
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cooking up a whirl

Song of the day: “Things” still, by Robbie Williams and Jane Horrocks. Good song.
Woke at the alarm, as usual, of course. (I’m referring to yesterday, in case you’re wondering.) There were the normal chores, such as the average laundry of two batches per day. Feeding the dogs too, of course. Knight II doesn’t like it at all that he’s not allowed to eat along with the rest of them. In fact he’ll be in my cabin standing behind the glass door, trampling like some impatient horse. *sigh* Poor darling.

The paper edit is gradually progressing, still, despite all the distractions. We’re at a third, more or less, so that’s not bad. I’m pleased about what the last two edits achieved, I’ll admit. I’m finding very few typos and the glaring mistakes are gone. The changes now are semantics on the most part, which is incredibly good.

Big brother managed to fix the adapter of the computer, so we saved ourselves an odd forty bucks. Yay. Stupid plug didn’t work, so he had to attach a new one for it to work properly.
Managed to do some work in the kitchen. Tiled part (both cousin Ed and I did, anyway) of the walls, cleaned debris from the floors, and then had to abort right in the middle of that because we had to do a pickup.

Sally isn’t doing all that well. In fact, she is getting mighty snappy because she constantly forgets why certain things have to be done in a particular way. Like today she was all upset because she didn’t get a painkiller when she wanted one, and had completely forgotten yesterday when I’d found her with stomach pain because she’d been mixing up her medication. So we agreed that she wouldn’t control any of her pills, but let grandpa handle it completely. Since she’d forgotten all that, she was a tad upset this afternoon until I’d explained the whole thing once more. Very troublesome when someone’s memories start failing them. There are times when she is completely disoriented, not to mention upset. Like yesterday, before the pill discussion. She hadn’t taken a shower in more than a week, and when I asked her why not, she promptly started crying. Turns out that she worries so much about the effort it takes to see to that chore, that by the time she should be stepping under the shower, she’s basically scared herself out of it. I am well familiar with the problem, having seen it before. You can’t give into stuff like that, because if you start giving up on the most basic stuff, you will soon be left with nothing. *sigh*

But anyway. I’ve got a new hat. Fabric, this time, a bit Ausie, I think. I’ll have to take a picture when I try it on, eh? While I got my hat, I was also able to pick up my computer at the store and get this, they figured out the problem: The (hold your breath) battery (really, you would never have guessed) is (I couldn’t believe it) broken!!!
Seriously, why else did I bring it there, for crying out loud. A year and a half, and the battery dead. And that while I followed instructions and drained the battery completely every time before loading it again. *double sigh* And of course the battery’s warranty only lasts 6 months, meaning I’m screwed and in need of a new battery. Grrr.

Cooking, yesterday involved red cabbage with mashed potatoes, while today we had the same mashed potatoes with cauliflower. Both worked well enough when it concerned hunger, thank you very much.

Spent several hours in the kitchen, by the way. Made three batches of burgers. One on a lentil basis, one on white beans and one on chickpeas. All three worked out well, and each left me with 26 burgers for selling, while the remainder will be enough for the testers.

Also made two chutneys, an eggplant curry and the same pumpkin chutney of last week. No pie this time…at least, not yet. I might change my mind later, but we’ll have to see how it goes.

We had to load up the Land Rover today. Normally we do that on Saturday, for the Sunday market, but we’re going to try the market on Saturday as well, so that means a day earlier. Took a bit, but we’re getting a hang of it now.

Sonia is doing a teeny weenie bit better. There seems to be less paralysis in her back legs, and her pain is less severe as well. Phew. Luckily. Let’s hope she’ll be as good as new within a few days, because this was a big fright.

Well, that’s it for me. It’s been a long day, and I need to be up again in less than seven hours. Before I hit the sheets, I’ll be an hour further along at the very least, darn it! I’m goin’! I’m goin’ already. Grrrr.

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