
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

W.I. Investigations/Roamer Teaser

There’s really not much to tell, except that Ama came home today and that her ear surgery went well (she was insanely happy to go home) and ended up with eight stitches to repair the damage Adma did. Other than that, you can pick a random day of the past few weeks and you’ll get the general idea of what happened on this one. Hah.
Just think of the wall, being almost up to its full height (everything together approximately twelve feet high, yay!) minus two yards on the edges that still need to be done.

So, let’s do something entirely different today.
I’ve been thinking about a teaser; a scene from one of the W.I. Investigations that I’m planning to publish in the near future. This one is titled “Roamer” and it involves the dangers and complexities of psychic venturing in places they should not.

It’s rough yet, but the general “feel” should get across I’m thinking. It's a bit on the horror side, dark and gloomy and supposedly scary, but I'll let you be the judge about that. Hah.


W.I. Investigations/Roamer


He sat in silence to harbor his thoughts and desires like a beloved child; protected them against the outside forces, raging beyond the darkness in which he hid. He had been here for what felt like an eternity: Nurturing his hatred, feeding it with the fevered emotions surrounding him. Thick tendrils of black mist touched him with its wet fingers in the breeze that swirled through the realm incessantly.
It was dark; here in the place where light would not---and could not---reach. No illumination aided him as he huddled within his sanctuary, listening to the numerous sounds coming from way up high.
Waiting, learning, he brooded quietly for the day to come, when his vengeance could be brought to completion.
He was a patient man, his thrived on waiting as a matter of fact. It strengthened his resolve and made him stronger as he continued to listen to the static of the world beyond.
“Eleanor. Can you hear me?” His head snapped up with the voice that jumped out of the noise like a glimmering beacon. It was feminine and clear, naïve hope piercing through the mist. The voice was stronger than those who were his constant companions, here, in the place where he had been since his last venture into the corporal world.
His eyes, black as his surroundings were, an eerie contrast against the lighter shade of slate gray of the substance that contained his consciousness, snapped open. They peered intently into the black mist around him, searched for the source of the new voice like the hunter he was.
“Eleanor. Come to us. We are waiting,” the sweet voice implored, the sing-song quality of it peaking his interest even more.
There it was; a tiny dot of light in the distance, slowly becoming stronger as his focus zeroed in and latched on.
“Good spirits of the beyond. I command you to bring Eleanor to me so that her children may speak to her.”
A psychic, and a strong one at that, he noted with glee. Slowly, he straightened to his full length, shaking off the dregs of immobility. With his mind, he reached for the light of the voice, latching on to it carefully, lest he’d alarm the inexperienced psychic with his powerful presence.
“Yes,” he breathed, tenderly sliding the long, strong vines of his mind into that of the wide-open psychic. Tentatively, he explored the possibilities that lay inside. Power streamed through him instantly; reviving him as only few had done in the time he had hid within the darkness.
“Come to us, Eleanor. The door is open and we are ready to receive you infinite wisdom.”
He almost laughed at the psychic’s innocence, using his secretive hold on her to bring himself in motion.
Dregs of thick black mist churned around him when he first started to move, pulling gently on the anchor he had attached to the unsuspecting psychic, located within the light that was slowly brightening his surroundings.
“Yes,” he repeated, his hold strengthening even as the psychic called out again to the spirit of some loved one. She was so inexperienced that she didn’t even notice his approach. And she wouldn’t. Not if he could help it.
He could.
“Eleanor. I can sense you now. Please join us within this circle of love and friendship. You have been missed dearly.”
Black tendrils of the dark thinned, allowing him to look around and see the entity, which was summoned. It was weak, he saw, recognizing an impending reincarnation that was already drawing upon the soul flittering in and out of existence. Still, the lure of the past drew her towards the light.
Ah, easy spoils, he thought, closing in on the unsuspecting flitter of life that darted around the light like a moth to a flame.
“Eleanor. Don’t be frightened. Join us.”
Yes! Join them, he mocked softly, nearing the filmy entity with ever-increasing speed, his pleasure heightening with the easy victory that lay ahead.
