
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dream or writing? Take your pick.

Another dream today, which was far less interesting than the last one, really. I mean, seriously, there were no special effects, hot pursuits, shootouts or anything that bears resembles an action flick even remotely. Such a shame, really and not to mention a complete waste of my time. What am I supposed to do with this rather Shakespearean, historically correct excuse of dream? I certainly don’t need it for future projects.

Hmmm. Stupid question, considering I haven’t told about the dream yet…my bad.
So, let me give you a quick sum-up of what the dream entailed.
It bored the life out of me that’s a fact.

A woman, I think her name was Brianna, or something like that. She was young, no more than seventeen, I’m guessing, but since it was the middle ages, she was of course engaged to be married to a man she had never met before.
He was a warrior, I think: A big giant of dude about as emotionally inept as a friggin’ mule and speaking in monosyllables most of the time. He considered marriage an inconvenience that was necessary to gain an heir, and was about twice her age, if not more. (Thus the historically correctness I complained about, aargh.) He was called McHugh…in the dream, in case that wasn’t clear.
The wedding was held, a party thrown and drunk-to-the-bone hubby passed out after consummating the “holy” matrimony.
Grand! I feel soooo honored to have been there to witness it in my dream. Really! I do!
But anyways, Brianna, hopeful that they might have a comfortable life together at least, does her very best to make their relationship work, but finally admits defeat as hubby spends most of his time playing war games and visiting the local…ehm, harlots? I believe they were called that.
So they were married for a bit, he had done his husbandly duty and then spent several years of their lives basically ignoring her.
Then, quite suddenly, (I think I was so friggin’ bored by that time, I was trying to make something romantic out of the story, but who knows? It was still a dream) out of the blue, he realized that he truly did love the young damsel who had, at that time, not entirely voluntary, born him two children…boys, if memory serves me right.
The dude was getting older, realizing that life was finite, yadayadayada, so he starts to wonder, why does the little woman barely even spare me a glance?
Duh! (It cracks me up sometimes the way dreams work)
He tries, rather ineptly…understatement! Considering he still wants his husbandly rights…to woo his wife of several years. But, having been ignored for so long she has hardened her heart and consistently continues to deflect his overtures.
McHugh, gives one last try on the day when a large feast is celebrated at their massive castle. They’ve been married for ten years by than and have four kiddies. I know, birth control, why wasn’t it available. Grrr.
Much older now, and weary due to his pained heart (she’s basically ignoring him at that time) over her continuing coldness, McHugh drops on his knees in front of her, asking her if she cannot find even a glimmer of warmth in her heart for him; her “dear” husband?
She looks at him blandly, barely seeing him and then focuses her gaze, meets his eyes for the first time in years, and says something like: “How can I care for the man who has crushed my heart with indifference for so many years. You killed whatever feeling I might have had for you, McHugh.” (I know, the prose struck me too)
She turned away, leaving her hubby behind, defeated and emotionally crushed as she heads into the great hall to join the festivities.
Later that night the castle burns down and I wake up, figuring that both protagonists died.

Now, I ask you: What is the morale of such a story? I mean, isn’t it utterly depressing? Gawd! Talk about useless stories to experience in a dream. I can’t even use it because I hate endings like that. Aaargh.

Phew. Glad I got that over and done with. On to the day:

I’m gonna skip the morning rituals and laundry, ‘cause let’s face it, the dream was more than enough realism for one day. Hah.

The edit: It is awesome! We have finally reached the previously mentioned love-scene and it was perfectly tasteful when we started on it, but then we went and spiced it up and added humor. I had so much fun!

I’ll give a paragraph for an example, but first I’ll write a short intro into the scene.
They (protagonists) just spend the night doing THE deed and Nina (heroine) wakes up in her most annoying and aggressive personality, Lena, ‘cause of the morning after awkwardness.
Rory (hero) watches her wake up, mentally berating himself for mixing business with pleasure. They talk; her behavior is not friendly, and he is trying to smooth things over. He succeeds, she heads for the shower and when she reappears another personality has taken over: Joey (short for Josephine) who’s straightforward and doesn’t have a grain of modesty in her body.

(Now keep in mind, this is modern, very up-to-date to present standards and maybe a tad…ehm, crude. I want this to come across as humorous, rowdy and from a somewhat male perspective. Hah)

"Rory?" Nina turned around and looked at him questioningly.
The look was enough to let him know that he had been so mesmerized by her reversed striptease that he had failed to hear her speak. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"
"I asked, at what time do we meet with your friends?" she repeated, looking at him thoughtfully as she cocked her head sideways to study his unblinking gaze.
He knew that she saw the desire burning fiercely, but found himself incapable of hiding the effect she had on him. She just had to stand there, looking adorably cute in the tiny shirt and black panties underneath. Aw hell! There was no way he’d be able to hide his boner now.
"Around four in the afternoon," he managed to ground out past the tightness in his throat. Her eyes snapped up to meet his and an I’m-going-to-get-me-some grin formed on her face. "Well, that sure sounds like we've got enough time…just barely" she purred.

I don’t know if the excerpt does the scene justice since there was a lot leading up to it, but I can hardly start posting an entire chapter just to satisfy this irrepressible need to share. Hah.
Let’s just say that I hope that it comes across in the way I mean for it to come across.

We’re at it for several hours, at which time we have to cut it off again to head on out with the car. We need more rocks, considering the present pile is rapidly dwindling.
Today’s weather was not at all suitable for building, much to everyone’s regret, so big brother didn’t get sand and cement this morning. The rain wouldn’t have allowed it.

It is still coming down erratically when I drive away from the property, big brother, little sister and grandpa in the car with me. We head down the main road, making our way around the mountain to this remote path we know. It is in this place that we know we can find a lot of rocks, just lying about.

Much to our annoyance the hour we have picked to do this particular chore is jogging hour of the locals, making the progress on the winding, unpaved road slow until we come upon a section in the woods where rocks lay spread over the ground in satisfying numbers.

For the next half hour we lift, carry and throw big (and small) rocks into the truck bed, until finally it is filled to capacity and we can start on our way back. Thankfully the rain stopped while we were busy, but clouds are once again gathering, giving rather spectacular views of the sun slashing across the impressive countryside.

We just about reach our property when the rain has started again giving a massive rainbow that arches from our mountain to the sea, giving a rather grand image…especially when a second one appears as well.
I’ve made pictures, but it remains to be seen whether or not I’ll be able to figure out how to post it on such short notice, hah.

The rain lasts only for a few minutes and we can start unloading the truck almost immediately, adding to the pile, still there, considerably.
We chat a little with one of our tenants and then head inside for the meal mom has prepared for us by the time nightfall arrives.

There’s very little on TV today, so we watch a recorded episode of “CSI” before we resume the edit. It goes well, even though we only have one hour to devote to it (we reach two thirds of the story today, which is a friggin’ milestone, all things considered) and then it’s time for me to head on up to the cabin for the nightly rituals, such as the Blog. Hah.

Now, if only the weather will cooperate a little, we’ll resume building again tomorrow. I do hope so.

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