
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A funk

Song of the day: “Both Sides Now” by Orla Fallon, for a change. Though Hayley Westenra’s and Paul Young feat Moya Brennan are still my favs, this particular Irish singer does give it a nice twist.

So I’m not really in the mood to write the blog today. My problem, at the moment, is that, despite my best intentions, I’ve sagged into a bit of a slump due to finishing the book. *sigh* It is a difficult thing, finishing a writing project (no matter that it still needs to be edited a gazillion times), some of them just hit you when you least expect it. You’ll be focusing on trying out a new plot, and bahm! Where the new heroine’s name is supposed to be, the old one screams a vicious warning. Blasted muscle memory. In half a page of writing, I had to delete the wrong name five times, for crying out loud.

Ergo a funk. I had hoped to avoid it by stepping in the new story within a day, but it wasn’t supposed to be. I miss Conner and Piper. I miss the Greek mythology, the gods, titans and Cyclops, in particular since this new story is going to be aiming for sci-fi with very little romance in it, while it will be heavy on the plot. Like many of my books, this one will be based on some long ago dream. An alien creature finding a source for his curiosity on earth. I will be looking into astronomy, NASA and all those pesky little details that tend to take up so much time when starting on a new book. *double sigh*

Let’s hope that this funky feeling doesn’t take too long. I hate sitting in front of the computer tapping at the keys and then hitting the delete button all the time. Also every other sentence, I’m stopping. I need to describe something about my character, but then realize that in my head she’s not actually there yet…or him for that matter. So I worked on that most of the evening. I’ve decided on a heroine along the lines of Irene Bedard, and for the hero a somewhat slender Chris Hemsworth. (Easier to pick a picture to keep them solid in your mind.) I’m sorry. I can’t help it. That’s how he’s showing up in my head. But as the story actually gets started, he might change some yet.

Okay, enough writer troubles. However frustrating, I will figure it out at some point, I’m sure…I think…I hope. Hah.

Right. Yesterday. I don’t know how well I’ll manage to narrate yesterday, considering my mind is blurry, and my diary not all that legible since I was already dropping off while I wrote it it…darn it.

But anyway. In regards to Sally’s treatment, and the mile long list of things she should and can’t do, we’ve decided to bring the overhang of her porch up to the top of the to-do-list. So for the past couple of days, (yesterday and today) we’ve been working on that. First the support beams and the horizontal ones for the roof, and of course painting, lots and lots of painting. There were beams to paint, slats and saw horses, most of which Sally insisted on helping. She wants to keep busy and is doing it somewhat zealously. Since it appears to keep her somewhat centered, and in a better mood, I can’t say I object.

Besides the painting (am covered in paint) and the carpentry, there was the cooking. Yep. Two meals were made, one consisted of leftovers with a wonderful dessert made of fresh apples and pears, boiled in butter caramel (white and brown sugar) some almond extract, cherry liquor, vanilla and some other spices that worked really, really, REALLY well as a dessert. In particular the cream I put through it. Gawd. Then today there was potatoes with chard and cheese, with a nice salad on the side, because let’s face it, Sally needs loads of raw foods. The lot went down well.

Tenant enjoyed both meals too, but at the moment she’s tired a lot because she’s spending a lot of time with mom in the house, meaning she’s walking up and down a lot.

While Sally cut yesterday’s dog food veggies, I did that today after cooking supper. Seeing as grandpa and big brother were out to fetch a new batch of vegetables, there really wasn’t a lot of choice in that matter. But it went fast, and before I knew it I was ready and headed down for a quick dip in the pool.

Did have a good jog yesterday evening. Went the distance, ran long stretches and even managed to go past the jogging pace. Yay.

Chaos is somewhat chagrined with me at the moment. I’m not really sure why yet…well, maybe I am. You see, he’s not happy with the fact that when he gets fed, I won’t let him eat his fill (he’s got fat issues), which in turn makes him grumpy and snarl at the other dogs. The other day he wrecked Kolossus’ ear by biting her. Then, today, when I sent him out of the eating area, he did it again, but this time to Bambi. That is not nice of the Chaos, and I will have to get firmer with him. Can’t having wreck the other dogs with his grumpiness.

There was some yard work, but only minor. Really not a lot of time at the moment, and gratefully Cousin Ed volunteered to water what needed to be watered.

Other than that there were just the normal chores. Boring, predictable if you’re forced to read about them. If you live through them, they’re not all that bad, in fact.
Well, I gotta go. I need and early night, if I can manage it. Hah.

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