
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Full schedule

Song of the day: “We are young” by Fun. Not my fav from this particular band by any means, but it will do on most occasions. At least, there are worse ear worms. Hah.

I’m writing the blog a little early today. I’ve got a spare minute right now, three in the afternoon, and since I do want to do some writing still tonight, it’ll have to be now.

Still working on the porch thing for Sally’s cabin. It is looking infinitely cute, if you must know (I took pics, don’t worry), very much a Swiss cabin, which is a perfect image for a woman in her condition. Really a retirement cabin. Hah. I will show, one of these days. Only thing left to do is finish the balustrade and lay the tar roof.

Had a most peculiar nightmare yesterday. I wish I remembered enough of it to write it all out (it was a doozy for a story) but since I don’t I can only intimate that there was a psychopath, a big mansion somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a woman captured in the basement and no way for her to get out. There was also something about sacrificing babies, somehow. Ah well, ya gotta love the horror stories. Hah.

So, what else. There was the normal stuff, dishes, laundry, cleaning up, etc, but that really isn’t all that interesting, is it. I did write a page or so, yesterday, which means that I should be getting over my funk a little. At least I only mixed up names only twice. What annoys me at the moment, is that the last time I worked on this book, I had made lists with information about the characters, settings and all that jazz, only to be unable to find them now, when I need them. Very frustrating, I assure you.

Added to that, I was feeling very lethargic yesterday, which doesn’t work well, if you must know. It was like moving through molasses, which is odd, all things considered. The weather has cooled off some, and there are some clouds since yesterday. Did take a nap yesterday, so that made me function marginally better. Right after we headed for town to do some groceries, which took quite some time since we had to find shoes for both grandpa and Sally.
Once we were back, had a late supper, and settled for some writing, the day came to a gratifyingly quick end.

Which brings us to today. Started off early, with the usual such as laundry, feeding the dogs and feeding myself. Next I prepared the chickpea patty dough (Cousin Ed keeps calling them Sam burgers, but I’m not sure yet) and a sauce for tomorrow…did you realize yet that tomorrow it’s the weekend, meaning we’ll be out for two solid days again. *sigh* Market day: Let’s see how it goes this time…and hope that on Sunday the one near Benahavis will be open.

But I’m drifting, where was I? Oh yes, the patties. That done, it was time to unload the Land Rover (didn’t take the time to do that last night) before heading for the old paddock where mom’s shelving unit for her market had to be fixed and put back together. That took about an hour on my part, followed by heading back inside to load the Land Rover up for tomorrow.
Both Cousin Ed and I got that done in about one hour, at which time I headed down to start on this blog.

Soon it’s time to start cooking. Planned on pumpkin mush to put on the patties with some cauliflower on the side, but we’ll see how that goes. With a little luck we can then just binge on French fries tonight. Hah.

Well, that’s it for now. At the moment my dogs are clustered around my feet and driving me bonkers. Grrr. I need to start moving about fast before my six hours of sleep during the night has me fall asleep right here. *sigh*

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