
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, September 17, 2010

On the road again...sorta anyway.

Song of the day: “I am I feel” by Alicia’s Attic. Funny song, really.

So this is another blog on the road, so to speak. Right now, I’m sitting in a small park in Malaga, waiting for the garage to fix the hand break of the Land Rover. We had made the appointment on Tuesday, but today, upon arrival, we were almost an hour late.

You see, at the doctor’s I was told to get a blood test this morning as well, and I had fully intended to do that really quick, only to need to go back home halfway there because I’d forgotten my insurance papers. Then, when I got there, two people were already waiting for there turn, so we didn’t get away from the village until ten past nine.

Of course, it has also been raining all morning, so driving was slow going, not to mention the traffic that was going around at a snail’s pace. That’s Spain for you. People are so unfamiliar with rain around here (admittedly I’m starting to share the feeling, hah) that everyone goes about 10 miles per hour less than usual. Of course, those that don’t get an accident, but it is a tad frustrating.

Anyway, we arrived at the garage at ten, instead of nine, but they didn’t throw up a fuss, so it doesn’t really matter. But that brings us to me sitting in the park with my borrowed computer tapping away at the keys and the local seniors looking at me oddly. This is old Malaga, and what with my 6’ tallness, blond hair and way too pinkish skin I stand out like a sore thumb…big brother isn’t any better mind you, seeing he’s four or five inches taller than me. Ah well, at least it stopped raining for a bit…oh wait, I can hear thunder in the distance again. Marvelous. And that while I’ve still got at least two, to three hours to kill yet, *sigh*

So we’ve already been walking around for a bit, in case you’re wondering. Which wasn’t fun with my knee…oh that reminds me, you don’t know yet. The day before yesterday, about an hour…maybe two, after I posted my blog, Knight II and Fortuyn got into a fight. With my knee between them! I don’t know who the culprit was but, dayam, that friggin’ hurt, thank you very much. Jeez, it was as if the penetrating tooth went right under my kneecap and the stupid spot kept bleeding for several hours to boot.

Now, after a day or two, the hurt isn’t as bad as it appeared in the first few hours, it just makes walking a little less comfortable for me. My pants keeps chafing it, and the joint feels stiff, but what the heck, this too shall pass and a little bit of pain never hurt anyone. Oh my, is that pun? Hah.

Yesterday was spent putting my clothes back into my fixed closet, and though I will leave the cute stuff like plants and decorative items away for a bit, at least until the rat problem is over. It shouldn’t take long, last night Sitabah grabbed another one cheerily went to search for the next afterwards. Seriously, cats have nothing on my Sitabah…she of course thinks that no one’s got anything on her, in particular not Labhana, who (poor darling) really tries, but just isn’t fast enough.

Fully enthusiastic she will chase Sitabah into the cabin and try to nose her way into the fray whenever Sitabah is on the hunt. It has happened more than once that the black lab made Sitabah lose her pray in fact and I can just imagine her response whenever Labhana tries to “help”.

“Get out of the way you stupid cow!” Seriously, that is the expression that I see in her eyes whenever she loses her target. Gawd, they do crack me up at times, and they have so much fun with it. For that reason alone I don’t mind the rat plague all that much. In the car port the dogs (at least seven of them) will squat on the floor most of the day, gazing up devoutly as the rodents rush past. And in my cabin, every night, my Touri, Sitabah, Labhana and Dax will wag their tails like mad during their daily exercise hour. Hah.

Oops, a few raindrops over here. I better hurry it along.
Where was I? Ah yes, wandering through Malaga. You really do notice the difference between the city and small towns. People are a lot more suspicious out here, less friendly. They are, I think, so accustomed to too little space that they automatically fight for every measly inch of it. Small towns are far more relaxed, casual even and everyone is decidedly friendly. It’s such a pity. I feel eyeballed here.

Right, moved to a coffee shop because it really was getting chilly outside. Besides I need to go to the bathroom. *sigh*
Two more hours to go.

What else. Writing. Slow but steady still. At the moment I am working on an intense emotional scene, and I really don’t know how it will work out. I’ll need to make adjustments with the edit, I’m thinking, seeing as it still misses something. Well, since I don’t have this computer along to mess around on the net, but to do some serious work on editing, I’m going to leave it at this and hope that I have good news to tell by time the next one comes ‘round.

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