
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This and that.

Song of the day: “The Pessimist” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. I’ve had it before, and I will undoubtedly will again. Considering I know the lyrics well, I don’t mind all that much. It’s a cool song after all.

Busy couple of days again. If I had five minutes…wait, I actually killed some odd thirty minutes on Amazon yesterday, by reading up on the ongoing discussions. Except for my usual post or two in the KTT, I kept out of the discussions. Seriously, however tempting it is to jump right into the occasional fray, I have learned to stay out the most interesting topics, if for no other reason than knowing full well, I can’t do justice to any ongoing discussion, what with time-not-being-on-my-side and all. *sigh* But no matter, I had fun reading anyway.

I finished Sue Crafton’s “C” is for Corpse, yesterday. Research, you know, I do manage to find time for that, hah. But seriously. I enjoyed the story a lot, even though I am not a huge fan of 1st person narrative. It was funny, funky and fast-paced, nothing wrong with that. I’m now reading “J” is for Judgment, by the way…oh, don’t you just love them donation books. Yay.

Though yesterday was a beautifully sunny day, real summer like, today the sky is once again overcast. Sooooo weird, but rather wonderful in light of outside work, which is definitely my favorite…in case you hadn’t noticed. If we reach the mid-eighties right now, I’d be amazed. Heck, if it keeps up like this, I’ll be needing sleeves soon.

But anyway, what’s keeping me busy? Edits, of course, the paper kind, and it is driving me bonkers, I swear. I don’t get how those typos could still be there after the two thorough edits that we already have behind us, but there you have it. Insanity! Still, we’re shlogging our way through the pages, reaching chapter four, I think, which isn’t too bad, if not totally frustrating.

Other than that, we’ve been putting a lot of work in the new wagon for behind the car. Seeing as it was relatively cheap there is a lot of work to be done about it. Rust needs to be removed, the metal treated, a new bottom plate that we had to saw and paint, and so on. It takes time, but in my head I can already see the end result, which will be nice, I’m sure.

Also, yesterday we had to do some serious harvesting, meaning that we ended up with two massive pumpkins, a crate full of beets and two big baskets full of tomatoes. Boy, did the dogs enjoy the large basket that we had to empty of tomatoes that were rapidly getting to be too ripe. Oh, and I plucked our first yellow cherry tomatoes yesterday. I LIKE them. They’re a little less sour and with a pinch of salt I devoured at least a handful of them yesterday, hah.
Other than that we’re still enjoying our chard, tomato, cucumber, beet, onion, pepper and zucchini sandwiches with cheese and sauce.

What else…gawd, still them ticks, they’re driving me insane, I swear, whenever I look at one of the dogs, I’ll see a gleaming bulbous peeping from the fur and end up picking out ticks for half an hour. It is an endless task, and I am seriously pondering a bath for them really soon, rather than risk one of them having anemia soon, we almost lost Ayaana to that a couple of years ago, the poor cocker had so many that they’d practically drained her. I know, TMI this early in the morning, but I do find it fascinating when stuff of real life resembles a bad horror flick.

Tenant went for another swim the other day, and because her caregiver went to her other (part time) job, little sister and I did the honors. We had fun with her, and she was properly tired by the time we got her back to her bungalow and got her settled until her caregiver returned.

This weekend we did manage to put in two sections of the path, meaning that two more weekends in the near future, should get the darn thing done. Already getting the wheelchair down is getting to be a lot easier.

Well, I should see about lunch, we’re going to experiment and try something new with pumpkin. I’ll let you know how it went, considering I don’t like pumpkin at all. Hah. We should get something done, however, I mean really, how hard can it be?

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