
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Song of the day: “Sunrise” by Norah Jones. There were others in my head but this is the one that tumbled into my head when we got home about two hours ago.

Since then there was unloading, cooking a quick supper, and then finally sitting down to do the blog. Not necessarily because I’ve got a blog to write, but more because of the sitting. Boy was I ready for sitting. Jeez.
In case you haven’t guessed yet, yep, today was grocery shopping day, and I for one, am more than a little happy it’s over and done with for another month. Seriously, if I could get away with it, I do this particular shopping once every two months instead…which is silly since it would only mean that I would want to make that three months, and so on. Hah.

But anyway, it went off without a hitch. Right after helping tenant change (caregiver was her at her other job this afternoon) tenant wished us a nice shopping spree because she was under the mistaken impression that it would be a nice outing with mom, rather than the hard work it is. Hah. When I explained to her (again) that shopping consists of at least 5 hours of gruelling loading, unloading, loading and unloading, walking, jogging, searching, packing, unpacking, lifting, carrying, going in and out of stores (that range in numbers from 9 to 15 in any given month because we hunt for sales) and all the other FUN things we have to do, she looked a little startled.
Not that I blame her, seeing that it is a bit much. But, if you ya gotta watch the dimes, ya gotta go the extra mile.

Be that as it may, we, mom, little sister, big brother and I, were out from 1:00 ‘till 6:45 PM, during which time we went through a sum total of 13 stores that had the car filled to full capacity at the end of the entire thing. *sigh*
Which meant a helluva lot to unload by the time we got home…filled even further because Sally was done at work and we picked her up when we drove through the village. This meant that little sister had to fold up on top of some boxes in the middle of the back seat but it worked. We got home safe and sound where the dogs were absolutely bonkers, as usual, getting in our way, jumping up and down excitedly lame them either, I was ecstatic to be home as well. Hah.

Lemme just throw in a belated Aaaaaargh!!! here, okay?

I did lock my pack up in my cabin, seeing as the Knight and little brother’s mutts don’t get along all that well, as you know, and since there was storing to do, I thought having my crazy lot out of the way was not a bad thing at all. Knight II didn’t mind all that much, when all was said and done, in fact getting locked up at homecoming time, calms him down considerably…thankfully.

Which sums up today pretty well. Let’s hope that the splendid seven hours of sleep I managed to catch last night will allow me to hold out until at least midnight so that we can get some edits done. Seeing as yesterday evening we had to go out to get another donation, (very little this time, so we weren’t that late getting home, phew) we were a tad distracted and didn’t get all that much done on S.N.
I did manage to jot down half a page for our next project, but it’s still in the beginning stages so I really can’t tell anything about it yet. I’m basically still exploring the characters.

So what did we do yesterday? I’m not entirely sure, my brain is blanking out again, darn it.
The partition! Right, what with winter coming, along with more rain, according to the news casters, we decided to give the dogs, and ourselves a break, and set up a tent-like partition in the carport that will keep most of the rain and wind from there, keeping the dogs, and us dryer. Yay.

It took some time, but we did manage to get the contraption in, allowing for us to be out in the sunshine a lot. Yep, the clouds cleared a little yesterday and most of today, making for a wonderfully warm day, despite the air being nippy.

We did go into the yard, of course, checking everything, watering a little here and there, and finding another handful of tomatoes. Other than that, there really wasn’t all that much going on yesterday, except for another good workout (despite my being out of shwung, and Chaos getting in the way twice, and almost getting whacked by my foot swinging at the bag, hah) and the usual chores in-between.

Ah well, it really isn’t all that interesting, if it didn’t stick, is it. So let’s leave it at this and see if I have something remotely more interesting to tell the next time ‘round.

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