
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cowboying up

Song of the day…well, who gives a darn, there have been way too many songs in my head lately.

So, like I said the other day. I’m in the UK. More or less a favor to a friend, (while at the same time dreading small cramped spaces during winter at home) to help out for the next few months with the animals. It’s…a challenge, I’ll say that much for it.

I’ve had panic attacks, regrets, as in “What the hell did I agree to so far away from my doggies” but I have reached that point where I can say to myself, “You agreed to this. Cowboy up, learn what you can and do your best”. Nothing else to do, really. I can complain about it. I can whine. I can even cry about it. Doesn’t change anything. This is life and you have to live with the choices you make. Cause and effect, and all that stuff. Consequences are a bitch...the only advantage is that once you realize it, it allows you to resign in it...though I still miss my doggies like mad, and I really, really need those talks online at night, visuals and texts with big brother grandpa...basically everything at home. Saw Knighty boy tonight. He was looking up, somewhat lazily at the computer big brother aimed at him. He didn't recognize the tinny voice as mine, I fear.
Apparently Sitabah and Dax are doing well enough. They join big brother on his bed during the night (despite the lack of space) while the Knight will pick the corridor...with cool's hot over there, naturally. Hard to remember...NOT.

Anyway, the trip went well enough. Was at the airport a little early, but then big brother couldn’t find a parking space, so when I was done checking in, I stood there in the terminal a long time, waiting, and then we had that whole uncomfortable goodbye, where neither of us wanted to get all emotional-like. We did the whole. You take care bit, and then parted ways…only to end up texting that we’d miss each other…what can I say, we’re a bit emotionally stinted. Hah.

Anyway, the flight had a twenty minute delay…had a nice chat with a fella from Wales, about English weather and airlines. Was fun while we stood there in the flight corridor, which was sweltering hot under the Spanish sun. They told me that I couldn’t take my carryon, because my purse was too big, jeez, but then they let me on (without paying an extra 55) anyway because I’d already paid for two suitcases, and the checkout should have mentioned it. The lady said I was supposed to leave my suitcase at the door, so they could load it into the cargo hold, but I was too scared to leave it there, since it held my computer and everything, so when the stewardess didn’t say anything I just took it on board and stowed it overhead.
We survived the flight, obviously.

The flight went well. I had two fourteen year old girls beside me, giggling and talking all the while…spent my time reading some Indie book I downloaded. Seriously, I’m d1oubting whether I will do a review on this one. It’s an endless chain-link of one-liners, repetition of names and B-movie style descriptions. It just made me laugh…in-between winces of my behind turning to wood from the three hour flight. *sigh*

My arrival in the UK was to a sky dotted with clouds…still it was relatively dry what with there being very little rain this summer. I didn’t mind that. The air was rather nippy (I came from scorching heat, remember) but I’d come prepared with flannels and a really bad raincoat. Luckily it didn’t rain. It took me a while to locate the right taxi company. Turns out that the one I was aiming for (due to the internet) went out of business 3 years ago. Hah.

Anyway, the driver was a nice fella with this massive square black beard, and he talked the entire way. It was nice. We had a compatible interest. Movies and books. By the time we arrived on location, we had given each other multiple recommendations. Was good. Kept me from thinking at least.

As to the last few days. I’ve been trying to keep busy, got reacquainted with the dogs…the majority recognized me, at least, and the rest will come in the near future…and…well, kept busy, which is my biggest priority, since whenever I don’t I’ve got a panic attack.

As for the UK…it is green, people. At least compared to Spain. Hah.
Had a shopping spree for power tools. Seriously, I can’t stand seeing someone without the proper tools to at least the basics. I mean seriously, no one wants to go and call someone to change a light bulb. It just doesn’t work. You need tools, you need supplies…that’s what I came here for.
But then, my friend Emma has been setting up house just shortly, and that is always difficult.

Will need to get better winter clothes. Also Wellies, vital here in the UK, and a gooooooood coat, which is not something one ever thinks to need in Spain. *sigh* Also a proper hat.

Anyway, I am learning to cope, and have decided to look at this as a learning period, if nothing more. Only one way to find out about the UK, right? Always was interested in that, and this is my chance. Yay!
Gotta go. It’s late.

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