
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

No apocalypse yet

Song of the day: “It’s the end of the world as we know it” by REM, of course. Strange…well not really, to have that today. It’s not like I put much stock in an actual “end of the world” thing, but still, it’s been in the news so much that it does pop up every now and then.

As for it being the end of the world. I gotta say that it was a beaut. The sky was blue and clear, the sun bright and shiny and the temps downright wonderful. Didn’t even need to wear a thick sweater today. Wonderful.

Personally, I would have hoped…ehm, thought, that the day that would be the end of the world, would be a dreary one. You know what I mean right? Threatening clouds, howling winds and rain lashing at you. There’d a heavy rumble in the air, something electric and dangerous, while in the distance you’d see the sea churn magnificently.
Then just as you think it can’t get any worse, the sky will become darker and in the distance you hear a massive boom before everything goes…well, ya get my meaning.
None of that…so far anyway. Hah.

But okay, let’s stick with reality for now. Yesterday, what the heck happened yesterday?
Oh yeah, we chopped wood yesterday. Got most of the tree processed into manageable bits for grandpa to saw to pieces.

There was garbage to load. Didn’t get around to that much the past few days, so it was a nice big load that we had to bring to the local landfill later on. Took a while to get it all in the car, but we managed it before our visitors arrived. Liane and her boyfriend came over, with King, one of the dogs we sometimes have staying here, so he kept us company up in the old horse paddock while we processed the wood.

Had two more digging sessions for the kitchen, of course. Not a lot of progress, since we’re still in that stage where you have to measure everything out twice, and then again. Seems like it takes forever and ever, but such are the breaks, I guess. Nothing to do about it. It’ll take as long as it’ll take.

Also had two ventures into the yard involving some serious gardening. Had to fertilize the little seedlings that are not at all in a rush to start growing. There was watering to do, planting lettuce seedlings, and building several reed fences to keep the dogs from wrecking the young plants and the gutters we created for proper watering.

The normal stuff had to be done too, of course. Laundry, dog feeding, and cooking. The latter involved broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes with a nice creamy herbal sauce…well, it did yesterday anyway, while today we went for something Indian, which didn’t work out as well as I’d planned, mostly because the spices I got weren’t the ones I needed.

Edits went really well the past couple of days. Shot right past the halfway mark, bringing us to somewhere around 185, I think, which isn’t bad seeing as we’re still almost three weeks away from the deadline. Keep your fingers crossed.

Poor Chaos has an ear infection again, I had planned to clean it today, and then didn’t get around to it darn it. Guess I’ll have to do it tomorrow, which is going to be tricky considering I have an appointment with that guy from the market who is very kindly donating his stuff to us for the dogs.

Well, that’s it for today. It’s past midnight, so unless the Mayans meant only the 21st 2012 up there in south America, the world is still here. Ain’t it grand? We get to mess about a little longer yet. Hah.

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