
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Power off

Song of the day: “Say say say” by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson, of course. Downloaded it the other day and it is still an awesome song.

Right. Whazzup…not all that much. Mostly just busywork, and, well, seeing as that is no different from usual, I’ll tell ya all about it. Hah.

Seriously, though. Let me just gather my thoughts here for a minute. First of there was the workout yesterday morning. It was nippy to start off, but once I got into it, I could stand the chill well enough. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t thoroughly enjoyed the extremely hot shower afterwards that did a great job of heating my sweaty and icy skin.

That done there was the usual laundry stuff, followed by breakfast and then down to the carport to gather tools for the day. Caregiver needed some extra storage space in her apartment, so that meant us going down there to add some decent panelling under her bed where she can store a big load if she wants to. It took most of the day, since getting the materials down took a while, and then there was the measuring, sawing, screwing, and of course the dogs getting in our way all the while. *sigh* They do love doing that while you’re trying to get stuff done. Chaos, for instance, insisted on getting on the bed for a full five minutes before he finally accepted that it wasn’t going to happen. In the end he trudged out of the apartment with a huffy look back at us.

As for the other dogs, they just snoozed around on chairs, the bed (they could get on themselves, mind you, hah) and on the floor…while Dax and Sitabah made a nuisance of themselves looking for mice. Seriously, you should have seen Dax. He got stuck between the wall and the cabinet, and his tail was wagging like mad while his paws flayed around looking for purchase to get out. I just burst out laughing watching his antics.

But anyway, the remodeling job done, big brother and I headed down into the yard to check the basin, water some plants, tackle caterpillars (not as many after all the rain, but still there), leaf miners and checking to see if nothing was drowning. Some was, so those had to be taken out for some air.

There was some harvesting still. Pumpkins are still appearing every now and then and soon we’ll have to go for another hunt within the morning glory vines because the plants are now starting to die. Pity. But considering the dropping temperatures not surprising.

Potatoes are not liking all the rain either, seeing as most of them are already developing diseases that will quickly put an end to them. Let’s hope we’ll get a decent harvest from them before then. As for the tomatoes. They too are rapidly dying, but we still have a few coming…as long as we keep the dogs (like Tadaika and Sitabah) away from them, because they will literally go out into the yard in search of fresh tomatoes. Red ones, mind you, not the green ones. We lost at least a dozen big ones to these two monsters. Grrr. I’m keeping a closer eye on them now, I assure you.

Though yesterday’s edit was marginally better than the one that followed the last blog (big brother and I got into a massive argument about semantics. He wanted speed in a certain paragraph, I wanted suspense. In the end we needed a while apart for me to calm down and think clear again. Seriously, I might have conked him on the head from sheer frustration. Hah) but all in all we got further after all and didn’t get to blows,

There was another workout session this morning. It wasn’t as cold, but still we’re packing up in several layers by now. The wind (this is the place where the wind is born according to legends, remember) is blowing somewhat fierce, mostly from the north, so that’ll make the air feel like it’s freezing.

First off today was the electricity failing. One minute everything was working just fine and the next, nothing. Checked the fuses, but nothing, so it was once again a problem with the power company. We just hoped that it would be solved fast this time.

Workout went fine, it was later that my lack of sleep these past few weeks was starting to play parts on me. After the usual chores and going down into the yard, I did a five minute catnap on a chair in the sunshine, then hauled large pots of earth to the greenhouse to transplant tomatoes from the multipots’ little slots. There was that and checking plants down in the yard for caterpillars again. Several plants were flat on the ground from the wind that has been raging most of the day.

There was cooking, of course. Supper has to be made and eaten after all, and since we were all starving come 4 in the afternoon, tenant’s cutting of the vegetables while she sat in the sunshine down by the basin, was a welcome form of assistance. Half an hour later I had supper ready.

By this time we had called the power company, where we were informed that they haven’t had any complaints, meaning that we had to phone for a technician (on our own expense) to find out what it was. Big brother had already tested it out, and we knew that the main line wasn’t working, but no, they needed an assessment of a professional.

It took us a while to figure out where to get one. Finally got a number for one through the owner of the fresh produce store in the village who was kind enough to call the fellow for us and arrange everything. The guy arrived within the hour, and agreed that the main line didn’t have power, meaning that we were right and that the power company should deal with it. Nice fellow, who arranged everything (which he should since he got twenty bucks for basically confirming what we’d already said) and told us that if the power company guys didn’t arrive within an hour and a half we were to call him and he would shout at them some to get stuff done.

The fellows arrived right on the dot, took one look at the problem, turned around and came back with the proper tools within half an hour. They were properly impressed with the greenhouse, which is indeed looking pretty fine now that the rain has washed the windows properly for us, hah. Next they waded their way through mud and jungle, climbed up the pole and reattached wires that has somehow gotten loose during the night’s windstorm. Five minutes afterwards we had power again. *sigh*

Which brings me to now. I’ve got an edit to do, hot tea to drink because, boy is the wind chilly, and maybe haul Chaos’ lazy butt of the bed. He’s been snoozing there since six this afternoon and is looking way too content just wiling the evening away. Hah.

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