
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not easy

Song of the day: “Dancing on the ceiling” by Lionel Richie. Gawd, I feel old when I think of that one. I remember being a wee little girl when it was a hit. Hah.

Saturday morning started at the normal time with more rain, darn it. I am so ready for spring. First thing that had to be done was exchange Knight’s sock. He’d wrecked the last one again, so…ah well. What can I say, he’s an idiot.

Empera, one of our German Shepherds is suddenly sagging through her hind legs, we watched the progress until this morning, and took her to the vet this morning. After an X-Ray the vet decided that it might be a swelling and cramping of muscles along her spine, meaning she needs complete rest, anti inflamatories and a strong B complex to improve her healing rate. Let’s hope it works, because the hernia in which it could result, would be disastrous…I know, I once had a Labrador retriever suffering from a whole set of hernias that finally forced me to have him put down.

The mornings are once again consistent of walking the visiting dogs. They really really like that, even when it rains. They’re really used to it these days. Pera, one of the mixed breeds, really start jumping up at me when I let her out first thing in the morning.

Saturday we met two ladies who are willing to help out with tenant’s care, and Sunday they came over to try out how it would work with tenant. They’re a nice lot, this Olive and Jane, hardworking, friendly (though Jane is really shy) and eager to please. After taking care of tenant, and doing some basic cleaning, they were fully planning on walking all the way home to the village, so of course Cousin Ed drove them home instead. Since on Sunday they don’t have a car available to them, this looks like what will become the routine, because we can hardly expect them to just walk that distance, come rain or shine. Luckily by car it only takes a few minutes, and it’s not as if we haven’t done that trip before for the same reason for when Sally still had her job.

Managed to eat meat again, twice no less. Good Sammi. Tried a different meat, more tender, and it went way better. That’s a relief, since the last few times were nigh on disastrous. Could barely keep myself from hurling. This stuff is better, and easier to swallow to say the least. Yay.

There was cooking involved. For ourselves and the saltless stuff that tenant now insists on. So strange how that works, in particular since most of the time she refuses to eat at all. Today was no walk in the park, in that regard. Drinking went so bad that I felt obligated to call the doctor to come and check her out. Luckily he says she’s dry but not dehydrated. Which is a relief because we were already dreading another ER visit. Like hospital doctor’s the GP is pretty sure that age is playing parts on tenant, and I have no choice but to accept that at this point. He even doesn’t see much use to a visit to the hospital to a MRI scan, because he’s pretty sure that she might have suffered some microscopic strokes. So we’ll just let that depend on the social services doctor and no longer insist.

Took a trip into the yard and harvested a nice batch of lettuce, broccoli and some chickweed. It was a nice hour to unwind. I should be doing more of that. The yard needs the attention, and I need the relaxation.

Edits have been slow but steady. Are almost at page sixty, so that’s not bad at all. I recently realized that this is a very exciting time. I’ve got several stories being considered by publisher and added to that I am still in the running at ABNA. In fact, if I make it to the next round I will be traveling to the States (imagine how exciting that will be for the blod) to join the venue of the award. Very exciting all.

There were dogs to feed, of course, laundry to wash, laundry to hang and laundry to fold. There were chores, there was bit stuff and there was small stuff. The days past fast, so I guess they were pretty full.

We did manage to start on the second window for the outside kitchen, yay. It is only the basic that still needs a frame, but what the hey, you’ve gotta start somewhere, right? Might as well be the movable part of the window.

Had our appointment at the garage today, but luckily I phoned first. Turns out they couldn’t guarantee that they’d get to the Land Rover today, so we agreed I’d come tomorrow instead…wish I’d known that before we rushed through the morning and the dog feeding, but at least there was no wasted trip

Well, that’s it time for bed, it’s late.

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