
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A bit of meandering

Song of the day: “Fireflies” by Owl City. It’s been there off and on for several days but got the upper hand today. Hah.

Busy again, despite there not being a lot of activity. Just time filling on the most part. Let’s start with yesterday (if I can) and work our way to now, as usual. I am at times a creature of habit after all.

Okay, there was the workout, yay. Got another one in despite waking up a tad late (who can come out of bed with temperatures close to the freezing point?) and kicked, pounded and worked the bag until I had a 120 bpm heartbeat and wound down by lifting some weights. This is mostly to prevent my muscles from cramping, which is a nasty side effect of kick boxing, I must admit.

That done, I was ready to the face the day and went through the usual morning rituals such as chores in the house and breakfast. Since we have (had) two of those cheap white breads that needed to be eaten, it was grilled cheese sandwiched all ‘round. A little heavy on the stomach, sure, but not a bad way to start the day.

Yesterday was spent on the terrace in front of my cabin. At least six hours were spent sanding the new closet for mom, and then painting it twice in a nice yellow color that should liven up the corner in which we’re going to place it.

So there we were, tenant on my porch in the full sunlight, and making herself useful by varnishing wooden slats (which I needed today to finish the closet), while cousin Ed and I worked on the closet. There was laughter, there was singing (tenant had to laugh about that when I walked her up to her apartment later in the day) and on the overall good cheer while we finished most of the closet. For a while I feared that the two layers wouldn’t be enough. They were, and by the end of the day we bound the thing up against the carport to keep it from toppling over.

Big brother was still working on the box (today and yesterday) which is shaping up nicely as well.
That done we headed out to pick up a new load of sand and then went into the wild to take Knight II for a run. Cousin Ed went along with her own dog, which Knight II found fascinating, but we not so since he found something to roll in and smelled up the car on the way back. Seriously, I was hanging out of the window most of the way. Hah.

Once at home I prepared supper of mashed potatoes with kale, all mixed together in a tasteful hodgepodge. Gawd, I was starving. That half pancake that grandpa made in the afternoon really didn’t last long.

There was the edit, of course, which didn’t go all that bad yesterday, thankfully. We actually managed to do several pages rather than the 1-2 that we’ve been getting through in the past few weeks. Seriously, the first edit is almost done, and I am psyched about that. First edits are a pain, and this one really did prove that.

Got totally distracted by the end of the evening where I wandered around the information freeways of Wikipedia telling of the Spanish Inquisition and all its fascinating links. To me Wikipedia is incredibly dangerous. I can be totally consumed for hours on end if I don’t watch myself. Jeez. I just wanted to check something (Florence Nightingale) and then somehow ended up at the Spanish Inquisition. I find it incredible to discover that they too basically persecuted Jews, and slaughtered them, reminding me of WWII and even what is going on this day and age. The Jews always end up getting blamed for everything. I do hope that this time they’ll be able to prevent disaster from striking, and not let it drag on until thousands are dead. Better do a preemptive strike and show that they’ve had enough of being turned into a handy scapegoat for unscrupulous folk who want the fruits of their hard labor.
Regretfully, history has a way of repeating itself, so I fear that the world will just let something really bad happen rather than do the right thing. *sigh* That scares me sometimes, I’ll admit.

But anyway, no more meandering, let’s get on to today. It was cold enough this morning to deter me from a workout. Since I did one yesterday, along with a run later in the afternoon, I figured this wasn’t a disaster. After the usual morning chores and breakfast we headed down into the yard. Plants needed to be watered, outside as well as in the greenhouse and raised seedbed, and there were of course the harvest of broccoli and cauliflower that we had to get through. Got a nice batch for tomorrow’s supper, and soaked up some sunshine while I was at it. Seriously, down there it was downright pleasant. Less wind, more heat. I should have stayed, but there was the closet to finish. *sigh*

Got to work on that, sanding the finishing slats for the fronts of the shelves and sides, sawing them to the right sizes, and then hammering them in place. Put the back on as well, a nice big board that will keep some of the dirt out at least. I am contemplating doors, but not yet. Maybe at some point I’ll get around to that, but for now mom will have to settle for the open shelves.

Tenant didn’t brave the wind today, but opted for her cozy and warm apartment near the stove. Can’t say I blamed her, seeing as the wind was chilling. The dogs agreed with me, constantly looking for spot out of the wind but in the sunshine. Knight II, of course opted for a chair on my porch, while letting his chin rest on the banister. Hah.

Well, that’s it. I’ve got other stuff to do now. Did my blogging duty and all that. Yay. I need to go out still later on (mom’s boiler gave the spirit) so who knows, I might opt for a little nap soon.

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