
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A bunch of stuff

Song of the day: “Beneath your beautiful” by Labrynth and Emeli Sandé- Gorgeous song. Never mind having it in my head.

Today was Spanish lesson day, of course. We were right on time, too, so that was a good thing. Had to take Knight along, of course, which I think our teacher didn’t like all that much. Either she doesn’t like dogs, or she’s afraid of them.
Went well regardless. Actually had some conversation throughout, though we end up appearing pretty wonky to the poor woman. I mean, who in his right mind lives with 50 something dogs. Heck, who lives with a family of eight, plus two old family friends, right? Ah well. Being normal is overrated anyway. Hah.
Did well, and let’s keep it at that.

Wanted to work on restoring an old cabinet I was planning on selling someday, only to discover that it was donated for the sole reason that it was riddle with fresh woodworm holes. And that while I had already repaired one of the drawers, gathered paint, brushes, and sanding paper. The whole shebang, and then…well, it all turned into firewood. *sigh* Such a pity. It was a nice little cupboard.

Everything was closed today, due to a national holiday. The whole town was out into the woods, plucking rosemary which they could sprinkle over the streets for la Virgen. Big pooha, all very traditional. Been hearing singing down in the valley all afternoon.

Yesterday was a bad night for me, partly because I woke at six in the morning, and then proceeded to lie awake for a full hour worrying about…well, everything. The dogs, money, life in general, blegh. So annoying. Did finally manage to fall back to sleep, but I had far too little sleep, of course.

Practiced Spanish, though not as much as I should have. Who’s got time, for crying out loud, I barely manage the essentials during the course of the day, let alone fit in an hour of friggin’ Spanish practice. Darn it.

Had to take Empera and Knight to the vet, the latter because his drain disappeared from his stitches (he didn’t need a new one) and the first because it has been more than two weeks. The vet didn’t like it that Empera is so skinny now. She says that we can wait a little longer, but if by Thursday she has lost more weight, we’re going to have to do a blood test. Her back is a little better, though. Later, when we got home, Kollosus (Empera’s sister) pooed blood, so as soon as the vet was open again, we took her there so the vet could check her poo. She couldn’t find anything, so now both Empera and Kollosus are just on a general antibiotic, and something for their intestines (seeing as they’re equally skinny) and we’ll have to see how it goes.

Sally still isn’t doing well. Her health is rapidly declining lately, partly due to her inactivity, I think. It is such a pity that she won’t work on her health. I think that with some decent exercise and active lifestyle, she would be doing way better.

Rather than edit, I added a short scene to the book. Both big brother and I thought that the story would benefit from some added information. Edits are still steadily continuing. Are now halfway through the script, so that’s not bad. As soon as this edit is done, we’re doing a paper one.

Yesterday was also very cloudy, while today we basically had sunshine all day. It was grand. Really comfortable. Could actually walk around in a sleeveless most of the day. Am already getting my tan back, thank you very much.

Cooking involved baking ravioli in cheese, a fresh tomato sauce, and baked mushrooms on the side today, while yesterday with had fried rice with veggies.

There were the normal chores, fascinating as always, I know. And the rusty parts of the 2nd hand cooking stove for my kitchen got painted. Yay! Most of the beams are done now, too, and grandpa is working on painting the boarding of the ceiling (they’ll be a light cornflower blue) so that in a few days from now we’ll be able to start putting in the roof for real. Am also working on putting together a small pamphlet offering folks affordable construction work. I'll be putting that out at the markets and some spots, like the vet and such.

Tenant had her family visiting today again. I think it did her well, seeing as she is more active at the moment than she has been in a long time. She isn’t solely demanding to be put into bed, thankfully, and actually sits in her chair or outside in the sun most of the day.

Knight II is doing relatively well. I have to figure something out, because he is trying to lick his stitches, which isn’t smart at all…but then, I never was able to call him the smartest of the litter in that regard.

Are going to have to do a tick bath soon, because it is drying me insane again. I’m picking up to 25 ticks per dog off every single day, and my fingers are starting to get numb from it, for crying out loud.

Well, that’s it for me. I need some shut-eye fast. It’s late.

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