
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Face down

Song of the day: “Come on” by Will Young. I just looked at the original version by Kish Mauve, and I have to say that I like Will’s waaaaaay better. The complaint of one of the comments rung really well (but as a compliment in my head) Will Young’s version is too serene. Oh come on, how can someone be too serene. That’s the beauty of it, for crying out loud. There’s more than enough gritty out there. The serenity of how he sings it, is the good part. *sigh* People are wonky.

So, there really isn’t all that much to tell. I’m still battling my flu, which sank into my lungs and shaped into a nice cough. It doesn’t help much that I got way too little sleep during the past three days since the best way to recover from the flu is sleep, of course. Ah well, no helping it.

I can’t say that I have a lot of market details to share. For the most part of the day my head felt like my skull was missing the top and I was floating somewhere a foot or two higher. Jeez. There were times I couldn’t do anything but laugh about it. Seriously, bending over I’d see stars, lifting something up ditto, on the most part the best thing would have been for me to drop face down somewhere and sleep it off. Couldn’t do that, of course, but the thought did occur occasionally.

No fun stories of chats with other patrons, didn’t have all that many due to the flu and cough that forced me to stay at a distance. Wouldn’t want anyone to catch what I had. Did enjoy the many, many visiting dogs. I believe that we saw more than fourteen Yorkies (which is wonky if you think about it. You’d think there was some sort of dog show, or something) some crosses and plenty of doggies that wanted a serious petting. Made me wish I had the Knight along.

Writing-wise things have been incredibly slow lately. I added a couple of pages this Sunday while I sat at the restaurant at the market (had two coffee to stay awake), and over the past three days I have slowly, oh so slowly, added more pages. Passed the 30k word count mark so whatever you say, you can say it’s getting somewhere. I was a little stuck, so big brother and I did a brain storm in the car discussing the possibilities of the story’s progress. Thought of at least seven possible plot turns, so I’m all set.

Knight II is gradually improving. He’s stopped vomiting, is eating little bits again, and has stopped shivering throughout the day regardless of the nippy temperatures (hitting the low forties at the moment, darn it). You should see the lot right now, clustered around our feet, as close to the stove as they can get.

When I got home from market, I noticed a slash of blood and discovered that somehow Dax has managed to rip out one of his nails. Seriously, what’s up with the dogs, for crying out loud? They’re constantly getting into trouble. The entire nail is just gone, which makes me horror at the thought of how he must have managed that.

What else, nothing vastly interesting. Did laundry, naturally, cooked supper, loaded, unloaded market stuff…didn’t have a bad selling day, by the way. Sold a dog bed, a quilt, some kiddie clothes and a dog carrier bag. No bad at all.

This morning was another early one, by the way. The Land Rover had to go to the garage and we had an appointment at nine. So we dropped it off after feeding the dogs and such, did a few groceries, went to the post office where I had to wait forever in line, and didn’t get home until after two, at which point I was pretty close to crashing. Decided to just give up on the day and headed for my cabin for a nap. Gawd that was nice. I slept for a solid hour and a half, and could have continued on for the remainder of the day given half a chance. Hah
As it was, I made tomato soup for supper, got a phone call in the middle of it that we could pick up the car. Headed out and did just that.

Turns out the hand brake is fine again, and it only cost us 20 bucks. Regretfully the regular brakes problem he promised to check up on was a little more serious. Something about the brake cylinder leaking. He’s going to have to order the part which will set us back some. *sigh* As soon as he has the part, we’re going to have to get another appointment. He also checked our distribution belt (we’d heard some awful rumor that they’re bitchy expensive to replace) and told me that we don’t have one. Instead we have a chain, which should (so he told me after I asked if that was a good thing) last us a life time. *phew* A relief that.

Once at home, I resumed making dinner and prepared cauliflower with broccoli with mashed potatoes on the side. It went down really well prior to heading down and starting on today’s writing session. Added a page or two, and then started on the blog. I really want to get back to the morning writing sessions. This evening writing is getting to be pretty impossible. My eyes keep falling shut. *sigh*

Time for bed.

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