
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Punctuation: Baffling.

Song of the day: “Everything falls into place” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. It’s driving me a little bonkers. ‘Tis not that I don’t like the song, really, it is just that the chorus is stuck, rather than the entire thing. Aaargh.

At the moment the thing keeping big brother and me busy is going through basic formatting of the manuscript. Indents, lining, etc. Gotta check everything triple. Also the colons, semi-colons, exclamation marks, em-dashes and…well every punctuation mark except for the commas, which will get their turn during the (last) paper edit. Checking commas really is only doable in context.

Added to that we’re also still tackling the query letter, which should be interesting, professional, funny, casual, direct and everything else that I can possibly get into it. Yep, them TPs require the absolute best you can give. It’s exhausting, but necessary, I fear.

Strange weather again. Yesterday was splendidly summerish, sunshine, clear blue sky, a fresh breeze from the sea and it was just great. Then today…we’re in the clouds again. Seriously, it is starting to freak me out. This really isn’t normal. Can you imagine that I am constantly sniffing the air, just to make sure that it’s clouds that are surrounding us and not smoke? But no, there is lots of moisture in the air, a chilly breeze from the sea and so much clouds that I cannot even see the body of water that usually reaches as far as the eye can. *sigh*

Tenant is basically taking daily dips in the pool now, and loving every minute of it (not today, I’m thinking, she does get cold fast). Yesterday we were doing her exercises and she actually managed…hold onto your hat…to make a boxing motion with her left arm. Yay! That’s a definite first and it is spending. I mean, squeezing her hand, stretching her arm could be dismissed as reflexes, but bending the arm and then thrusting it out straight implies actual control over the motion. Double YAY!

Sitabah (Weimaraner) once again scaled the carport get yesterday…yes, she does that about four to five times a day, jumping up and down of a 7 foot gate…and proceeded to land wrong on her front paw. Stupid dog. Seriously, it was a disaster waiting to happen, but will she listen? I think not! So now she is limping, seeing as she sprained her friggin’ paw. Looking miserable for it too (still going over that gate though, aaargh), being all pitiful and keeping her “poor” paw mid-air, right until she wants to go after something and uses it carelessly.

When we went to get rocks the other day, I took Knight II (Great Dane) along, of course, seeing as the big lug has to run when I can squeeze the activity in…but, he’s stubborn that way and wouldn’t show a single inclination to do any actual running while I was going back and forth with rocks. Seriously, the moment I took my eyes off him (six times in total) he’d sneak back to the car and settle on the back seat. Lazy friggin’ dog. Really, it made me want to give him a kick in the butt…which I didn’t, of course, but the temptation…*sigh*

I even tried a tennis ball (‘cause he doesn’t even look at a rock or stick, grrr) but he’d just watch it bounce, with that really stupid expression of “huh?” on his face, take it in his mouth once before turning around and lying down on the macadam. He’s so exhausting in his laziness, darn it. He does love driving a lot, FYI. He’ll stretch out on the back seat, his head between the front ones as he stares at the road streaking past.

In the yard we have been putting new onions in the ground. A nice big patch too. The beets are just about done, and we have been enjoying them on a daily basis…boy, are they nice. I also transplanted the last few Cherry tomatoes from the pot to the ground and finally put the Pecan tree down in the yard. It’s doing wonderfully and looks so very nice.

As to projects. At the moment we’re mostly sawing wood for the carport partition that’s on the schedule. Lots of slats and I get to paint them…maybe even tonight…yay! Hah.
Also we’re going to add another piece of roof to the old horse stable, so we’ll have more storage abilities…this will be necessary, considering the younger sibs are increasing on their market scheme, by placing an add for people who have small house hold appliances they want to get rid of, which they then pick up. Yesterday, they got a big load, sooo…storage is necessary.

Well, I should get back to my colons and semis…after that there are lots of stufsies to do.

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