
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain

Song of the day: “The Flood” by Katie Melua. Strangely appropriate these past couple of days. Even infected big brother with it. Hah.

It had been an annoying constant for the past couple of days, and for me it has been more than enough. I want the summer back. I mean it. Let’s skip winter and just go straight through to summer…please?…pretty please with a cherry on top?
My clothes are wet, and despite the fact that I changed into dry ones earlier, everything still feels wet. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with yesterday.

Thunder was roaring like mad when I woke about half an hour prior to my alarm going off yesterday morning. The ground was shaking, rain pounding down, and trees swaying like mad in the hard wind. It was not a workout day, so I headed down into the house to do some cleaning. Tackled spider webs, cleaned some glass, and on the overall tried to make the house remotely presentable. It did result in neck pain, regretfully. Darned high ceilings.

Afterwards, the rain still coming down, we went down to the yard to check everything, and found that the basin had filled up to two feet during the first rain. Excellent.
By then the rain got worse again, so I had breakfast and then went to the carport where I spent the majority of the day repairing clothes that had been lying about for just such a rainy day.

Fixed four pants, two tops, a bra and both body warmers, which were ripped in the back. It didn’t help my neck pain any, but what the heck. It was quite satisfactory to have my repair clothes box empty for a change. Hah.

While I was sewing, big brother worked on the moped. Remember how I told that grandpa went to the village and got caught by a flood? Well, it looks like the moped got the worst of it. In all likelihood we’re going to have to bring it to the repair guy again. *sigh*

Turned out that despite the bad weather, mom and the sibs had a good day at the market. Mom’s bags and dog beds are really taking off with the local foreigners, and they are getting to be much in demand. I do have to admit that the fabrics used in stores and such are deplorable, so I totally agree on that part. Mom’s fabrics are the rich and beautiful colored kind.

Rather than head inside, which I deplore these days, I cooked dinner on a one pit stove in the carport, and it was delicious. Tenant even came down to the terrace to share supper with us, and we ended up talking about the past, and India and some of our other travels. She does love those kind of chats, I must say. Her eyes start to sparkle. Wasted at least an hour chatting about such things, but it was worth it…especially since with this weather she is cooped up inside a lot.

Through the course of the day we had a sum total of three thunderstorms with rain and lighting, but luckily the sky cleared around dusk, allowing us to sit outside on the terrace during the daily edit. I do love that at the moment this seems to be par for the course. Rain all day, only for the sky to clear at the end of it, allowing for outside work in the evening. Soon it will be too cold for that, of course, but until then, I intend to fully enjoy the fresh air.

As cold wet days tend to do, I was pretty much exhausted by the end of the day and was more than happy to call it a day…which led to this morning’s workout, naturally.

Despite the wind and rain workout went rather well. Managed to go through all the motions, even though I shortened a few of the routines in favor of having to go out into the rain for them to be accurate. But I punched and kicked the ball, pumped steel and jumped around on the beat. All in all, not bad. Hah.

That done, and with grandpa and big brother on their way to the village to get fresh bread and dairy, I went up to tenant’s where we made white bean patty dough for tonight’s snack, and pumpkin soup of supper. The way I figured, tenant could use the diversion. You can hardly sit on a chair and read all day, all winter long without going absolutely bonkers. Luckily she likes helping with cooking.

By the time breakfast of fresh bread was over, grandpa came rushing up the mountain (fully geared in rain clothes and boots) telling us that the basin was already overrunning. We rushed down ourselves, getting completely soaked in the process of digging a new gutter to lead the river of water away from the main ducts. Having stopped the main flow, we headed for the garden pit and put in two hoses to drain the massive amount of water that was making its way towards the greenhouse.

By then there wasn’t a single dry spot left on my body, and I could feel water run into my waterproof boots by dripping down my legs and past my ankles. *sigh* Going through wet bushes to lead hoses down the incline is not a good way to protect yourself against the rain. Hah.

That done, and having changed into dry clothes and boots, I went to the carport to get away from the wetness and sort through a couple of pounds of mixed screws. Grandpa has this tendency to throw any screw he finds into one big box, meaning that we get to sort through about four of them during winter. Hah.

My dogs are not really all that upset by the weather, seeing as they much prefer staying in my cabin when it rains. Seriously, they’ll saunter inside, take up a lounging position, and look at me as if saying, “that’s fine, just close the door now, boss. That’s it. Nice and closed, leaving us toasty and dry.” *sigh* Sometimes I worry about my dogs not being normal at all.

Another trip to the yard to save cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, kale and red cabbage from drowning, didn’t result in another clothes changing session, thankfully. For the duration of that particular chore the rain stopped for a short time, allowing us to put the baby plants inside the greenhouse, and drain the outside table.

There was pumpkin soup aplenty, and since I put in a pot of lentils it filled our stomachs properly.

Well, that about sums it up. I would like to get some edits done tonight, and maybe a spot of writing, or otherwise reading in the review book, so let’s leave it at this.

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