
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weird storms

Song of the day: “Respect” by Aretha Franklin, I believe. If not, feel free to correct me. Hah.

Okay, let’s hurry this along, because I still have to edit and I would rather not sit at the desk all day when I could be outside in the sporadic sunshine, darn it. I’ve been missing the sun for almost a week now, and I want to be in it every minute I can.

First of all, we stopped outside work a little early after the last blog, what with the horrible weather not allowing us to do much outdoors anyway, and made quite a bit of progress with the edit. After yesterday’s chapter, we’ve only three or four chapters to go yet, so, YAY! If it goes remotely as planned we should be able to add another “done” one today, so the end is finally nigh.

The mimosa tree we mutilated the other day (due to what appears to be an illness it was looking close to dying) still looks horrid, and I really hope that it will make it, if for no other reason than that my view would be a lot less attractive if it’s gone.

We had some crazy storms these days past. Incredibly loud and fast thunderstorms. One even hit the electricity pole at the top of the property. It lit up grandpa’s bungalow, apparently, and tenant saw it too. And while it happened Labhana thought she was dying and I felt it go through bone and marrow. Seriously, for a moment I thought I pulled something in my spine. Hah.
Poor Labhana insisted on sleeping on the bed that night. She was terribly upset. I never realized that she was so afraid of thunder, but maybe it was because these storms were very different than usual. One moment everything would be clear and the next clouds would tumble overhead making the ground tremble with thunder.

For the most part yesterday was spent doing little stuff. I started the day (no. No laundry for a change. What with the bad weather the lines are full and nothing dries. *sigh*) bringing mom’s extra little table to the carport so I could adjust it and ad extra fold-out sections to both sides. What with her quilting being so big, she’d been making due with this little bed stand so I figured I might as well widen the top. It’s now double the size and looks cute.

Big brother fixed Sally’s sowing machine. What with her being out of a job these days, she’s decided to join mom in making quilts and such for the market, which is keeping her nicely busy, I think.

We also fixed up an old white glass bulb lamp, which we hung in the patio later in the afternoon. It took some doing, what with the roof being 13 feet high. So big brother was on top of the ladder. I was under the ladder holding it, while Ox (oddly enough I was allowed to mention him this time. Hah) helped with handing over tools, the lamp and doing everything what big brother would have had to get off the ladder for. It took maybe half an hour, the whole process, but the result was absolutely gorgeous. It looks so very neat.

There was the edit, of course, but at some point (after page three, or so) I was so bloody tired I stumbled to my bed and napped for half an hour. Dax immediately joined me, of course, crawling under the blanket with me, and curling up against my stomach, while Knight II took about five minutes to realize where I was, and joined us by slamming his bony butt into my spine. Jeez!

At the end of the afternoon the sun broke out for a bit, and I more or less bounced out into the sunshine. Oh my Gawd, it was so bloody wonderful to have bright sunlight again, and to stand in its warmth, if only for thirty minutes or so. It cleared my head from the bad-weather-lethargy I always suffer from.
We went into the yard to check everything, and though some tomatoes look like they’re drowning, and we had to drain the garden pit into the basin, and the drain of the basin overflow was working overtime, everything was looking pretty darn good, all things considering.

Before I forget, we also got some gravel (for concrete), which we spent unloading most of the morning…much to the annoyance of the sibs who were waiting to load up the Land Rover with market stuff.

Which was today, of course, meaning that today I did manage to do some laundry. Though a lot was still wet, I did manage to pick some items of the line, creating space for a new batch. This was also the time that we decided to check the washing machine, because it appears to be making more and more of a racket, of late. It is probably something in the bearing, meaning that a washing machine of less than a year old could be totally wrecked. Aaargh! Spent about half an hour trying to reach a repairman, but due to Semana Santa going on, no one is really reachable.

But anyway, I headed down into the yard and started planting herbs in the garden pit. Parsley, sage, basil and chives now have a good spot, and though I will be planting more there, it looks rather nice there.

Afterwards there was lunch to see to. Considering tenant could use a good meal to, I made it up there. Baked potatoes with white cabbage, onion and red peppers. It turned out rather well, in particular because of the large batch of fresh herbs I poured in. Hah.

Knight II’s tail is looking good, and the cut on his foreleg is healing properly. Dax’s ear is good too. Though there’s a flap hanging loose, the part is still on, and is no longer looking red around the edges.

Well, that about sums it all up. I should do some reading, and then maybe some cleaning, and then…well, I’ll see about that later.

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