
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Work on the most part

Song of the day: “Wherever you will go” by Charlene Soraia. There were some other song too, but they didn’t stick.

So yeah, busy couple of days, and from the look of things it is not going to get any more quiet anytime soon. Tomorrow we have to head out for the last time, and afterward need to head for a market in Marbella. Added to that, the day after, the Land Rover needs to go to the shop, and then after a semi-quiet weekend, the Land Rover has to go to the ITV. *sigh* Yep. It’s going to be a splendid week. Hah.

Writing wise, I managed a whopping total of two paragraphs, and that's it.
But back to the present. Yesterday was a long day (so was today, for that matter) we managed to even out the ground, set up most of the pool, get in the tarp, and prepare practically everything for hanging the liner. We had hoped to finish it all, but regretfully didn’t manage it. It was decided we would come another day (today) meaning that we were up early once more, going through the motions of feeding the dogs, doing laundry and then heading out. Were later today than yesterday…which wasn’t bad considering we worked late yesterday.

Knight is coming along every day now, and not is, without a doubt, scared to death for the three puppies there. Hah. Seriously, you’d think he is five weeks old himself. Today it got so bad that every time I forgot to close the door to the car, he disappeared into it.
We were about ready to start the hanging of the pool liner when suddenly the manual (without any warning earlier on in the book) declared that beside the covering tarp we’d already put down, there also was the need for some sort of filt, or carpet…Stupid manual. They have a list of stuff you need in the beginning, except for the that carpet, a file, sanding paper and duck tape…all of which we discovered well into the building of the pool. Grrr. That’s bad instructing, if ya ask me.

Played with puppies again, who are smart little buggers, and who keep escaping the large dog pen we built there. Meaning we had more work to do today: adding more fence while we waited for Liane to get the filt from Malaga. Built with some natural rocks, used up a total of two cement bags and a 1400 pound load of sand. The latter which we had to sieve and load late last night, and the night before, but thankfully not now. Hah. But anyway, puppies are already learning to sit for a treat.

Had to haul a massive rock that wrecked part of the wheelbarrow. Big brother did manage to lift it, though, so we took it off Lian’s water main and hauled it to a different spot. There was also a stint with the freaky geyser that’s always playing up…and of course meeting her boyfriend, who tripped over something on the terrace and send Knight scrambling with his tail between his legs (squealing a little) and scared half out of his mind.

Today’s hanging of the liner was interrupted by a massive thunderstorm and rain soaking my top straight through (luckily I was wearing a bikini top underneath) not to mention the bottoms of my trousers. We were happy that the rain started when it it did and not an hour or two earlier when it could have been near to disastrous. As it was, the line was in place, so, whatever. The water couldn’t harm anything.

The last thing we have to do now, is install the pump an skimmer, which is what we’ll do tomorrow. A little later, this time, seeing as my day will be a long one tomorrow. Gawd, I need some sleep…you know what, I will get some because I’m going to cut this blog short without further ado.

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