
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Too tired for sure.

Song of the day: “A little time” by The Beautiful South. Such a hilarious song and title-wise very appropriate.

So yeah, I’m, like, totally and utterly exhausted after a seven hour outside workday. There was cement mixing, hauling sand, rocks, wood, sawing trees, hauling more wood, and well…other stuff. *sigh*
Like I said, I’m tired; I want to crawl into bed, pull the blankets over my head and pass out for a bit, but considering I should at least pound out one page tonight (only managed one yesterday because of the same problem, darn it) that ain’t gonna happen until several hours from now.

Let’s make this quick, shall we. Tenant is doing splendid, fit in a one day rest, and then went at it again yesterday.
The back wall of the seedbed is done, and today we fitted the wooden beams that are going to hold the glass and metal covering.

The weather was downright splendid, low seventies; clear blue skies (twice in a row now) a warm winter sun cheerily making the plants bloom. The dogs find this particular mix of building and gardening ideal, since it allows them to wander about constantly, while still flopping down in sunny spots during the course of the day. I can tell you, there is little in this world that beats seeing ninety something dogs lounge happily in the sun. Hah.

Seriously trimmed the carob tree...we're talking BIG small tree-size branches; it is going to be necessary when we start on the greenhouse this summer--or come autumn. Other than that…well, it doesn’t really matter, does it? If you want to know more about the last couple of days, leave a comment to remind me to get back to it, ‘cause otherwise I won’t ever remember. Hah.

Yep, this poor excuse for a blog is going to have to be IT for today. Let’s hope that I’ve recovered some, come Monday, ‘cause this is just ridiculous.

Good Night!

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