
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The monster inside. Hah.

Song of the day: “Point of view” by DB Boulevard. Such an annoying song that’ll just keep tumbling through your head no matter what you do. Grrr.

So the past couple of days were absolutely friggin’ annoying, darn it. Seriously, it felt like we haven’t been home more than an hour since Monday morning and it ain’t over yet either. Yesterday morning we headed for Malaga, to the Land Rover garage with both cars and left our sweetie there for repairs once again. Seriously, I can dream the way there now, which is getting to be way too familiar if you ask me. I am not supposed to know the way to an expensive repair shop at all, but there you have it.

We came away from the experience with a five hundred bucks bill, thank you very much, and are hopeful that by now all the things that can go wrong have gone wrong. I’m not holding my breath, though…but, maybe we are luckier now that we have found a proper garage.

Yesterday afternoon, after we had dropped the car off, we spent a few hours messing around with the ongoing projects, of course. I hung the second window for tenant’s solarium so now it is all a matter of closing the rest off in the next few days. In particular since the temperatures are rather low at the moment. Seriously, if it is twelve degrees I’ll be surprised.

The doggies are not at all pleased with our frequent departures, considering they cannot stay outside (poor darlings will start shaking within half an hour) and have to stay inside, they’re grumpy as heck. Knight II for instance is eyeballing the rest while he vies for my attention and isn’t at all in agreement whenever one of the other dogs comes near. I really have to pay close attention to keep him in check.

Bommel isn’t liking the cold at all either, seeing as he took half an hour to find a soft warm spot near my feet and then flopped down to go to sleep. Poor thing is really having trouble keeping up with us, and though I would much prefer leave him comfortable and warm inside, I don’t want him to just give up and don nothing else with his day than sleep. It is a thing that happens with age. They’ll sleep more and more until at some point the body just stops. Though not the worst way to go, I would like to postpone that just a wee bit longer.

Editing: we’re working on the last dozen pages of the first edit, and big brother is halfway through the second one, so with a little luck we’ll be able to print the manuscript by the end of the week and start on the paper (last) edit. Then, maybe, just maybe, we’ll be able to send it to the publisher by next month.
This is good, considering we can then continue the edit of the vampire novel and send that out a month later, at which time I can finally start writing the new story that had been bursting at the seams to come out of my head. Hah.

The first feedback from a new first-impression-reader yesterday, and after I had beaten the outraged, overly emotional monster that lurks deep inside my spirit back, I could create enough distance to really appreciate her input. I find it strange, this monster that doesn’t like to hear any criticism (be it constructive or not), how it can blind you for several hours until I can make it submit to logic. I mean really, I asked for new readers for a fresh input after all, and yet the first inclination is to feel hurt, or even angry. There are times when I think that the emotional part of me is an actual Alien that has absolutely nothing to do with my intellect. It wants to lash out at those who disagree, without pardon. I have learned to curb the monster, though, and can beat it back to where it belongs so I can actually use the thoughtful suggestions from an appreciative reader.

So, M.L., if you’re reading this (I doubt it, but what the heck) THANK YOU!

Okay, enough of the monster. What else. I should take some time to clean my cabin, but not today. First tenant’s place needs to be finished, because otherwise she has to suffer through the cold way too much, and then I’ll see if I can fit in a quick cleaning.

This morning was also busy, by the way. Big brother and I first had to head for Marbella to pick up our friend for her weekly visit, and then, after dropping her off at home, we drove straight on through to Malaga to pick up the car…ergo the five hundred bucks.

Enough for now. Time to do some serious work.

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