
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The usual stuff...busy

Song of the day: “All summer long” by Kid Rock. Gawd I am looking forward to summer.

Busy couple of days over here. Seriously. This and that going on, requiring lots of time and effort, without really showing anything for it. *sigh*

We worked on storage stuff. Seriously, you can’t believe how much stuff you’ve got lying about until you need space to stuff it in. Hah.

A dog vomited on my bed, so I had to clean my sheets, of course. Jeez, whoever did it, hit the deed by covering it up with my second blanket, for crying out loud. I was about to fold back my blankets when I discovered it…believe me, the dogs got an earful after that. Hah.

Had a nice session with Touri, who had to get his ear cleaned again, poor darling. He really dislikes it, but considering he’s now on anti-inflammatory pills from the vet (due to his operation) I’m making use of it. This morning he managed to wreck his cone, by the way. Pesky little bugger, rammed it into the wall and was completely thrilled now that he could scratch his ear…and somehow managed to get rid of the drain. I sure hope that he yanked it all out, rather than letting it slip back under his skin, otherwise he is going to be very uncomfortable come Thursday, when he has to go back.

Lots of gardening (I’m thinking of looking for a job in gardening in the near future. Now if only there’s one available in the near future) going on, in particular transplanting the pepper and tomato seedlings…along with sowing parsley, chives and such. I love gardening, and there was a time in my life where I considered becoming a garden designer. Then, of course, the writing bug hit me, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Considering the weather was absolutely beautiful, I didn’t mind heading down into the yard at all to put up more barriers of reed so the dogs don’t wreck the fences. In fact it is a rather nice way to spend the afternoon. It really gets that feeling of being in a jungle going, and of course my imagination went off into different tangent. Rafa Lyon’s story, of course. Seriously, NEFRS series always becomes very prominent when I start working in the reed. Hah.

We spend several hours working on the old bus to, considering there were still a few holes left that had to be closed. I hope that we finally closed it off sufficiently to keep the rats out in the future.

Big brother and I were in town the other night, and on the way home (I was already starting to get a little fuzzy from the long day) I saw a black and white Bobtail wandering by the side of the streets. Before I could properly think, I had big brother stop the car on the roundabout and was out like a shot. Poor thing, looked exactly like Knight I at the age of 6 months, so I choked up a bit when it fled into the bushes. I would have liked to catch it, so I could bring it to the police station, but alas, it was too scared. It happens so often these days, wandering dogs. I hate it that as soon as times get a little tough, people start dumping their dogs.

There was a rock trip, of course. A good load, even though it was already turning dark. Considering we were busy ‘till too late, we weren’t done loading until night had fallen. It appears to go so slowly, (the gathering that is) but the pile is steadily growing. Soon we should be able to fix the porch wall…hopefully we’ll be in time to prevent it from crashing down. Hah.

For tenant it was a busy day yesterday. She and Sally went out to market where mom and the sibs work, and even though she spent the majority of the afternoon in a coffee shop, she had a blast. It was kind of odd not to have her sit on the porch, like usual. I’ve gotten so very used to stopping underway and chatting with her a bit.

But anyway, we used the hours everyone was out to finish the wall behind big brother’s new cabinets, and it looks grand. Now all I have to do is paint the darn thing and then it will be all done…oh wait, we also still have to put slats on the front to hide the MDF, of course.

This afternoon, while I was working in the greenhouse, grandpa and big brother put up a banister by the stone stairs into the garden pit. Clue, like Fortuyn the other day, fell into the basin and had to be lifted out by big brother. I don’t get it, but for some reason they’re all so curious that they end up taking a dive. Hah.

There were the usual cleaning hassles. The spider webs were back, so I tackled those again. Laundry, cleaning vertical surfaces in the house and so on and on, ya know, the usual boring stuff I won’t bore you any more with today.

Edit wise we have been focussing on the synopsis and query letter. We failed the deadline we had set for today, be we’re determined to send it out tomorrow, so I better quit this blog right now.

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