
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kitchen stuff

Song of the day: “Bruises” by Train and Ashley Monroe. Still cute, and easy to get stuck with.

Yeah, long day. I was a bit under the weather yesterday so I went to bed early and got up at seven thirty this morning so we could get an early start on the edit. As to yesterday…it was a busy day.

Started off early, with me and big brother heading out to town to drop the car off at the garage. They warned that they probably couldn’t work on it, since the receptionist was out sick and the second mechanic was out to hospital, and our mechanic couldn’t bleed the brakes on his own, so unless he could find someone to help him, it wasn’t going to work until the next morning.

Ah well, we had to go out to see Sally at hospital. Drove to Marbella, headed for internal medicine, only to discover that she wasn’t on ward where she was supposed to be. The nurses had no idea whom I was talking about and referred me back to the ground floor, the information desk. So it was back down the stairs (I was starting to turn red like a lobster) and to the desk where I spoke with this nice, very, very metro dude who spoke only a little bit of English, but who referred me back to the ER where she had apparently spent the majority of the night.
She was all confused when I got there. We talked a little, I asked her how she was doing, and she was all stoic and distracted. Had to leave her after five minutes, due to her not being in a room but in an observation hall. The nurse finally took pity on me, gave me Sally’s future room number before she sent me out again.
By the time we finally got back to the car, my foot was about ready for amputation, jeez! I’d put on wrong shoes, I tell ya, they were way too hard for my friggin’ insole, and then the two mile walk back and forth, around and up and down. Gawd.

On our way back we took a little side trip to the big DIY in Marbella, got some ecological seeds and then afterward stopped at Funny Beach, so big brother would know what it looked like.
Once at home, the fun started for real for me. Yep. We changed clothes, got out the axes, the chainsaw and started on the tree up by the storage which was getting way too big. Cut down two of the big trunks, and processed that so grandpa could saw it up later on the big saw table.

Later I was feeling pretty bad, so we only managed about five pages in the edit before I gave up for bed.

This morning, well, there was the six page edit followed by the normal chores, of course, very fascinating, as you know. Then, after feeding the dogs, we managed another two page before it was time to start working.

Cousin Ed took her turn to visit with Sally today, so big brother and I could start working on digging more of the future outside kitchen. Got some good digging done, along with figuring out the how, when and whys of the future days.
It is taking forever, but such things can’t be rushed, in particular not when you’re in the middle of a dead-lined edit.

Cousin Ed came home with the latest. Turns out Sally’s present problem is thrombosis and diabetes, meaning she will have to go on even more medication, darn it.

Had to stop at four because we had to go to town to pick up the Land Rover. Little brother and sisters dropped us off at the garage. So, I was curious and asked our mechanic if he ever taught folks to work on cars, and guess what? Turns out he does, and when they relocate to a bigger place, he will let me know when he starts new lessons. Yay. And he doesn’t even charge for it. So that’s a double yay. Hah.

But anyway, we picked up the Land Rover after I gossiped a little with the receptionist. Which is always fun. Once at home, with a new load of food donations from that little market of our friend, I quickly cooked dinner of chard with noodles, and then went down for some more edits. Added another four pages, so our quota was made today. Yay.

Which brings us to now, with me being more than ready to call it a night. My foot still isn’t happy with me, but I gave it some rest today, so I’ve been a good girl. Knight II on the other hand wasn’t I had to redo his “sock” poor darling. He has a licking obsession, I tell ya.

I should take out some time tomorrow to clean my cabin, because let’s face it, it’s a pigsty. *sigh*

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