
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just a quick sum-up, I fear.

Gawd, I’m running so late I’m just going to have to do a quick sum-up and be done with it. Darn it, and I had such a wonderful dream to write about, too. Now I’ll have to do that tomorrow, so consider it a rain check.

Ehm, the sum-up then:
Woke right on time for a change, which was a relief. These days something seems to be going amiss every other day. I had a wonderfully exciting dream, which you’ll get to read tomorrow, if everything works out.

The edit was postponed a little, because we had to go to the village, hoping against hope that the construction company would be open. It wasn’t, so we headed up the other side of our mountain to get another load of rocks instead. Got a pretty nice batch, even though the power lines under which we loaded the rocks into the car, gave me a massive headache.

Once we got home and had our breakfast, big brother and I worked on the edit, as usual, and managed six pages, yay, before it was time to head out into the yard for the daily activities.

No building, due to the lack of supplies (dratted holidays) such as sand and cement, so we hauled rocks and piled them up in place so to start fresh on Monday…if all goes well. Moved at least a couple of hundred rocks so the ol’ body was complaining considerably afterwards. Hah.

Dug out part of the natural rock wall we’re covering, at which time it started to rain. Just when we were all out of it, put away the tools and were ready to head inside for dinner, it stopped again, so I spent another fifteen minutes hosing down the wall, behind which sand and clay needs to settle before we can resume building.

Had pizza for dinner…yesterday’s leftovers were more than sufficient, much to the pleasure of the younger sibs. It was delicious, of course.

Afterwards I did more cleaning…it is an ungrateful chore but it needs to be done, and after watching about half an hour of TV just to unwind, big brother and I got back to the edit. We added another two pages to the whole, making today’s number a solid eight again, which is a good day in my book. Hah. We’re rapidly approaching two thirds, and that’s a huge relief.

Treated Bommel’s ear…he’s got another infection in it, poor thing, and of course there were more ticks to be picked off the pack.

And that’s today’s sum-up. I’ll do better in tomorrow, I promise. I’ve got to write that dream down ASAP!

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