
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Strange dream and some rambling.

A strange dream flashed past this night. I remember running over rooftops during the night. Corrugated aluminum surfaces thundering under my feet, I leap, miss and slide down the sharp incline only to manage to catch myself just barely before the end of canted surface.
Breathing hard I lay there on the edge, staring at the starlit sky, wondering how the heck I’m going to get off the roof when a strange sound from my right startles me. I turn my head and see this woman, dressed in what appears to be a joker outfit. She is climbing some sort of street lantern, which starts to bend like a reed until she’s hanging right beside me, upside down. She’s laughing like a lunatic and I’m just grimacing as I look from her, down to the ground that’s at least nine feet below me.
Now, I don’t know what the heck that means, but it sure was weird. Hah.

I’m a little late this morning, for some reason I set the alarm wrong last night, but since today is not an exercise day anyway, and I was dreadfully late getting to sleep it really doesn’t matter. I hurry through the morning rituals, getting some reading done and then head to the house so I can feed Yadzia his breakfast, and give him his pain medicine.

That done, I have my own and watch the coffee percolate distractedly, needing my caffeine boost pretty bad, since I can’t stop yawning. Talk between big brother and grandpa becomes more animated with every second. Today’s subject appears to be Socialism and the way it is rapidly taking over the world.

Strange how this particular movement is gaining ground when it is basically communism wrapped in a new word. Everyone seems to forget that the worst dictators through history come from extreme left. Napoleon was for the people, Saddam, Castro and then I’m not even mentioning the disaster of communism in China and the former USSR. Heck, I believe even Hitler started out in a labor party.
Gawd, all those folks started out with the promise of a better world for all and look where it led. Eeewwww.

It proclaims caring for all, along with equality that will allow everyone, whether they work hard or not, to live in the same amount of comfort, meaning that those who work their butts off are working solely to provide for those who don’t. Talk about misguided and sneaky. Taking away wealth from the “evil” capitalists to give it to the people and then it turns out that “the people” really just means those at the top of the power chain. Smart on their part, I have to admit.

Sure, for those who don’t like to work hard it is certainly the answer since they’ll get their money no matter what, but for those who work hard to provide for their families, it is promising to be hell on earth. I mean, a social safety net is all nice and fine, but you can overdo it. There are lots of people out there who would much rather sit on their butts and get that monthly check in without effort on their part.

As is usually the case with socialism and communism, taxes for the rich (or richer) will go up, making working hard a rather useless endeavor, since you’re loosing too much of it to taxes demanded from you to support those who can’t…or won’t. For those who can’t it’s perfect, for those who won’t, well, it’ll just breed laziness, doesn’t it?
I mean, seriously, why make a million dollars through hard work when half of that will go to taxes? Might as well work less, make less and loose less when it’s all said and done.

If the upcoming trend continues to grow with present speed, I see a world rapidly degrading because there are not all that many people willing to work hard without some form of compensation. Besides, taking money from the rich (the way CNN so grandly compared it with Robin Hood the other day…idiots) and using it for present needs rather than investing it in endurable companies that’ll provide work and products for the future, is like pissing it all away. Sure, everyone will have their cake right now, but once you’ve drained the so-called rich, what then?

But enough of the ramble, such thoughts tumble through my mind at random, and I dismiss them so I can set up my computer and get to work.
It doesn’t go well today, I fear. I sit behind the monitor for hours and only manage a page or three without ever getting into the flow I so desperately need.

By the time five in the evening arrives, I give up and head for the kitchen to start on the pizzas I promised to make from what is left of our supplies.
While I start on the dough, little sister arrives and begins cutting the veggies and cheese while I pound and shape the dough until it is ready to be rolled out into the square oven dishes until we’ve got two yards of pizza crust to shove into the oven.

Pre-baking the dough, little brother mixes up a sauce, so little sister and I can start to cover the pies less than ten minutes after they were first shoved into the heat. Sauce, cheese, corn, mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers green beans and more cheese, finished off by spices and herbs before one by one they are returned to the oven and bake until a golden crust forms.

An undeniable success tonight that’s a fact. Six feet of dinner rapidly dwindles down to three. The leftovers are bound to feed us through the next couple of days. No more cooking for me in the near future, hah. This is a good thing, since today’s little exploit took almost two hours…but it was worth it, every delicious bite was.

That done there are some chores to go through, and once I get those done I settle down to watch “Medium”. It has been quite a while since we last saw the final episode of the season, but the new episode certainly offers it’s usual entertainment as the evening rapidly advances and leaves us with “Supernatural” as I get on my computer to do some more work.

This time behind the computer doesn’t go well either, but at least I get some done, if nothing other than editing. Afterwards I do some studying, too. No way around it, really. What has to be done has to be done, nonetheless. I do feel a tad stressed about going for exams again in two days.

Fortuyn has some minor blisters on his skin from yesterday’s accident with the deodorant and gas stoves, and though he is moving about tentatively, he doesn’t seem too badly impaired. He’s probably going to need some ointment to make him a little more comfortable, though.

But anyways…Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day. Lessons, groceries and more groceries, just like every two weeks. I get exhausted even thinking about it…so I won’t, until it actually becomes necessary. Hah.

Oh yes, last night I posted my review for Bitter Moon I: Triane’s Son Rising, by Amy Lane on Amazon. Very nice reading, I’m definitely curious how part two will compare, and if the author likes the review, naturally.
I do have to say that writing a review and an honest one at that isn’t all that easy. It takes time and effort to actually describe a story and the impressions it gives without writing down spoilers. It is an interesting concept, though, and considering that I still need to do several others in the near future that is a good thing.

So tonight I will probably start on a new book to review. Wonder what kind of thoughts this one is going to provoke.

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