
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Picture update at last

Song of the day: “Dream a little dream” by the Beautiful South.

Yes, yes, yes. We’re doing a picture update. You’re psyched, I know, hah. Here we are, another day, another blog, and I won’t bore you with…oh wait, I will bore you with words, because let’s face it, the world has not come to an end yet, pigs don’t fly, and hell didn’t freeze over. *sigh*
But really, here are some pics as I've been promising for months.


Tenant's floor. Isn't it cute? In the corner is Ayaana.

The water tank spot before the platform was build...that's Fortuyn by the way.

The beginning of putting in rocks. And yes, Fortuyn is still there, along with Kollosus and a bunch of others. It's a joint effort, working here. Hah.

This was the wall for the tank platform we built this week. Huckabee on top, Empera hiding behind.

The actual platform. Really sturdy...and right on time. Hah.

And the actual tank. 3000 liters.

Something different now.

General cuteness. The puppies that were at our job a month or so ago. I know. Took way too long, but there they are.

And onto the job. The fence/ case I didn't already overstate it. Hah.

The double we placed yesterday.

The single. Duh.

The fence, of course. Isn't it wonderfully straight. There's still some digging to do, but we'll do that on the last day.

Now some dogs because...well, just because. They're too great to pass up on. Hah.

Our Thorgal.

Huckabee, the circus dog. Totally bonkers, but sweet.

Indigo, who likes to squeeze her massive body underneath the sawing table. I don't know how she manages to fit, but she does.

Knight II at the job. He was just to pretty to pass up on.

A pack shot. Empera, Kollosus are the two shepherds. Bambi is in the back and Carla in front.

Okay, the actual blog. First off, let’s start with the work day.

Big brother and I got up at seven thirty yesterday morning because there were the morning chores, and of course feeding the poor doggies that would have to do without us for the day. I had decided to take Knight II along, seeing as grandpa would be home alone with tenant and the dogs for several hours. Though Knight is really quite manageable, he does worry grandpa a bit, so seeing as the poor Dane likes to go along anyway, I figured it was the best solution all round.

Dog food went well, despite some of the pack being a tad snarky for some peculiar reason. Maybe they felt the impending desertion. Hah. But anyway, that done, we had some breakfast and left at about 15 past nine in the morning, to arrive on site around ten. We started just as soon as we took stock of what we left the last time, and opened up house and shed to make sure that we could work straight through.

Big brother was extremely positive about the hours of work ahead of us. For some reason he seemed to think that we would be unable to fill the full eight hours and would be heading home around five in the afternoon…nuh-huh. Since we started with the gates, we didn’t finish with the blasted things until four in the afternoon. Strangely enough until one in the afternoon time went eerily slow, and then, suddenly, it was past four. Very strange.

We did take a short break around two. Chowed down on some grilled cheese sandwiches, and then walked up the mountain behind the house just to see what was beyond. Surprise, surprise, there was a valley there, hah, and…yes, hold onto your hat, more olive orchards. Seriously, though, it was beautiful. We saw an old ruin and walked over to see what was what. Turns out that there were a cluster of beehives there too, and while we were walking past (a respectable 20 feet) we got attacked. Boy, were we off (in the wrong direction) fast. Hah. Even Knight II went off in a gallop, not stopping (whacking around me with my hat…got stabbed once, big brother thrice) until we lost the violent little creatures. *sigh*
Had to go back the long way round, with another bee finding me, of course. Hah. But anyway, we returned to work none the worse for wear, with Knight II conking out in the bushes…then the full sunshine…and then back in the bushes, never taking his tired eyes off me for longer than five minute stretches.
Poor fellow, so much to keep track of in a strange place, eh?

But where was I, ah yes, we finished the gates around five, and then started hauling out the rolls of fence so we could place the big stretch as our final task of the day. We didn’t think it would go so fast, but apparently we got better at building fences because just before seven we were done hanging the 90 feet of fence, pulling it tight where we could without digging. The digging will come next time ‘round, I assure you. The land is uneven, and in places we’ll need to heighten it, while in others we’ll have to go down. *sigh* Such is life. Luckily in general digging is a good thing.

Regretfully I didn’t have time to trim more olive trees, which reminds me. The neighbor had his done during the course of the last month and boy, did those get mutilated. I sure hope that once they start growing again that they’ll fill out, ‘cause they looked like plucked chickens. Poor trees.

Sun was out the whole time we were at work. Pounding down relentlessly, but not uncomfortably since there was a cool breeze that made it downright pleasant. Of course the breeze didn’t stop me from getting thoroughly sunburned. I kid you not. Shoulders, collarbones, cheekbones and the back of my neck and arms were…well, let’s just say, I could have been mistaken for a traffic light. *snort*

Added to my “flaming” color, I, while squatting down to attach the fence, ripped a hole the size of a foot in the front of my pants, so you can imagine why I opted to stay in the car on our way back, stopping at a grocery store for a can of soda. I sooooo needed a shot of sugar. Totally didn’t take enough food. Hah.

Got home after nine, put the dog food for tomorrow…well today, on the fire and devoured supper prepared by cousin Ed. We made a valiant effort to focus enough for an edit, but ended up catching up on emails, some chats, and then watched Blood Work with Clint Eastwood to get through the last couple of hours of the day.

Of course, my sunburn didn’t much help my sleep. I think I woke up at least seven times, before finally dropping off around sunrise. Not that it mattered, seeing as today was a day at home with a late start that involved laundry, feeding the dogs and then an easy breakfast.

That was followed by a trip down into the yard where big brother watered some of the newest plants, while I planted fifteen pots of chamomile. I am determined to get enough chamomile for the whole winter, darn it. The planting spree was followed by a harvest of cabbages and broccoli. The latter for our supper, the first for the dogs…and white and red cabbage for the vet…along with a couple of pumpkins.

With full baskets we head up, where tenant spent most of her time in front of her bungalow involved in a new book that held her so captivated that she didn’t want to go elsewhere. After assisting her with some necessities, (caregiver was off to her job) big brother and I headed out to the storage to see about materials to start on the foldable tables cousin Ed will need. She had opted to help mom and the sibs out by trying out a new market on Sundays. For that reason she’ll need a couple of tables so she can display the goods…and we had to try out if they would fit in the small car. They did, so we’ll be putting some time in that for the coming week or so. In between I cut the veggies for tomorrow’s dog food.

After that (leaving tenant to cut veggies for supper) big brother and I headed out to the village to pay an outstanding bill at the vet’s and to bring over the veggies. Seeing as she agreed to let us use her address to have our biological seeds delivered, we have long since agreed to give her a fair share of the produce. So far the deal is working out fine.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for tenant, who has a doctor’s appointment and a dentist appointment. A good thing, since we discovered the day before yesterday that she lost a lower tooth during the night. She has no idea how it happened, but it demonstrates once more that a dentist visit is high time.

And that about sums it up for me. It’s late and I really need to get me some shuteye…considering we already did a nine page edit tonight, it’s high time.

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