
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

That's life... or something resembling it.

It was a long day, one that followed a particularly short night of just five hours since I didn’t manage to hit the sack until after six AM and woke, without chance of falling back to sleep when it was still two hours before my usual waking time.
My dreams were troubled, remnant memories of events from past and present mixed up with enough realism to make me wonder if they were dreams at all, or actual occurrences, instead.

I was restless for some reason, edgy too, and rather than wallow in it, I decided to use the energy instead of doing nothing. Fifty minutes of intense exercise followed; involving jumping about, gyrating to music, lifting weights, punching the boxing bag full force and then continuing to kick it until every single muscle in my body ached and whined in protest. Wonderful, though admittedly I almost tore a muscle somewhere when Knight II, the Great Dane, decided to slip past my rising leg and proceeded to make me change course mid-movement, lest I hit him in the ribs, full force.

Drenching in sweat, and more than ready for a hot shower what with the chill cooling my skin until it feels frozen, I head towards the patio, where a choir of screaming dogs welcomes me on my way to the bathroom. I soak up the warm water for a good ten minutes, before returning to the living area and booting up my computer for the day’s first session.

Hot coffee does an excellent job of making me warm, inside and out as I go over the messages of the day. That done and with big brother’s arrival we start to work on the latest book project, concerning the preparation of the next manuscript submission of my “No Escape from Rising Sun” series.

A detailed synopsis is required for this particular publisher we’ve decided upon, so while he gives me the necessary stats of each chapter, I try to write down something legible and basic, without losing the magic that makes up the actual story.
I dislike writing these things; as a matter of fact I detest it. Writing synopses and blurbs are one of the few things I despise about being an author. Just the basics really don’t do any story justice, but it is what the TPs want so that’s what they’ll get.

Hemming and hawing about which little detail is more important to include, we’re working on the dratted synopsis for a good two hours before the time arrives for our studies, that are to prepare us for the evening’s agreed upon lesson in town. Time is passing way too fast, allowing for only forty-five of pounding information into our brains before it is time to get ready and depart.

We just barely make it out the door for said lessons around five in the afternoon. We are most relieved to find the class rooms practically empty and spent two hours behind the school’s computers to fill in test after test until my brain feels like mush from multiple choice questions. I hate those things, especially when it involves trick questions where all the answers are basically right, but only one is the answer that is required. In all honesty, my fingers itch for a rewrite of the lesson material every time I read them.
I sometimes wonder if these lessons are specifically designed to drive me crazy.
The sentencing, the prose… it makes me shiver just thinking about it. I’m not a spelling freak, but this really drives me bonkers.

But that’s okay, this lesson comes to an end the way it always does, allowing me to put it aside by the time we get home and eat a simple dinner prepared by little sister.

The rest of the night is spend fine-tuning the synopsis… or as I like to call it, “the fine-tuning madness”… leaving me feeling completely empty and barely able to form a single coherent sentence for today’s recount. So I’ll leave it at this for now and hope that tomorrow will bring some inspiration for a proper blog... I should be able to come up with something a little more original than just prattling on about "just another day".
Personal messages need to be answered and some basic fun is waiting before the night comes to an end… hopefully sooner than it has for the past week or so.

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

Wow-- busy! I love the exercising thing, although my house is too small, too messy, and too crowded for me to do that now! (Which is why I'm on my way out for a walk!)

I hate writing the synopsis... I'm pretty sure the reason I don't have a publisher yet is because I do such a craptastical job of it!

Re: Gay rights--in America, things like access to medical benefits, wills, living wills (right to die in extreme illness), child custody and property laws all depend on the little 'legally married' piece of paper. That's pretty much why it's such a big deal:-) (And thanks for the comment on the blog!!!)