Eleanor didn’t notice him until it was too late. Her awareness blinked out in less than a second when he wrapped himself around her and consumed the very essence of what had once been the soul the psychic searched for.
Not wanting to alert the searcher, he fought against the jubilant feeling of power surging through him, but every bit of information the unfortunate soul had possessed filled him.
Lingering on the satisfying feeling of supremacy, he lay in wait.
Other spirits, lured by the powerful demand of the psychic, fled when he finally reached the light; his dark presence blocking out the lure of the innocent.
Laughing inwardly at the fear the other spirits displayed, he playfully lashed out at them, enjoying the pain he inflicted with nothing more than a thought.
He lurked within the swirls of black, dancing around the light emitted by the young psychic venturing in the unknown.
She was young, he could see now, floating this way and that as he peered through the portal in her soul.
Flitting in and out of “being” he was little more than a shadow to her, he knew, using it to his advantage as he carefully dug deeper into her mind; seeing what she saw…and so much more.
The psychic was little more than a girl, sixteen years of age at most, and several of her peers were seated around a low coffee table in what looked to be a living room.
They had their hands clasped together, strengthening the broadcast into this world of nothingness, where he had resided for so long.
“It isn’t working, Callie” he heard the teenage psychic mutter worriedly. Her anxiety grew perceptibly as he closed the final gap. Quickly, effortlessly, he wrapped himself around the opening she had created.
“Try again,” one of the kids with her urged, their faces filled with excitement even when the girl paled visibly. She was trying to understand what was happening to her. Though she didn’t know why her powers were suddenly dwindling, draining so rapidly that she could feel it in her corporal body. He did…and reveled in the knowledge.
He crooned his pleasure at the feel of pure energy seeping warmly into his limbs, steadily, filling up the dark niches of his ethereal form.
“Something’s wrong,” the teenage psychic said, his intimate connection to her making him feel every single warning signal that coursed through her.
Strong and sensitive, he mused with pleasure: Delighted with his choice even as he stopped masking his presence and heard the teen’s startled gasp when the full force of his essence slammed into her at last. He swept through her ruthlessly, violating every part of her being until nothing remained hidden.
“No!” she breathed, air exploding from her lungs the moment he slammed through her natural defenses like the mighty entity that he was.
“Yes!” he refuted, thrilled at her perception, and seeing her flinch both mentally and physically when at long last she realized her peril.
The young psychic scrambled to close the portal she’d opened, her body jerking free from the hand of her peers.
She raised her arms in futile resistance, instinct taking over at the threat he so clearly was.
Laughing, he clawed his way through the opening that connected his world to hers, his voice booming as her desperate attempt at defense crumbled under the might of his intrusion.
Light flickered ominously when he entered the earthly domain.
He slithered through the portal as children cried out and backed away from where he appeared within their midst.
The shadowy tentacles of his essence swirled around him in an impressive sweep, latching onto each and every teen, screaming at the top of their lungs.
They were his now. And no known force in this universe would be able to stop him.
Basking in his might, he stood within the once so cozy room, colors fading wherever his eyes went.
Something, a tingle in his nape made him turn suddenly; ready to combat any threat present, his powers lashed out towards the watcher, invisible but there.
“I see you!” he crooned, smiling at where he knew the presence lingered.
“I see you!”

Sally Ruins snapped up straight with a start, awakening from her trance with a labored inhalation of oxygen into starving lungs. Papers flew with her rapid withdrawal, showing how far gone she had been during this routine search.
“Oh, my God!” she whispered, looking around her messy office and focusing on the files, paper clippings and books piled on top of her desk.
“Are you alright, Sally?” the disembodied voice, coming from the small speaker on the corner of the desktop, made her jump and scramble for the half-empty coffee mug she’d almost knocked over.
“No! No, I’m not, James. You better call Roger. We have a serious problem.”

This concludes the teaser scene. I hope you enjoyed it.

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