
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I wrote, I wrote, I wrote!!!! It's been months.

I wake up feeling pretty darn fuzzy and I’ve got a crick in my neck that really doesn’t feel comfortable at all. Well, of course it doesn’t feel comfortable. Okay, redundant statement, forget what I just wrote. Hah.

So I’m early this morning. I don’t remember my dreams because the monster boxer wakes me five minutes before the alarm goes off and I’ve got this itchy feeling in the back of my brain that makes me hurry through the morning rituals so I can get downstairs fast.

I only have a few hours before we need to leave for mom’s doctor’s appointment, so in order to get the itch out I need to get to my computer fast. I grab a slice of bread, grandpa (always helpful) makes coffee and I set up the computer to get down to work.

Ever since I woke, this idea has been going through my head for a scene that I still need to add to “Saving Nina”. I started on it several weeks ago, but up until today I couldn’t muster the actual inspiration I needed to write it. With the first page I had already written, I start, submerging myself in the story one more while big brother and grandpa are away to get a load of sand from the construction company.

It isn’t until three hours later that I surface again, wondering where the heck time went as I stare at the delightful number 8, right there in the bottom of my screen. I’ve written down almost seven pages and I barely even remember what I wrote down. Still, with a quick glance through the pages it all actually makes sense. Hah.

I really want to continue writing, but time has run out and I need to get ready to head for the village for our appointment. Today I can play chauffeur and since little brother has been suffering from severe respiratory problems of late, he comes along too, so the doc can have a look at him.

It takes me a while to find a parking place, and when I finally arrive at the practice the visit is practically over and done with. Good news today, little brother gets a breathalyser and mom is doing better.

We hurry our way back, arriving just in time to join the other sibs who’ve already started working on the wall with the sand that was fetched this morning. I barely take time to change clothes and then climb down to start on my section of the wall.
It goes considerably well, we bring the complete wall up to rib height in the two hours available today, adding a total of three layers to the entire length.

It is starting to look gorgeous, too. Very natural, uneven, lots of places where little plants and moss will be able to grow once time passes. It looks old, ancient even, which is exactly the look we’re going for. Sort of like an old ruin of a castle and it’ll look really great with the rest of the courtyard wall.

Once we’re thinking about wrapping things up, the weather isn’t the best that we can get around here, (we’ve had some rain throughout the day) and when we stop, clouds have gathered like a massive blanket over the mountain. Time for work is over, but since we were planning to stop anyway it no longer matters.

Little brother has made dinner, but I really need to get to the laundry first. Luckily it is only one batch, so ten minutes later I can dig in. Though we really ought to edit, we decide to watch “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, which was downright hilarious…not in a good way…to watch.

I marvel at the way moviemakers manage to screw up a perfectly fine story with weak waffling. And that from Keanu Reeves. Darn, I would have expected better of him, to say the least. The sentence that really caught me was “There is a different side to you. I feel it now.” Oh My God! You have got to be kidding me. Heck the words didn’t even make any sense in the context of the scene. What friggin’ other side? Because the mommy and the kiddy were hugging, he now suddenly “felt” it? Give me a break. Aargh!

I could rant about the movie for another page or two, but let’s face it; I really don’t have the time to fully express the impression the movie left behind. For now, I’m just going to try to erase it from my memory and hope that by this time tomorrow, these last two hours or so will be a blank spot in my brain. Hah.

And it is time to get ready for bed. Yay! Let’s hope the muses are still with me in the morning, ‘cause I really need to finish that scene.

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