
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 days and counting...Nah!

Song of the day: “Big Yellow Taxi” by the Counting Crows (and Vanessa Carlton) and I woke up with it like three times during the night. It was insane, I tell ya. “Don’t it always seem to go…yadayadayada” over and over again. Bonkers! It kept me awake, I tell ya. (My head, in case that wasn’t clear.) Here I’d gone to bed about half an hour early to catch up on the seven hours I missed during the course of the week (the same happened ‘bout three days ago) and I keep waking up. Makes me wanna swear a blue streak, I tell ya.

Gotta keep it short again, ‘cause it’s before noon yet, and I’m running behind already. Big brother is out with the car for its yearly check-up that we got picked for to do again after six months for some reason, aaargh.

Writing is still going well, yay. Got the pages up to 150 now, so that makes it almost half the book, hah. The characters are developing well, the first two villains got slaughtered just last night in an impressive show of supernatural strength, and romance…*clears throat*…well, that’s personal. Hah.

But seriously, yesterday was friggin’ cold again. It started off well enough with a wonderful (sarcasm, ‘tis my only resort) rainy day, and then when the clouds dispersed a little around dusk…we were working in the carport, of course…the cold suddenly slapped us in the face (both sides, hah) with a reminder; “It’s winter! Start whining!” I did, vocally, I assure you.

As to why we were working in the carport? I know, you’re just bursting at the seams to know…wait for it…I was making BOOKSHELVES (very deflating, I know. So sorry). Got two beautiful wooden bookcases done, they got painted in the afternoon, and one of two narrow ones about halfway through. With a little luck, I’ll be able to put them in my cabin before the end of the week, and if now…well, it’ll be the week after that. *eyeroll* What did you expect? The world doesn’t end if a project doesn’t get done on time…or does it? Lemme check…nope, still there and at least fifteen projects didn’t get finished in the past few years. Hah.

Nope, I’ve found that haste doesn’t make a project any more fun, so I’m just taking my time, making it all pretty, and then, when there’s a free extra minutes I’ll put them right in. What fun would it be if stuff got done with the snap of one’s fingers, huh? It would be so friggin’ boring. It’s like buying stuff. Having something pretty and expensive is all nice and fine, but what has one gained from just standing in front of a bought object except that money was spent for it.

I’ve been discovering this more and more these past few years. Building/fixing it, however frustrating, exhausting and time consuming it might be, beats buying something by a mile. You’ll end up looking at said object, and remember every single thing you did with it. Sure, it won’t be as perfect as store bought (it doesn’t have to be either) and that crooked screw here, and the slightly lopsided shelve there…well, you’ll do better next time, hah. The imperfections make a project fun in the end.

The new load of dog food arrived yesterday, which mean hauling down 21 bags of 44 pounds or so down the mountain, towards the stockpiles under the carport roof. Luckily, unlike last week when I did most of them myself, big brother had hauled most of them down already, so all I had to do was toss them into their storage niche, hah.

Both sisters helped me construct the majority of the shelving, by the way. Sure, I could do it on my own, but that way they wouldn’t learn, solo goes a tad slower and working together is always more fun. Can’t beat that.

The washing machine is doing splendidly, so that was certainly a wonderful premature birthday present, hah. Gawd, only five more days and then it’s my friggin’ birthday…ah, the memories. Oops, better be careful, I might actually start maudlin. *snorts* (rather inelegantly, I might add.)

Well, time to get to work; the sun is out, so I might take our tenant outside for her exercises today. The other day she actually lifted her bad arm, which was a definite first. Yay.

As to the not smoking…I haven’t, and it’s still not hard, just annoying. Ah well, not all of us are destined to fight epic battles I suppose, *sigh*…I’m sorry, I can’t even write that with a straight face. Better quit before I start saying really stupid things.

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