
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rocks totally rock...or something. :-)

Song of the day: “Who wants to live forever” by Queen. I know, a little melodramatic, but I heard and saw it last night and today I couldn’t get it out of my head.

Lots of activity the past couple of days. Seriously, there is never a shortage of something to do, and in a way I really like that.

First, a really great bit of news. I found a book on my bookshelves that I haven’t read yet. Yay. It has been ages since I had a new book from an author I really like. Amanda Quick’s “The Wicked Widow”. I know what you’re thinking. How can a title like that be any good, but I don’t care, Quick has got a wonderful writing style that is just so easy and fun to read that everything else becomes secondary. I do have to say, that since I recently read another one of her books “Ravished” (yeah, another tacky title) I discovered she was more elaborate and detailed in her description of the era (1800s). In her newer works, she takes less time to give the author the flavor of that time, and it’s a pity, really.

Be that as it may, I’m enjoying this read, along with the review reading I’m doing on a nightly basis. It makes me wonder what other treasures are hiding on my shelves. Hah.

Okay, on to the business at hand. Yesterday.
It was a friggin’ beautiful day, so it was outside work for us. Yay. Tenant came down to my porch and we got to work on a variety of projects.
First there was some cleaning. The kitchen drawers in this case. They’ve been an eyesore for quite a bit, so I quickly did that after laundry.

Since big brother had to work on the moped, there is something wrong with the cooling system, I headed down to the pantry. Had to level the floor behind the kitchen and then pour the concrete grandpa had made, but first big brother had to come down to help me. The tubing of our water system has been a mess for ages, and now I’d had enough of it. We took this really big loop that disappeared underneath out, and just connected it straight through. It looks much better at least.

There was also a hole in the small wall we built there last year, so I put fencing against that lest the dogs slipped through. After some serious digging and raking, I could start pouring concrete. Our friend Dani had joined in for the day again, and she hauled the concrete in and levelled it up to where I was working. Very efficient working that way, really.

Considering there was a wheelbarrow and a half of concrete left, we poured that by the plant containers on the other side of the house where a rock had tumbled out and a big crack was forming. The big bulb of bigger rocks we put in front of it should do the trick in keeping the container from crumbling.

Next it was down to the basin. While big brother worked on the electrical wiring for the greenhouse, I decided to start hauling rocks there for building the wall ASAP. But, the place was still littered with debris, so grandpa came down to help me clean it away. It took the remainder of the afternoon, and hauling away six wheelbarrows of the stuff, but by then it was nice and clean in there and the lights of the greenhouse could be turned on. It looked beautiful, thank you very much. Hah.
Once we were done, and I’d hauled a new gasket up to the house, we quickly cleaned the mess we’d made in the pantry and then got to the day’s edit. Seeing as I was pretty tired, we didn’t get all that much done, but progress was made anyway, so who cares.

Didn’t get to bed until after two in the morning, but I had a good night’s rest.
Today was another sunny day, even though the weather forecast had predicted differently and so we got to work after the usual bout of laundry and chores inside.

First there was more work on the moped and tenant coming down to sit on my porch. It is such a marvellously sunny spot for her. She can look out over the valley there. And it will have all of us coming past frequently, and the dogs do love keeping her company.

But anyway, today was rock-hauling day. Yep. It’s that time again, and it was rather grand. Seriously, who needs fitness if you can cart a wheelbarrow up and down the mountain with 300 pounds of rock in them. Hah. We got a good solid load down to the basin (it’s for the new wall, remember?) and afterwards spent another two to three hours hauling down sand for cement down into the bag we put there. Ended up with a good 2000 pounds, so we should be set just as soon as we want to start on the project.

There was a bit of tree trimming in-between, taking the cauliflower plants out of the greenhouse because they don’t like the warmth and then at the end of the day putting them back in.
Afterwards we finally finished with the wooden partition on the back of the bus. It looks rather nice, I’ll admit…but I was totally bushed afterwards. Jeez.
Put the cauliflowers back inside at the end of the day, and then headed up to the carport to take some old constructions apart for proper recycling.

What with the need for so many rocks for the basin and in the near future the new wall under the porch (I discovered it is still sagging) we headed out to get a new batch again. I do admit to liking this particular part of this type of work. It allows me to take Knight II with me while we roam through the wild in search of rocks. Hah.

Of course Knight II, who wasn’t adopted by me until he was over six months old, is an absolute city dog. Seriously, who ever heard of a dog that would rather stay on macadam rather than dirt? He looks like a friggin’ ballerina if I insist he joins me in the bushes, and tiptoes towards me all annoyed for my insistence.

Well, I’m calling it a day…on the blog anyway. Heck, I might even have a nap before getting to work on my blog. Hah.

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