
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Song of the day: “This is the life” by Amy MacDonald. I like! Hah.

Had a rather splendid dream during the few hours of sleep that I managed to catch prior to today’s rather early start, but it was private in all the ways that matter, so I’m not going to share.

Let’s see, where did we leave off…I don’t have a clue. Well, there were two runs/jogs for the past couple of days. Both of them rather late, on the outskirts of dusk, which made for interesting challenging while mounting the pitted hill that I so much enjoy. No accidents, however, so it is still my favorite spot. Actually managed to take the hill, down and then a full mile. Yay.

But anyways, well, all things considered the last couple of days were quite uneventful. There were some minor chores such as working on the fences, hauling rocks down the mountain and on the overall just doing busywork on what were some splendidly sunny days.

Oh, we also did another outdoor cooking, which was great. Baked potatoes with onion and herbs in the cast iron wok and it was downright delicious.

Njanna’s stitches are doing well, and so are Shamira’s. All pluses too, aren’t they, and the manuscript is now up 70.000 words, which means I’ve been a positively good girl by working steadily still. Wrote a rather steamy love-scene yesterday; I could post it, of course, but I’ve decided not to since it still needs to be edited (thoroughly) and because…well, because I don’t want to. Not yet, anyway, it’s still too fresh I guess. Hah.

And then this morning, well that was just grand. We had to get up early to her for the power company, which is only open from 9 to (you’ll never guess) 12. Yep, imagine how that works, huh. We got a wonderful freshly printed ticket (apparently the roll out ones just won’t do, this day and age) from this wonderful modern gadget with a green button on it. Isn’t progress wonderful, rather than just getting a stub from a roll, it gets printed just for you. Hah.

So there we were, waiting a solid two hours (wasted hours, mind you, basically picking our noses) until finally our number was up. We informed the lady behind the desk of our problem…we’re getting estimates (rather than actual bills) of 14 bucks at most, and then every four or five months a massive bill, plus a fine for over use, or some such. Aaaargh. I don’t think that anyone could spent only 14 bucks in a month, not even if they were out and only standby machine buttons were on.

But anyways, we explained the problem; she nodded and, once again, filled in a silly form (like all the times before) that is going to send a meter man to our gate to bring us the exorbitant bill of this fall. Seriously, it was a wasted effort, and I really shouldn’t be happy that someone is going to come by to make up a bill for us, but I am, ‘cause for a while this little problem is dealt with.

Afterwards…we were sluiced out the back door since the front door had been locked at exactly twelve O’clock, and those, like us who were still inside could take the back way out. Strange service, really.

Once at home, we made a stop to get some extra groceries that should see us through another week at least, the temperatures were a lot lower than on the coast. It’s actually chilly and that makes me more than a little uncomfortable. My dogs were nutters, of course, but once they settled down, I could start on the blog and then on the day.

Let’s hope today is more fruitful than the start of it.

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