
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stuff, and a serious question.

Song of the day: “Grace Kelly” by Mika, again. I wonder if my head has depleted its resources, sticking with the songs I actually know. I hate repeats in this sort of thing. Nice song, though. Very up beat, even though it was made out of pure frustration. Hah.

I had a most annoying dream. I cannot recall the exact details that led up to the event, but what I do remember is that I was running up the incline, to find my cabin on fire. Well, technically, it was already smoldering and while I was staring at the ravages, I saw the worst thing ever: My laptop had burned with it, and resembled a clump of molten plastic and tiny metal pieces. I stood there, feeling miserable, when I suddenly remembered that everything is backed-up on big brother’s computer…as well as on those of the younger sibs. Now, this realization is odd for me under those circumstances, since usually, when I have these kinds of dreams, I will be so desolated that I can hardly think at all. I definitely see it as a good sign, in light of not feeling out of sorts for the remainder of the day.

When the alarm goes off this morning-I actually wake three minutes before it-I’m feeling remarkably refreshed. The air is cool, the sun is shining, and I fully enjoy it all while I do my stretches and get ready to head for the house.

Trin Trin is being her monstrous self, of course. She just can’t learn to just quietly walk along; instead, she is ferociously attacking the rubber pipe I always carry with me for this very occasion. Better she hangs in the pipe than in my leg. Hah. Like I’ve said many times, the Monster Boxer is insane. I’ve tried everything, but once she gets that look in her eyes, she’s unstoppable.

Once we have gone through the usual morning routines big brother and I settle behind the computer to finish the edit.
Yes, we’ve finished it! At long last!…the rewrite-edit at least, and I am positively thrilled. With a little luck, we’ll be able to actually enjoy the read-through edit now that the hard stuff was dealt with.

We spent another half hour or so going over the query letter and then it is time for us to depart for town. We have an appointment with an insurance broker, and in order to make it, we have to hurry. We arrive right on the dot and go over the particulars of the policy with the agent. It is a simple thing, really; filling in some forms, getting the quote again and then signing the paper I get shoved in my hands.

We’re out of the place in less than and hour to quickly visit the supermarket…if we get a few essentials we might actually make it through to next week without needing to do the massive bimonthly shopping spree. Which would be grand, for all considered. There are so many constructive things to do than waste money on grocery shopping. Hah.

When we return home, fresh veggies and fruit loaded in the back, we spent a few minutes bringing it all inside, and then change into work clothes to tackle some minor outside chores. During the course of the day, the temperatures have risen considerably, and though in the shadows it is rather pleasant, no one is really in the mood to build.

Instead, we cultivate the new terrace, spreading the dirt that was thrown there, watering plants and doing some digging…well, technically little brother did the digging since my wrists are still a bit iffy. (They don’t hurt anymore, but feel a tad…ehm, fragile, if that makes any sense).

Since I’m using the hose anyway, I spend over an hour cleaning the four new stairs that were made over past few months. They look gorgeous, by the way, all sort of flat rocks, their colors ranging from black to bright reds and whites, now clear contrasts since the sand is removed.
I gotta take pictures tomorrow.

That done, I quickly tackle the laundry and do some more cleaning-in the courtyard this time-before heading inside to have a much needed slice of pizza. Cold and a day old it tastes even better, and I thoroughly enjoy it, prior to setting up the computers and starting on a planned search of the net. Though we have continuously researched publishers over the past few months, we want to make sure that none of the set “rules” changed over time.

Pretty certain about which companies qualify to receive a copy of the soon-to-be-fully-finished manuscript, we’re pleased to be up-to-date once again, and then take to re-reading the query letter that is supposed to “sell” the story to complete strangers.

I still don’t get why I have to sell it-I used to think that the story speaks for itself-but I’ll oblige by learning how. Hah. While discussing the intricacies of the publishing world, big brother and I ponder the possibility of changing the title of the manuscript. I’ve read somewhere that even the title can turn an editor/agent off, so it is an option that I’ve always kept open.

Once reaching my cabin, we start to brainstorm, going over all sorts of options, which we’ve brought down to a selection of choices.

If you have time, do read through them and let me know what you think would be a catchy title. Up until now, the working title is: SAVING NINA.
I like it well enough. No matter what this title will always be this book to me, but just in case it doesn’t ring “right” I want to have a back up.
I know, it’s a difficult question to answer; but, if you were looking for a psychological thriller (a bit of romance and humor thrown into the mix), which type of title would likely catch your attention?

1. Broken (the sad note)
2. All of them (romance but deep)
3. Out of bounds (the general note)
4. My turn (the funny note)
5. Unleashed (ominous)
6. Multiplicity (familiar, but fitting)
7. Turn (simple and catchy)

Or if you think of something else that might fit with spies, intrigue, sects, and a multiple personality heroine making life hard for the tracker hero, feel free to throw it in. I’m always open for suggestions.

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