
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Busy days continue.

Gawd, I’m running so late I don’t know how I’m going to manage today’s recording, so I’m just going to let the fingers fly and see where it leads.

Started off already running late. I really need to find a different alarm clock; it’s so hard to find just the right spot for it to go off when I want it to. Though it was late going off, I still could have turned over and snoozed the day away if there weren’t more pressing matters to take care off.

I really ought to do my workout today, but every fiber in my body protests at the mere thought, making me decide to skip it and stop worrying about it. The schedule this week is atrocious to say the least, so the way I figure, slackening the reigns just a bit won’t do much harm.

A big stash of laundry is waiting for me in the laundry room, and the lines, which are overfull, need to be sorted through in hopes of getting at least a moderate amount of semi-dry stuff. The air has been moist and chilly for days now, so denims have to stay up while sheets and Tees can be taken down, at least creating enough line-space for the three new batches.

While I’m lugging the piles inside and start folding, I have tricked myself long enough and quickly change into workout clothes so I can start on today’s exercises before the brain starts objecting again. It is really the only way that works, convincing myself to skip the day and then doing them anyway, that way I don’t have to go through the hassle of convincing myself to actually do them.

It goes well, even though jumping still hurts. By the time I reached eighty I had to stop for a minute to massage the throbbing knee and then shake it off to move on to the next routines. Luckily punching, jabbing and anything with the upper body is no longer a problem, so I rigorously go through that particular part of workout, before doing the stomach exercises along with some mild leg movements that don’t put too much strain on the sore knee.

Seventy minutes after commencing, I’m done and head for the shower hot and sweaty even though the air is pretty chilly. The best exercises make me forget that it’s a cold day, so this one definitely went well.

Yadzia gets his food and the painkiller, after which I eat a few slices of bread, pour my coffee and head for the table to set up the computer while grandpa and big brother continue to discuss today’s topic.

Now, it would be a marvelous subject to write about in today’s Blog, but since it’s a big one, I’m going to have to save it for later lest I’m still writing an hour from now, just to get it all down.

I’m even more behind, since the exercise session took longer than an hour, and since I won’t be able to get any writing done in the hour that is left to me before I need to get ready to depart, I decide to get online for a quick round of the messages and chat forums.

Before I know it, I need to hurry on up to the cabin for a change of clothes and fifteen minutes later settle in the car with big brother and little sister as we head for town. While I will be dropped off at school the two of them will pay a visit to several stores…grocery day! Yay…Not!

Since I only have an hour, at most, I head for the computers immediately, going over the errors I made in previous tests and then adding three thirty question tests more before my time’s up. I just barely manage to ask the teach one question–as it turns out the computer had it wrong–when through the open doors I can see the truck already waiting for me on the curb.

We head for Iceland next. Frozen veggies are so much cheaper there that it pays to buy large supplies in one visit, that will see is through the next couple of weeks, if not longer. That done we drive half a block down the road, to a department store. I need some new underwear, and though it takes some searching, I do finally find what I need in the right designs hidden under atrocious patterns and colors.

I end up with black and white polka dots (yuck) and bright red. Definitely not my taste, but at least they’re the right kind, hah. Since this is the second bargain month, lots of prices are down, so big brother manages to pick up four sets of linen trousers that will get him through the summer, and little sister finds shorts for herself and middle sister, along with two T-shirts for little brother. After we’re all set and pay for our purchases, we head back out to the car in the misty rain that’s started up.

Our regular supermarket is running low on supplies, but except for fresh produce and bread we manage to stock up on pretty much everything we need, and some extras since this month’s “tryout” section is offering a large selection of Asian goodies that are so damn cheap that we decide to buy enough to get us through at least a month of wonderful experimental cooking.

Sweet and sour sauces, curries, coconut milk, mango chutneys all for decent prices for a change. Delicious! I see some wonderful meals coming up in the near future, and little brother will be just as thrilled.

Though closing time is rapidly approaching we still need to get our fresh produce, and head back the way we came to a different supermarket, farther into town that shares prices similar to the one we frequent. Strangely enough that one is low on supplies to, but we manage to get most of what we need anyway. It won’t hold for two to three weeks, but one should be doable.

By the end of this fourth store, my feet (and knee) are killing me–I was stupid enough to pick my high-heeled boots for today–so by the time we’re heading back home my feet are tingling from the strain and more than ready to kick up in some decent relaxation.

The first thing I do when arriving at the house is change into more comfortable shoes and clothes, and then the fun part starts: Unloading. It takes a joint effort to get the multitude of bags down to the kitchen, and up to an hour to get everything stored in the right place (oh man, I love the new kitchen, even all the extras we bought today don’t overflow the supply closet shelves) before we all release a relieved sigh and declare ourselves done.

Leftover pizza from yesterday fills our empty stomachs effectively, and while we put on a rented DVD, I get out the sewing kit to repair some holes in my sweater while I watch. No sense in just sitting there doing nothing when I might as well keep my hands busy.

“The Forbidden Kingdom”. It was much better than I’d expected. Sort of like an older movie with characteristics that, for some reason remind me of “The Never Ending Story”. I actually enjoyed it, even though it made me half an hour later heading on up to my cabin.

After I’ve fed the dogs, giving Yadzia his kibble and tuna mix before supplying him with his painkiller (the medicine can’t be given on an empty stomach) I go through a rushed evening ritual of reading and then changing into the pjs before I finally settle behind the computer to finish the evening off.

One more lesson tomorrow, and then the dreaded exam day has arrived once more. Ah well…we’ll see how it goes.

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