
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Song of the day: “Break my Stride” by Blue Lagoon. Well that’s something different at least. I might have had it in my head once or twice before, but not often. Cool. Also, yesterday there was “Amazing Grace” by the Maverick Choir, which is a really awesome version.

Have been catching up on a little bit of sleep by managing 6 to 7 hours a night at least. Been noticing it too, since my eyes are less droopy later in the day. Hah.
In fact, yesterday I slept at least seven and a half hours, which had me, like, totally ecstatic.

There was the usual stuff like laundry, breakfast and half a gallon of coffee, hah. Gawd, I definitely got me a dependency for the brew going. There are times (when I forget) that am just incapable of waking up without it.

Thorgal is looking pretty impressive with his massive stitches, drains and shaved neck. Poor fella. He doesn’t appear to be bothered by it much, but it looks horrible for sure. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was mauled by a bear, or something.

My shoulder was a little better, and I actually managed to haul a couple of wheelbarrows of rocks down to the terrace under the house. Then, after opening the greenhouse and seedbed, I went up to work on the wall. Added another foot at least to the entire length, and I gotta admit that it is looking pretty darn fine.

We’ve been in an almost constant wind storm for the past couple of days. If we had a total of four hours without wind it’s a lot. A little scary, really. It messes with your equilibrium, and there have been some debris that we had to run after lest it was dragged along.

Chaos and Sitabah have been sticking close together, imitating ying and yang whenever they find a warm spot. Seriously, you’d think they consider each other their personal pillow. If one isn’t lying on the other, it’s the other way around.
Knight II gets a little freaked out from all the wind too, looking like a horse that’s about to bolt most of the time. Poor fella, he doesn’t like the wind at all.
As for the other dogs, most of them don’t give a fig. They follow us around, nap, and follow us some more. Hah.

The afternoon was spent in the yard checking the veggie plants for bugs. Found quite a few clusters of caterpillars. Always a little freaky to come across a one inch spot with more than fifty of the bugs piled together, but at least at that stage they’re easily removed. Also snatched some miners from the chard leaves. Since weeds had to be removed anyway, there was a fresh batch of chickweed and another small broccoli, which made a nice added bonus for the night’s supper of spaghetti with a veggie mix.

Supper downed, we headed for town. Didn’t feel like it, but sometimes you just can’t get out of something like that. We needed new oil for the car, a few groceries, like milk and such, and a trip to the DIY store for chainsaw oil…which they didn’t have. This means we’re going to have to search for the stuff at a later time.
Did discover that grandpa’s moped had arrived, and it still looks cute, despite the fact that he opted (quite insistently) for a black one, rather than a white one. If all goes well, it should be done just in the beginning of the new year. Paperwork and etc. I forget what else. Hah.

Anyway, we were too tired for an edit once we got home, so I handled my messages, checked everything online that had to be checked and then headed to bed for some reading and then to bed early…well, semi-early anyway.

The storm had us lose two treetops so far. This morning I stood staring at the 45 angle of most of the trees for a solid five minutes before I finally sighed and got dressed to face the day.

First thing up after breakfast was sawing the sides for my future basin cabinet in my bathroom. The long board was driving grandpa bonkers so we did that first.

Then we took down tenant’s chair. She declared yesterday that she wants to be able to get out of her comfy chair herself, so she can move around a little even when caregiver isn’t there, so we decided to take out the useless one inch nubs from underneath it, and replaced them with beautiful wooden paws that make it exactly three inches higher, after a test sit+rise (a success) she approved of the change and we brought it back up again.

That done, big brother and I finished the side wall of the little storage of the spare fuel and such, which looks great. I’ll post a pic soon.
This was followed by unloading the dog food storage. I’ve been hearing sounds there for several days, fearing termites, only to discover (after removing thirty bags, or so) that there was a tiny little mouse living in there.

I had called Sitabah and Dax to deal with the rodent, but they were too excited and the mouse too sneaky for them to be of any use. The mouse got away and the two dogs were uselessly sniffing and snorting their way through the dog food bags. Such disappointment was just sad to witness, I tell ya. You should have seen Sitabah look at me sorrowfully when she realized that she’d lost the creature and that I started reloading the bags.

The imperial got painted again. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow, which is when the sibs will start loading up for the market again. It should be, but it is always a worry. It had to be done, though. The rust was getting to be ridiculous.

Other than that, the day was spent digging and hauling dirty down the mountain. In this case we’re trying to put together a parking spot (easy to close against rodents and such) for the new moped when it arrives. Some serious digging involved there, the humus layer for the storage for the yard, and the rocky dirt for the terrace under the house. We’ll need a lot of that yet, so every wheelbarrow counts. Got about five of them down, and as a joint effort we put about twelve, or fourteen in place. I do hope we have enough.

While supper of leftovers and pumpkins was simmering, I experimented with a new patty. A lupine mix this time, and if I’m to go for scent, I don’t think that this one will be a favorite of mine. Seriously, I’m not the biggest fan of Garlic, but I put four cloves in the mix just to mask that particular smell. Also, it better be extremely special, because otherwise it won’t be worth the extra effort and expense…in particular if we do decide to go to the market with them.

Supper done and eaten I headed down for the yard to see if big brother was done watering the plants, and to close the greenhouse and seedbed for the night. The sky was completely clear, but over Africa there was a massive depression that was so black that it looked like a land mass. Quite impressive.

That done it was out with the car to get a load of sand and to let Knight II out for a walk. I had to lock the poor fella up most of the day (not that he minds when the wind is blowing like mad) because I had to head into the courtyard time and again. Knight II and little brother’s pack don’t go together well, and I rather not have the hassle.

But anyway, sand got picked up, Knight II had his run, and I got home running on fumes. Was more than ready to sit down by the stove and start on today’s computer work. Hah.

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