
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Screwed up. :-/

Song of the day: “This is it” by Michael Jackson. I like the song, but I gotta put a big question mark behind it in reference to the annoying little thing called “quit smoking”. I have to admit that I am vastly disappointed by the entire thing. I mean, seriously, I’ve been hearing horror stories of how hard it is to quit, the shivers, the desperation, the resulting binges, falling off the wagon and the absolute need for one last cigarette, if I were to believe the tales, I’d be crawling the walls ‘round day two…or so I’d thought.

I was literally prepared for the worst, hoping for some dramatic story I could write here on the blog. For instance: Me, curled up in the corner of the shower, valiantly battling against temptation, crying miserably but holding on by showing grit. Me, fighting the almost insurmountable desire to lick out the dirty ashtray when I’m incapable of finding an almost burned down bud: or me, getting in snippy debates with the sibs while they try to convince me that I gotta keep my promise to myself no matter what the cost. Everything would be better than now just complaining about the complete lack of any such thing.

Honestly, what kind of epic battle is there to describe when the worst of it felt like seeing a large bag of potato chips lying on the table and not being allowed to take any of the paprika, while the classics are free for grabs. Come to think of it, that might actually be worse…or not? Hmmm. I don’t know…maybe. Hah.

I have to admit that I feel a tad slighted on the entire thing. I would have liked to be able to tell dramatic tales of conquering this so-called HUGE addiction. Like, “I had to fight it so hard that at one point I actually passed out”…but no, the worst of it was, being a little light-headed in the twentieth hour, a little bored with my hands during the course of the given day, and a little flighty in the brain on the overall…got that more often, also when I smoked, so, nothing new there, hah. Had and extra glass of cola, two coffee and a chocolate cookie extra (gasps in mock horror) but that’s about the extent of binging so far.

Like I said, severely slighted and mislead. I thought the least I was going to get from the experience was the sense of fortitude and accomplishment for having such a marvelous strength of character, grrr. In a fantasy novel this would amount to the hero being promised a dangerous trek through a maze filled with booby traps, only to find that if he goes to the right and then straight through, he’ll get there, no prob. Aaaargh. Annoying to say the least.

But enough about that, let’s get back to the issue at hand, because if I let myself, I’ll continue with stupid analogies for the entire day…gawd, the stupid things kept me up all night…the analogies, that is. Hah.

So, yeah. The past couple of days. Nothing special going on, really, just the daily things such as chores, (love the new washing machine, by the way. Spins so hard stuff is almost dry immediately when I hang it up) and writing.

Added another ten pages “A.T.O.L.” manuscript since the last time I wrote the blog, we’re getting there, got the total up to 140 now, yay. Still don’t know if it is any good, but that only time and lots of editing will tell, hah.

Considering that the day before yesterday was a totally boring day with only minor tasks throughout, yesterday I decided to start on the my own bookshelves at last, which meant, sawing wood, sanding it and then putting the simple design together today. The first one is basically done and it’s looking good, I’m thinking. It’ll be some time yet before the rest will get done, but all in all, it should look pretty darn neat in the end.

I’m thinking real wood shelving for the books and then a big wall structure of light yellow MDF for my statues and such, giving them all a proper display case. The latter will be quite a task yet, not to mention a heavy construction all in all, but considering that I’m going to be spreading it out, I don’t suppose that will be much of a problem.

Other than that, little sister did a bit more work in the bathroom, which now only needs to have a border added to the window frame and the light switch. Little brother has been attacking the spider webs with the vacuum cleaner, and seeing that the cloth coverings of the second floor banister had to be removed anyway, I threw them in the laundry now that I had the chance.

Song of the day yesterday was, “I wish I was your lover” by Enrique Iglesias, by the way. Marvelous song.

Our tenant’s exercises are going steadily still. Yesterday, for the first time since her stroke, she managed to lift her left arm up a little. We’d been working with the arm for a while now, and though, pushing at stuff, and even holding on was starting to work pretty well, she still couldn’t lift the appendage on her own…but she did it now, yay! Hah.

And I’m starting to draw a blank again. Not that this is bad, since I really should get back outside and get to work again. With a little luck, Knight II will actually keep his big trap shut (chortle) but I’m not holding my breath, hah. Gotta do something about training the giant…heck, while I’m at it, gotta do something about training the rest of the ninety-something pack, too.


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