
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A bit wrecked.

Song of the day: “This is it” by Michael Jackson, which is a welcome change to yesterday’s “Barbie girl” by Aqua. Hah.

So yeah, I’m a bit wrecked, seeing as I’ve been incredibly busy (physically) for the past couple of days. It all started out with the work-out session of an hour and a half the day before yesterday. Seriously, it was going so well, I just kept at it and...well, I didn’t even pay for it in the morning. Hah. Nope, what really did me in was unloading the car on my own while big brother and grandpa went to the village. Seriously, hauling ‘bout 1600 pounds of rock on your own ain’t nothing to sneeze about. *sigh* Last night I was so tired I was seeing spots.

But I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I. There was other stuff to do...though now that I mention it, for the life of me I can’t remember any of it. Hah. Let me just check with big brother.
Well, there was gardening, of course. Not that much, seeing as the weather was extremely cloudy for this time of year. Seriously, the sky has been pretty much completely covered since Tuesday. Heck, we even had a bit of rain, which meant that we only had to spray the seedlings once.

The beans are doing rather well in this weather. Coming up like...well, the beans they are and looking eager to start climbing on the constructions we still have to build for them down there.

Bit of bad news, one of the dogs (Sita III) is feeling a bit poorly, the poor darling. Mom and the sibs took her to the vet just yesterday to do some tests.
Nothing yet, but let's just hope that it is a flu kinda thing that passes on it's own. This month's expenses are already going through the roof.

Besides hauling rocks down, and a trip to pick out flat stones for the stairs big brother is putting together, last night, we also spent a couple of hours working on the wall last night. It’s coming along nicely. We’ve got more than half up to head level, and the stairs are four steps high. There will be a massive bulwark (on which the stairs is made) holding the wall in place to boot, so with a little luck that wall will still be there a hundred years from now. Hah. Yep, I definitely am of the A-Team mind. “Overkill is vastly overrated” (or something along those lines) hah. And boy are we doing overkill! I soooo do not want to have to fortify that wall again anywhere in the foreseeable future.

There was a wonderful cooking session, just yesterday. Sure the weather was wonky, and there was actually some rain, but not bad enough to bother us under the cover at the basin terrace. On this ancient, one-burner, I cooked macaroni and then a mix of fresh cabbage, tomatoes from the greenhouse, some onions from the yard and loads of herbs from my herb garden. Yay. It was yummy. I had no idea that white cabbage was eatable with tomatoes, but there you have it. Hah.

This morning, after just barely managing to get my butt out of bed, I had to stick my head in a tile of water, just to wake up. My ankle was throbbing (I think I twisted it a little when we got rocks last night) my knee didn’t agree with me, and on the overall everything was sore enough for me to have to do ten minutes of stretches just to be able to move like I wasn’t a hundred-year-old woman. *sigh*

Well, it’s about time to finish working on the in-between-project (keeping my fingers crossed, because I really want to start on something new, darn it) and then head on down into the yard for watering, checking, weeding and such. Then, maybe another trip for flat stones, gonna need lots of those and we’ll need to sort through the offering (big ol’ pile) to find the ones we need...oh wait, nope. Today is sand hauling day, darn it. Gotta get a new batch, because we are going through our stash like mad. Ya can’t believe how much cement you need to build a wall like ours. Hah.

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