
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunny Monday.

Song of the day: “All this time” by Maria Mena, still a wonderful song, even though I’ve had it in my head several times now.

Well, yesterday was an incredibly busy day for all parties involved, considering the day before that was basically finishing everything that could be finished of little brother’s bed before going out for a rock scavenge that brought us home with a full load challenging the car, hah.
That, of course meant that yesterday was all about seeing whether or not my calculations and design worked out at all…it did. Yay.

A solid hour before dusk we finished up with setting the bed up (now it’s waiting to see if little brother slept well, or not, ‘cause he really doesn’t like change all that much, hah) and slid the trundle section of it underneath and it fit and everything, oh my gawd! I was so bloody relieved I couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the evening. Now all I need to do is attach a big ol’ piano hinge with the closure of the front and it’s all done. It looks good, that’s a fact…and he seemed happy enough with it.

After finishing up with the bed, clearing up tools and such, it was time to head out for our jog, which went well and was rather fun, since we didn’t do distance today, but versatile endurance…meaning we went straight up an incline that had be pitted and dug out by construction workers. I felt very Rocky Balboa-ish reaching the top, hah. During the cool down I did land on my butt…very embarrassing, I know, since the ascend and descend went so well, but there I went, foot lost its place and poof. The fun part is, by the time we finished gathering rocks, went home and started unloading, I lifted a particularly heavy rock, and once again lost my footing to land on my butt once more. Luckily the rock landed between my feet, rather than on it, and for a moment I just lay there on the ground, staring at the stars (they were gorgeous by the way) and marvelled at my good fortune. Hah.

Like the night before, there was a writing session, but compared to the Saturday when I wrote more than five pages in one stretch of a few hours, now I managed only two. Considering the night wasn’t over yet, I seriously pondered catching a catnap in my chair, but the next thing I new it was time to head on out for our weekly scavenge hunt, hah…I love calling it that, really. We take the week’s garbage out, and usually end up with a whole new wood supply of whatever it is people threw away. Marvelous. There is no such thing as garbage when it concerns wood; there is always something you can use it for, and we definitely do. Hah. It is actually more fun than buying new wood (though new wood has it’s charm too) since you often have to be more creative.

We didn’t get home until after two, and I can honestly say that I was more than ready to call it quits for the day…I have that a lot these days I’ve found. It takes me all of a minute to get to sleep and when I do I’m usually out for the following four hours without conscious thought whatsoever. Then the dreams start, of course, and they can be a tad annoying (I severely dislike it when they seem so real I actually doubt about events when I wake) in those final hours of sleeping.

So what else…I just might be blanking again, oh no, wait…we fixed the rowing machine. Yes, it is working splendidly now, so I might actually get some rowing in, in the near future. A nice little story about Knight II, the eejit:

I’m on my way up to my cabin in the evening, and big brother holds Knight II until I’m at the gate, so he won’t bowl over Bommel right on the threshold (he tends to do that, the big lug). So I open the gate, my other dogs dash through—gawd, I wish they didn’t make such a racket doing that—and I call out for big brother to let Knight II loose. He comes storming across the courtyard full speed, aims for the gate, which I’m holding open with a shake of my head. The Dane reaches the gate, looses his footing a bit, slams his back paw against the post (really hard) and blithely continues on on three paws this time. Now, if that isn’t insane, I don’t know what is. I don’t think I’ve ever met a dog that is this careless about his own well-being. I swear, he’d break his leg and then just try to continue on.

The weather is absolutely splendid today, the sun is shining and the temperatures are almost spring like, so I really should...Hmmm. This will have to do for now, seeing as I’ve taken more time than I should writing today’s blog. Nine veggie oven dish is baking, so I’m really going to enjoy my supper, hah, just finished preparing it before sitting down for blogging, so the place is smelling of roasted garlic, onion and green herbs…my mouth is watering. *sigh*

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