
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Writing VS Gardening and... stuff.

The day arrives bright and shiny once again. On days such as these I remember why we went to live in Spain, since it are days such as this one that bring out all the advantages and make me remember how horribly dark and wet the winters of my childhood were, and how beautifully bright they are here.

Though always eager to go outside, the dog obviously love good weather and it is visible as I see them bounce off the porch, heading towards freedom while yapping noisily.
Today my eyes don't cooperate again, the lids heavy with sleepiness as I stretch and yawn in hopes of putting some life in my tired limbs and head that is simply too fuzzy for coherent thought.

A glance around my cabin shows me that I really should be doing some cleaning, but I decide to go to the house instead and leave cleaning up 'till later on.
Once in the coutryard, it becomes clear that more laundry needs to be put up -younger sister's doing, really, and I'm not entirely certain whether I appreciate the washed laundry waiting for me at least five times a week, hah- and dry needs to be taken down for folding.

Since today is a rest day, for as far as exercise is concerned, I get to the chores immediately, rather than postpone... and inevitably forget it. It isn't as bad as I always fear it is, though, and less than an hour later I once more settle behind my computer with a coffee beside me and a cigarette in hand.

Focusing still is no easy task, but after some chats on my regular forums, I feel bolstered enough to open the Sci-Fi file and get to work. Though the spirits of inspiration aren't as generous today as they were yesterday, I manage a solid two pages while still interacting with big brother about the proof-reading he's doing for part one of the series. Some inconsistencies are going to need my attention for sure, but still, he complains less than I'd anticipated when knowing that I had never edited this particular story yet.

The working title breaks it up for him... just like it does me, every time I work on it.
When I started writing this particular tale, I couldn't decide on a name for the alien species that are the protagonists of the story, but after some intense discussion a perfect name is decided upon at long last
Ashtah-Mahk. The beings of the source of Ashtah, warriors by nature and refugees by fate. It suits! The title is going to be wonderful with this name. Catchier, I'm thinking, more intense.

The Chronicles of the Ashtah-Mahk:
Samaya Young

Yes, that'll work well with the story and its multitude of characters. Already I see the story become less abstract, if for no other reason than that there is power in these words. "The Berillians" really didn't fit and it has been a working title for years, just because I couldn't come up with a proper name for these wonderful people that needed something to give them "body".

The sequel is coming along nicely now, and for a moment I actually regret having to put aside writing in favor of going out to finally plant the trees and vines we bought last month. With the pack howling and barking all around, the family and I head into the garden, gathering tools and plants alike as we look at the rock face in front of which the yearling Eucalypts are supposed to be placed.

To our delight the ground is moist from the deluges that we've been forced to endure for the past few week, allowing for easy digging, as rich soil has gathered into a thick dark layer against the gray rock. Perfect for the young trees that look somewhat pathetic right now, but will grow fast and strong within just a few years- the way all the other trees we planted over the years have done.

While big brother starts to dig, little brother and I haul rocks towards the intended places, circling the newly dug holes so that when summer arrives and the trees need water, they'll have some storage place that'll see them through the dryest days.

What with hauling rocks and digging a large hole for the remainder of the four trees personally, I decide that I have had my exercise of the day anyway, giving a certain feeling of accomplishment when we finish and look at what we've done. The four trees sway gently in the wind that has started to drop down from the north, the sun a bright orb just behind the mountain which will hide it's final descend in just minutes.

A jasmine vine now sires the side of my cabin, too, while Honeysuckle will be allowed to twine into the fence surrounding the carport. Except for five Yucas still awaiting planting, we are done for the day and head into the house with the dogs streaming around us like a river of fur.

Time for dinner has arrived, and after examining the ever decreasing supplies, I decide to make stirr fried veggies mixed with noodles that'll make up for a nice Asian dish.

The thing I love about Asian cooking is the fact that it is easy and fast, while still nourishing the body and filling the stomach. With the vegetables still crisp, the spices just perfect it makes for an excellent meal... or it would have if my stomach didn't object halfway through my serving, hah.

As the evening draws on, the dogs are fed and quietly snoozing in front of the gas heaters exhausted from their noisy jaunt into the yard, my own eyes start to droop once again. What with big brother working on the Asthah-Mahk manuscript and a rerun of House on the TV, I decide to close my eyes for a bit... only to wake up in the chair I picked, with Mosha, the sweetpea cocker, in my lap and my left arm sleeping painfully by the time I rouse myself enough to watch Medical Examiners (aka, Crossing Jordan). The show has become better as time past, but also lost something of its intensity, I think. Sometimes it is downright comical... and not in a good way.

The rest of the evening is spent splitting my attention between the dogs, the lousy shows that continue play on the TV and discussing the book with big brother. He's almost halfway through in just two days, so soon we'll be able to start sending it out to a publisher.

I am actually relieved when midnight passes and it is time for me to go to my cabin. I am weary, and even now my eyes continue to droop, while I'm writing this down.

A quick sweep of the floors with the broom is all I manage to muster the energy for, before I settle on the bed for a quick write and some messages.

The day has come to an end, and I'm glad for it. Tomorrow will arrive soon enough.

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