
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Forum distractions. Hah!

Not much time today to write a Blog, I got terribly distracted on the forums, which is turning out to be a horrible addiction, for as far as time is concerned.

Let’s see, I cheated again this morning, so I’ll start there.
Once I let the dogs out, I flop back in bed and snooze for another forty minutes before I head on out to the house, carrying my laundry with me and knowing full well that it is a good thing that today is not a workout day for me.

There’s a chilly wind coming from the north, drying the air and thus the laundry on the lines, promising me a full hour of taking it all down, folding it and hanging a new batch that will hopefully be dry tomorrow, because the piles near the laundry machine has been piling up considerably during the past few days when nothing would dry.

It actually takes me up to seventy minutes to get it all done, even with big brother pitching in with the folding, but in the end I manage to feed Yadzia, have a quick bite myself and then set the computer up for today’s editing session.

I find myself having a hard time concentrating, even though the story is lovely and big brother did a good job of converting it to the 3rd person narrative. My mind keeps drifting and it allows me to only edit about seven pages during the course of the afternoon.

Since there’s enough of yesterday’s pizza left, I don’t need to cook today, but stop messing with the computer anyway at the usual time.

Having decided that today is going to be a rest day of sorts, preparing for the coming week where lessons need to be followed, groceries need to be got and another visit to the vet’s is looming, I have a feeling we’re going to need it.

We watch four action packed, recorded episodes from the latest “Prisonbreak” season, thoroughly enjoying the ongoing tale of Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows before I finally drag my butt out of my seat and head for the kitchen to do the dishes and prepare the continuation of the last project: The storage closet.

Using and old shelve that came off the wall, I place it in the corner where the closet is going to hang, and then continue to prop canned goods under it until the heavy piece of furniture reaches the height I want it to have.

Next, I drill holes through the wood, remove the closed and drill holes in the brick corner, before big brother comes to help me prop the thing off so we can bolt it to the wall.
Middle sister comes down to help me paint the closet with primer, and the evening draws to a slow end that has me heading up to my cabin around my usual time.

Like I said at the beginning, I get distracted on the forums. They are a lot of fun, and when a subject, which is certainly one that I take to heart, comes up, I just have to throw in my bit…which turns out to take up a page or two. Hah.
Shame on me, but it’s so much fun. This particular subject was about romances, and being an avid reader of it, while writing in the genre as well, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut…or fingers still, in this case.

So here’s what had me distracted:

”Ooookay, this romance bit needs a separate post for sure. You guys won't believe it, but I've got an opinion about it that which is just chomping at the bit to come out. LOL. I know it hardly ever happens, but there it is. ;-)

Right...I'll call this my rant, then. *snort*
First of all, a good love/sex scene that fits into a story, is tastefully done, meaning not just about A going to B (or in this case into...ehm, you get my drift) can really add to a good developed story, so basically I have nothing against them.

I've been reading romance novels for up to fifteen years now, you could say I'm slightly addicted, and yeah some of "the scenes" are totally awesome, but I have been noticing some disturbing changes of late in the genre of romance novels.

They're getting more explicit, like instead of...okay going into an analogy here...instead of sitting in a cozily lit living room, with atmospheric lights that make everything look, well, pretty, the romances are now going on in what I can only describe as fast-food joint lighting. Instead of welcoming you in, it just slams you in the face, and makes you want to leave ASAP...detailed scenes, often without a single emotional motivation.

Now, I admit that there is a place and time for anything, and a steamy, gritty scene against the wall, in the bathroom and who-knows where can fit into a story just fine but when I get details about bodily fluids going every which way (I know, gross example, but I did read it on occasion...and it wasn't in "another genre" *clears throat*), basic natural urges being satisfied and then described as "love" I'm like...Huh? Where did that come from? The characters just had head-banging sex after exchanging their names and they're talking about love? Uh-huh. Ooohkay. Whatever you say. Very unromantic if they've been had at "Hello". LMAO.

Also, I don't particularly like the new trend that's going on with "accurate" naming of A and B. I mean, I didn't like the "his throbbing lance" scenes any better, but at least that was remotely literary. It got the idea across just fine, rather than forcing me to open a medical lexicon in order to get a clear description. LOL. It's also very unromantic, IMO. A wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am with a complete stranger who "looks really hot" doesn't really get me...ehm...involved, if you get my meaning?

That isn't to say I want a romance to follow the cliche trail of, boy meets girl (or the other way 'round), they date, get married and do the deed on their wedding night, (described or not) but awesome sex does not automatically mean romance to me...since we're talking about romance novels, hehehe...there are exceptions, of course, but they are rare and far in between.

The best example for me is C. Feehan. She was always pretty descriptive, and in the Carpathian stories it did have it's place, even when I didn't entirely agree with it, but now...OMG! Might as well read hard porn...and they're getting longer, too, which is like. TMI! TMI! All that sticks in my mind is "the scene" rather than a story that is pretty darn awesome, which sorta ruins the effect.

I'm no prude and I've pretty much read anything there is to read about the theme, but there are times when the blatant exposure of a variety of anatomically correct body parts makes me long for the "they kiss, the door closes and...the next morning" type of stories. Not often, but sometimes. ;-)

It's a bit hypocritical of me, I know, since I too write...ehm...explicit scenes sometimes, but I do always try to give it some emotional impact too, which a lot of today's romance novelists appear to forget in their latest works. There seems to be an overall fashion trend that there needs to be "more" of everything, more detail, more explicit description, which takes away a bit of the magic...for me anyway.
It leads to a dead end of sorts, I guess. Once one has reached the top there's only one way to go, and that's just basic physics in the end.

That isn't to say I want the "love" scenes out of books, which was probably the purpose of your post, now that I think of it, ::-) sorry, got on a roll here. *sigh*
I don't want them out of romances, I just want the return of some atmospheric lights.”

Like I said, fun! So I thought I might as well post it here as well, even though the writing style is very different.

Ah well, it allowed me to put in a full post without taking as much time as I usually do, so…on to bed.

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