
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

More of the same, I guess.

I wake up several times during the night, splitting sleep-time into three pieces, which seems to be the norm of late. There were dreams, but I can’t remember then when I get up to start on the day, interruptions tend to have that effect.

When I get to the house, the dogs are insane, naturally, and they bounce around me while I tackle the laundry and then head inside to have breakfast. Grandpa and big brother are already there and we talk for a bit before they leave to get the sand we should have gotten yesterday.

The weather is still not ideal, clouds are spotting the sky and allowing the sun to shine through only on rare occasions. While they are gone I settle behind my computer and try to write some more for the extra scene that needs to be added. I manage about three pages before they return, at which time big brother and I start on today’s edit.

For several hours we work on it, and then the sibs arrive and we need to head on out into the cloudy afternoon. Since we have to wait for middle sister to prepare the cement, we kill time hauling another load of rocks down into the area where we’re building.

In the midst of it, Chaos, who is constantly sticking his nose in my face (I’m standing perching on a pawl and a pile of rocks to be able to lift the new ones into the courtyard and the dog just love the fact that my face is at their level, aaargh) suddenly loses his balance and tumbles down three feet before coming to a sliding halt on top of the large pile of stones.

More than a little afraid that he has damaged something in the fall–he is rather heavy and cumbrous–I take a few minutes to check everything out. He appears to be fine, so after giving him a good rubbing over the area that scraped across the rocks we get to back work on getting even more rocks.

Finally middle sister starts up the mixer, and we can begin. For several hours we add to the wall, ending the evening with another two feet to the entire length. It is already starting to get too high for little sister, and we still need to add another layer or two before the first section is done. We’re making excellent progress, though…especially with all the interruptions that have occurred over the past few days.

Once done, we have used up at least one load of the truck (makes up about a 2000 pounds, I think) and head into the house for dinner. Yesterday’s oven dishes still have enough for a good meal, (I deliberately made extra) so I put it on the fire while I head to the shower to wash off the grime that has accumulated from dirt-covered rocks and dried cement.

We’re all pretty weary, and it is having its effect on my stomach when I feel the meal playing up less than fifteen minutes after dinner. It’ll be a miracle if I’m able to keep it in; I know that much when I try to distract myself by settling in a chair to watch a recorded episode of “The Mentalist”.

I can’t focus on it, for some reason, and end up picking ticks of the dog before I move to sit at the table with the computer and start on another edit; this time on one of the scenes I wrote the other day because it needs to be inserted into the manuscript.

Though there are some technicalities that need to be altered, it is pretty good, and big brother agrees, even though he can be picky about such things at times. We’re in the midst of page two when I need to hurry to the bathroom to dispose of the contents in my stomach. Such a pity, too, considering that it really was a rather good meal. Grrr.

And on that cheerful note the evening basically comes to an end, leaving me relieved beyond measure that I really don’t have much to report today. Hah.

It is raining again when I head on up to the cabin to feed the dogs and finish up the day.

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