
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Deja Vu!

Seems like we’re getting into a pretty steady routine over here. I could probably copy and paste yesterday’s Blog and basically describe today without any effort whatsoever. It would be so easy to do, but it would also feel like cheating, so I won’t.

I got almost eight hours of sleep, (interrupted, naturally, but still) which was a rather peculiar sensation. I kept waking up, wondering why the alarm didn’t go off, hah.
For the dogs there was little different, since they tend to snooze the night away while I’m at my computer doing the evening rituals online. They are their noisy selves when I head to the house to start on the day.

Some laundry gets hung, breakfast is eaten, and while big brother and grandpa go out to get more sand, I get to work on the computer. I’ve written around two pages before they return, and big brother and I review what I’ve typed out before we start on the usual edit.

By the time the sibs arrive we head on out to resume with the wall, knowing full well that we are going to get a large section up to the height we’re aiming for. There’s a slight hiccup when it turns out that the back latch of the truck isn’t working, so little sister and I start hauling rocks again to fill the time with something useful.

While big brother and grandpa work on the latch, little brother tackles a section of clay and rock behind the wall, filling up the empty spaces until we are able to walk behind the massive barrier we’re constructing.
At long last middle sister can start mixing the cement for us and quickly we get to work.

For the next few hours we puzzle with small and large rocks, adding another foot along the length of the structure, until, by the time nightfall arrives, we come to a reluctant halt.

While we take a moment to admire our handiwork, Jelly and Knight II get into a tussle right behind the newly erected section of the wall. I swear, in my mind’s eye I can see the entire structure tumble down while Knight II bursts through it. Luckily we can divert disaster with dire warnings and a few shouts that have both combatants scatter.

After a few snapshots of the entire project, we slowly start making our way into the house, cleaning up and putting away tools while the dogs pound on the food that waits for their arrival.
Our dinner’s waiting, too, mom prepared it and we dig in right after washing off dust and grime.

During the remainder of the evening we watch an episode of “The Closer” and then resume editing, rather than waste more time behind the TV, before I head on up to my cabin.
I spend half an hour cleaning my bathroom…it was starting to look scary in there, hah, and then take out scented wipes to tackle Dax’s neck.

The stupid pocket Beagle ventured out of the yard this morning and found something that smells rather horrid. It’s a musky smell, one that has to do with the herd of goats that frequent the area, and I haven’t been able to pet him all day. Tomorrow I’m going to have to wash him properly, ‘cause it is really pungent. When I first smelled him I gagged.

I always wonder what makes dogs roll around in something vile. No matter how often it happens, I fail to see the attraction. There must be something to it, but I’m thinking that in the end I’ll be grateful not knowing. Hah.

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