
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A success

Song of the day: "Think Twice" by Celene Dion. Wow. Never had that one as an earworm before. Hah.

So, I am working on a foreign computer now (big brother's, mind you) because mine was giving me a heart attack by claiming that there was something wrong with my battery and that it could die on me any minute. *gasp* It's only a year and a half old, so I'm hoping that this will still be within the warranty, and if not...well, I'll probably have to get a new battery at some point. Grrr. I can't stand the idea of being without my little writing pal, darn it.
Ah well, I'll just have to make due for now, won't I?

So, let's get to the weekend, or more accurately the market. Like planned, I got up half an hour earlier than usual (my dogs had a small collision with Cousin Ed's) and then got to work on making and baking the patties that were going to be the tasters for the unsuspecting passersby. And boy were there plenty. The patties were a hit with the hippies, of course. Healthy, ecological, tasteful, and made with both lentils and chickpeas, that pretty much was a given. Older English folks were weary, and like "hamburgers without meat, ugh") while the younger ones were either horrified at the thought of eating anything home made at a Spanish market, or fascinated. Much to my surprise most of the Spanish' first response was, 'no meat, oh, tofu right?' and then, when hearing that it was with legumbras (palsies) there was suddenly lots of interest. No one had ever heard of it, in fact, and most folks really liked it. Only two were a little 'so-so', and since we ended up selling 24 patties it wasn't bad at all. In fact, I made a nice profit. The pie had quite a bit of interest as well, sold four pieces, covering my expenses, and handed a few pieces out for free rather than having to haul the thing back home. I liked the responses on the overall, seeing as this experiment was partly to find out if folks would like the taste, should I decide to explore this in the future. Another success was my pumpkin chutney sauce, which several folks wanted to buy (hadn't prepared for that). Heck the same went for the yogurt sauce. On the overall I think that most folks liked the chickpea patties best. I am thinking of trying out my white bean pattie recipe there too, see how that one works, and in the end maybe even the lupine patties. We'll see.

There were quite a few funny moments. Like when the spoiled English girl came and demanded of her parents to have Disney's Cinderella music box we had on display. Then, while her parents were otherwise occupied, she came back to check if we were holding it back for her, and I talked her into trying the chickpea burger. You should have seen her face. Seriously, there was pruning involved. I think she was expecting something sweet because she kept it between her teeth like some sort of poisonous animal. Hah. I held up a napkin so she could get rid of it, and watched her dash off with a chuckle.

There was the English fella who looked fascinated, but admitted being nervous about trying it, so he didn't. Had to laugh about that, too. I get it, of course, everywhere folks warn not to eat from stands like ours from fear of Hep, or whatever, but still, the "I want to but I don't dare" expressions are hilarious.

Tenant's family, smartly spending the last few hours of their time in Spain at the beach came by as well. Funny Beach Marbella is definitely a good spot to have a bit of family fun, and from the look of them they liked it.
Since I had Knight II (he wasn't doing so well. Lost one or two of his stitches, meaning another trip to the vet) with me, Cousin Ed was the only one who went for a swim with them. Next week I'm going to do a dip as well, maybe swimming a mile, or so...might as well get some exercise done, right.

Sold two of my tie dyes, too, along with one of mom's purses and some second hand stuff. So, all in all, not a bad day, despite the fact that we didn't finish loading until seven and weren't home until a quarter to eight. Yikes. That was a long day, but since at the last possible moment we sold three more packets of burgers, it was well worth it. Hah.
Once at home, we unloaded, ate some of the food big brother made and I ended up reading another chapter in the paper edit, yay! Going well that way, dude. Wish all the edits went like that.

Right, well, yesterday dealt with Saturday was...well busy as usual. Woke up pretty much wrecked due to the Knight. He kept crawling on top of me. I think he was making up for the five days at the hospital, for crying out loud.
The normal chores got done, of course. Some Spanish, too, and tenant's family came for their second to last visit, meaning that this was the last time to show them the kitchen in progress, and the yard...or at least the parts of it that they hadn't seen yet. Hah.

Loaded up the wagon, as usual, got everything in right before we had to go out and get a donation from town, which kept us away from home for more than four hours. Took a while to load, you know, despite the fact that it wasn't all that much. It was just a lot of sorting, and, naturally, lots of stuff that's better to toss than try to sell. Folks just don't like to pay for something that is broken, meaning that about seventy percent of stuff that we get donated ends up at the garbage regardless or is used by ourselves until it is really unusable. What we can save can pay for more dog stuff, right? Luckily we don't need much for ourselves. Basic food, as in, nothing precooked, is healthier anyway.

Which reminds me, when my kitchen is done (are you noticing that I am totally obsessing about this? Hah) I will be making my infamous vegetable bread again. Really dudes and dudedettes, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Finished yesterday by editing the first chapter, thank you very much, and then passed out for the night.

Which brings us to today, doesn't it? Nothing really fascinating, actually. Grandpa was nice enough to haul my future kitchen tiles down to my terrace already. This way, I'll be able to start just as soon as I've got a minute.
For me, the day involved driving most of the time. First there was Knight's visit to the vet, and her being too busy, so I had to come back later on. She suggested that if I couldn't today, I could come back tomorrow or the day after, but I rather have it over and done with, so I told her I'd be there.

Then I had to drop of my computer, which took forever. Got to hang out at the gadget store for quite a bit and drooled over Kindles and iPads, and particular this wonderful camera that literally made my eyes cross with the whopping price of 497 euros. Yikes! So not taking up that old hobby again, unless I get a really, really nice present from my imaginary sugar daddy. Hah.

But anyway, picked up another small donation. Nothing suited for the market, but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Then, after unloading the few groceries we did at home, it was back out again for me to visit the vet's and have Knight treated.
My turn didn't come until 45 minutes later, but I spent my time chatting with this nice English lady and her daughter with a German Shepherd and three puppies. And then, after Knight was stitched up and we waited for him to wake up I talked with the vet's temp assistant. A nice Spanish fella who graduated from vet school nine months ago, whose girlfriend is English and whose interests lean toward anesthetics. This is the first intern I actually like. Very friendly, and doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, which doesn't happen often. A nice fella. I hope he sticks around, even if he is still wet behind the ears. Heck, the fact that Knight didn't even growl at him (which he always does when it concerns new men approaching him) ones says a lot. I don't think that's ever happened before.

Well anyway, I stopped at the pharmacy afterward to pick up the antibiotics for Empera and Kollosus, and decided to drive back through the woods, rather than risk sleepiness over the normal road. Hard to get sleepy when you're bouncing all over the road, hah.

The doggies are looking at me pitifully. It's time for bed, and I'm more than ready to go there. Hah.

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