
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Imagination becoming reality.

I feel weird when I wake up this morning, my head is somewhat fuzzy, and I’m feeling completely disoriented when the monster wakes me five minutes before the alarm goes off.
Off balance, I debate my actions as I toss the dogs out of the cabin and then decide to crawl back into bed for forty minutes extra, hoping that the lethargy I’m feeling will get less debilitating from some more sleep.

My head hits the pillow and the next thing I know the alarms screeches, announcing that I was off the world the moment I closed my eyes. There were no dreams, the dogs are gathered around my bed looking up pitifully, envious of those that managed to get on, and I get up to dress for the day. I hate being unconscious in a nap that serves best when slumbering in dreams. Slumber allows time to drag on, while unconsciousness makes me feel as if I haven’t slept at all.

Workout day: I was thoroughly in the mood for it last night, and yet for some reason that mood has evaporated during the night, making me drag my feet as I head for the house and prepare for today’s session. It isn’t until warm up is over and done with that I finally get into the spirit of things, attacking the boxing-bag full force.

The thing sways back and forth helplessly, noisy thuds mixing with squeals of the metal hooks that keep it attached to the ceiling while I punch, kick and pounce my way through today’s workout.

Out of breath from the five-jab session, I take several minutes to regain it, and then move on to the lightweights. With the final knee-pull-ups from the bar that hangs on the ceiling beside the bag, the day’s workout comes to an end and I can head on over to the shower for several minutes of scorching hot water, washing away perspiration.

Pleasantly weary, I make Yadzia a quick breakfast and then have my own before I start on today’s writing. It took a lot of cutting into the original story, but I finally manage to get the first draft done and chuckle my pleasure when I press the punctuation mark that announces the ending.

Finishing a story is always a pleasure, and even yesterday’s horridness can’t change the satisfaction of being able to say, “done”. I’m regretful of the scenes I had to leave out, in particular because they were so damn sweet, but I have a feeling that it works out pretty well in the end. It’s more compact now, basics that will make for an interesting read, without adding a lot of information that is beautiful, yet not required for the story.

Who knows, I might actually work my way back to the original story some day, and then do a full edit on the 1st person style, rather than 3rd person, just to see what the responses will be.

Though the novellas are quick and fun writes, there is a definite downside to them, I’ve found. You get that depressed feeling often due to finishing a story so fast. With a full-length novel it can take years to come to a conclusion of a tale, and therefore the blues will stay away. Ah well, diversity keeps it all interesting, I suppose.

With the novella done, I decide to treat myself with a quick visit to the forums and chat for a bit, thanking everyone for their kind words about Bala’s untimely demise, and get distracted by the younger sibs who wish to know what I intend to cook today.

Considering that I hadn’t even intended on cooking today that question takes me aback for a moment, before I cover it with the rather smart remark, “I was going to check out what’s in storage before I decide.” Hah. No one notices, and after some debate little brother suggests that I make pizza–and enough of it to see us through the weekend, now that our supplies are low, to boot. There simply isn’t enough of it to allow for another cooking session.

Little brother and sister have already started cutting veggies, and by the time I join them, I scrounge through the cabinets to find canned goods to get enough for the toppings. Within record time little sister and I get about two yards of pizza done and thirty minutes later the first portions get served.

There is still the matter of getting used to the gas oven, however, there are some scorched places and the crust is a bit too firm, but the taste is excellent and we go through at least half of the offering before everyone’s stuffed.

Having promised myself to take things easy today, I actually watch the full episode of “The Closer” this evening, before I move on to the kitchen where, with yesterday’s acquisition of wood, the final kitchen storage closet is to be constructed.
I’m actually looking forward to building this thing, wanting to keep my hands and mind busy at the same time.

Middle sister joins me, and within three hours the walls, shelves and top make a wonderfully large storage place that is going to need painting and everything, but is now standing in the kitchen.
We finish around twelve thirty in the night, and I head on up to my cabin to finish the day with the usual Net visits.

I’m in the midst of my session when my computer warns me for a virus. It startles me quite a bit, and after getting off-line for a bit so I can start up my anti-virus program to do a thorough check. The program runs through the files for a solid hour, coming up on five friggin’ worms that have somehow made their way into my computer. Dratted things. Whoever thinks them up is just mean.

I get thoroughly distracted when big brother suddenly calls.
He’s been reading the new story and was curious about the area I wrote about.
Little did he know I’d made it all up, but he is fully excited about my accuracy. I’m quite stunned when he describes the land–he’s looking at images–the wildlife and everything that is mentioned in the book, which fits perfectly in my story.
Who’d have thought that my imagination was even remotely accurate, hah.

At long last we finish talking over the house phone and exchanging Internet addresses that show me the images I’d seen in my head alone for quite some time, until the night draws to an end, and it’s time for me to get ready for bed.

Tomorrow I’ll probably start working on the 1920’s story, so that should be interesting.

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