
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Little accident

Song of the day: I have no idea…I’m completely blank and I’m blaming the rain. It’s coming down in buckets at the moment. Yay!!! The plants are going to love this. What with the drought of this winter, we were hoping for this, in particular since we’ve been going through the basin water like mad these past few months. This is good, this is excellent. All those trees we planted already (got half of them in now, I think) and the veggies of course, they’ll be soaking this up.

But anyway, I’m incredibly late. It is already ten thirty, and I haven’t even had time to edit yet today, which is nothing short of a sin. First off, the reason I’m so late is because first I had to see my foot doctor, due to those freaky insoles (for which I had to sell a kidney, mind you), then we had to go to town for a few groceries…with a pit stop at home before that, (couldn’t think, or drive had to pee).

Getting ahead of myself, I know. But since I have to keep this short anyway, it doesn’t really matter.
Let’s see. For the most part there was garden work. Watering got done by big brother, though, seeing as he pulled something in his back yesterday. This of course meant that grandpa and I were on our own continuing with the terrace for the citrus trees. Hauled down two wheelbarrows of rocks, and helped grandpa with his to add another four feet to the small terrace before we put in the blood orange.

That done, and with big brother watering the recently placed trees, grandpa and I continued clearing away years of bougainvillea branches, rotting tree stems and vibrant morning glory vines crisscrossing over it all. Then of course, there was the old Broom we found growing underneath, which had to be tackled with an axe. We’ll get the whole yard sorted out some day yet.

I had wanted to work a little on creating a path on the east side of the yard, but since caregiver was at her other job and tenant wanted to exercise on the home training bike, I had to go up early (harvested enough veggies for supper first) help her bike, and then head to the kitchen to get supper started at least.

Let’s see, what else was there these past couple of days…well, I made tomato soup…or was that even before the last blog. I can’t remember. These things tend to blur together.
Market went well for mom and the sibs yesterday. Not a lot of customers, but those that came bought well. Hah.

I really have to get back to the workouts…but on the other hand, all that rock hauling is really digging in too…so’s the digging for that matter. Ah well, I’ll get to that, once time is a little less tight again.

Knight II really got spoiled about our sleeping arrangements these days. I was once again wrecked this morning because pain in the behind Knight decided that it is nice to curl up in the unnatural curve of my spine. Ergo, he makes said curve, which I can’t appreciate for some reason. Hah.

Well, this is a short blog, in particular since this is the end of it. I can’t remember anything else that was…oh my Gawd, I almost forgot to tell the most exciting thing that happened. We bought three gallons of varnish (they were on sale) this afternoon, and while we were on our way home we heard “plop, glupglupglup”, and both glanced to the back of the car where a whole gallon of brownish liquid gushed through the car. It went EVERYWHERE. Shloshing back and forth, from side to side, and at times even up. Yep. That was definitely the highlight of the day, when groceries, stainless steel shelves that we’d picked up too, were all doused in this foul smelling liquid that started gushing out onto the street. I do hope that people didn’t think that it was something other than brownish varnish. Hah.
Once we got home, I headed inside to get supper done, while big brother and cousin Ed started on cleaning the mess up. Once I had dinner done, I went there to help, and I think we got the worst of it at least. Seriously, I should head back to the store and slap someone about not taping that canister shut. Grrr.

Okay, gotta go.

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