
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Song of the day: I don’t remember the title. It was some childhood diddle anyway, so who cares. It was a little embarrassing since at some point big brother gave me a baleful look and asked, “What the heck are you singing?”

Ehm…yeah…thinking…darn it…I can’t…
Oh wait, I have picked up workouts again, and had a couple of excellent sessions both yesterday and today, though this morning I cheated a little by half-ing two particular reps my foot didn’t agree with. But other than that, it went well enough.

Spent most of yesterday digging into rock and clay beside the path leading down from the gate to my cabin. It has been years that we’ve wanted to finish this particular low wall, but until now, after making the parking area for the moped, we never did get to it. But anyway, because of that I spent several hours using the jackhammer on the ground and wall, until finally I cut away enough to start masonry. Finished about half of it before the end of the day was there and it was time to head out to get sand…and let Knight II run for a bit. He did quite a bit of that too, so there was a definite plus. Hah.

Both today and yesterday there was greenhouse work. Bugs to seek out, water to give and all that. I think that, looking back…in particular on this afternoon while I was crawling my way through the dirt looking for caterpillars in the borecole and cauliflowers, it was probably the absolute best of the past couple of days.

Which reminds me of this morning. We had a rather peculiar phenomena going on right outside. It started last night really. Once I was preparing to go to bed the city in the valley had disappeared under a thick blanket of clouds that only lit up at the horizon. Then, this morning when I came out for the workout, you could see those same clouds still there, only slowly, but gradually making its way into the valley and up onto the mountain. We were just about done with the workout when the cloud reached the lower neighbors, and while I was taking a shower they crawled right over the property. Seriously, it was a tad creepy. Some odd thirty feet of visibility was all that remained and the atmosphere had suddenly turned decidedly chilly. In particular compared to the rather pleasantly warm days that we enjoyed since the day before yesterday.

But anyway, tenant was attempting to catch some sunshine just outside the old horse paddock, but by the time I got there it was a waning bit of light that barely penetrated the thick mist all around us. I could see the horror movies of old, “The Fog”, “The Mist”, nothing but white all around you, and then, topping the rise, something weird, something dark, something horrific. *sigh* I definitely saw too many horror movies. Seriously, I gave myself the creeps out there. Hah.

There was pumpkin soup making, along with a fresh chickweed/nettle/chard mix today which went down well enough, despite it being a bit wiry. As desert I also experimented a little. This time with fennel. I suddenly had a certain taste in my head and I just had to see if it would work out. It did, and I am considering putting it in my cook book.

While I was doing masonry, grandpa and big brother worked on clearing a spot where they could temporarily store the new moped, without the dogs wrecking it.

Added to that, there was the unloading of sand from the car…twice, you understand. This is an excellent way to supplement the daily workout, in case you’re wondering. Hah.

I had a wee bit of a confrontation with grandpa, by the way. I was working on the small wall, and while I was explaining my technique, grandpa realized that I wasn’t going to build a straight wall. Which got him in a bit of a tiff, because he wants stuff straight, while I like to go in curves, make it more natural. Straight is what always gets him into trouble. In particular since when you are working with natural rock, straight is a relative concept. Ya gotta go with the flow, keep to the Bob Ross attitude of “There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.” But anyway, grandpa doesn’t see it that way. He’s a farmer of old: when nature doesn’t want to work with you, you ram through it. *sigh* He does forget, of course, that it doesn’t work. Nature always finds a way, and that goes for a rock wall as much as anything. Take the last straight wall we did, for instance. I spend several hours some odd ten months ago, to add a bulwark just to keep it from toppling over. There goes the straight wall. *double sigh*

I hate confrontations like that, but it can’t be help. Considering that I was the one doing the building, I compromised only a little by creating one curve, rather than two, and left him dissatisfied regardless. No helping it. If I’m charge of building something, I bloody well will build it the way I like it…I expect no different from him when he’s working on his (despite the fact that I don’t like straight walls, hah).

Okay, we let bygones be bygones, so in the end it really didn’t matter.
What else…oh dear, I’m drawing a blank again. What is it with my brain these days? I slept enough last night, darn it.

We made some repairs in the igloo. One of the support beams of the shelving had broken down, so we had to fix that. We brought the broken washing machine into the carport, where the dogs can’t mess it up again. So I washed that, along with the mirrors in the house, some shelving and all that sort of thing. Laundry, and bla, bla, bla. I know, that’s boring.

Hmmm. There was some carpentry, mostly regarding the future parking spot of the moped. Some small fixings for whicker baskets.
Tenant walked all the way down to my cabin, all on her own. Sure, big brother and I were watching her with hawk-eyes, but she managed, and was darn proud of it too.

Sawed wood! Ah, I haven’t lost my mind completely yet. Big brother and I sawed the beams for the new section of roof (for the moped) and that is always a bit of a tense thing. Big brother once sawed off his thumb and index on that big sawing table, so we’re always extra careful. It is doubtful that the docs could fix it that well again.

Still reading Jack Vance, this time “The Killing Machine”, and I’m still enjoying it. Vance does have a rather wonderful writing voice…despite it being a tad old fashioned.

Well, this is going to have to be it for today. I can’t think of anything else anyway, and I still have to go out later tonight for a donation. Maybe we should arrange for these kinds of trips during the day. Hah.

But in case I don’t “see” y’all before then (almost forget to do the well wishing bit): Have A Marvelously Merry Christmas!

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