of it.

Well, I’m going to enjoy my tea now, put my foot up, because it is burning somewhat fierce, and try to get some edits done. Gotta go.

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