
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, February 6, 2012

All over the place

Song of the day: “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield. It’s been going through my head on and off, but since it’s a cool song (along with Fireflies from Owl City) I didn’t mind at all.

A busy couple of days, yet extremely unexciting from your point of view, I’m sure.
No matter, though, it’s what I’ve got to tell, and so tell it I shall. Hah.

First off, there was the imperial to put back in place, which was an interesting experience, all things considered. The wind was blowing like mad, we were dressed in triple layers to keep the cold out, and those metal bolts and tools were freezing. Got it back in place though, and are now able to haul big stuff again. Yay.

I was a little late getting out of bed yesterday morning, seeing as the bed was so warm and I really didn’t feel like getting up, but then did when the wining alarm kept going, and made me groan out loud right before I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the door to let the dogs out.
They’re getting to be a little less noisy, what with me trying to teach them to keep their traps shut in the morning. It takes some effort, in particular to keep Knight II from yapping my head off, but gradually he is learning to settle on the chair while I unlock the door. They do still storm out into the morning, but at least it is the thunder of their paws, rather than the howling and the screeching.

The majority of one morning was spent hanging a cupboard in mom’s bedroom…well, two actually, and that took a couple of hours at least. That done (this was of course after the usual morning chores) there was a quick breakfast of chickpea patties and a pancake, before I headed down into the yard to water the alfa alfa patches and the smaller plants because the air is so terribly dry these days. We really need another rainy day, even though I am loathe to admit it. *sigh* Since I was out there anyway, I hunted some bugs and then headed back up to help tenant who was cutting potatoes for supper and needed someone to peel supper’s beets for her. We ended up chatting for a bit of course.

Cousin Ed went out to see about a job at a horse riding establishment, but doubts that it will come to anything. At the moment the company has more staff than they do customers. Hah.
Mom and the sibs had a good day at the market. At first they thought it was going to be a bad day, but then about two hours before the market was over, they had more customers than they could handle. It’s nice that stuff is selling so well, in particular since it is rather good for mom’s confidence.

Big brother and I also spent a couple of hours preparing a package for a publishers. We found one we tried to send a query letter to before, but never got a response for. Now it turns out that they’re looking for new material again, so the way we figure we might as well give it a shot.
Worst thing that can happen is they say no.

That done and put aside for mailing, we worked on the tool box for a bit, after which I headed to the kitchen to prepare most of supper, which I would cook after we got a new load of rocks. Then it was time to put the protective structure in the back of the car (we made a wooden box of sorts a long time ago to be able to haul rocks and sand in the Land Rover) and then changed clothes since we figured we might as well go out for of a jog (Knight II needed exercise too) after getting the new batch loaded.

Another quick trip down into the yard involved closing the greenhouse and seedbed before the evening chill settled in, and then it was into the car and away before twilight.

Though jogging uphill was not in the books, I did manage a sturdy pace, and then ran all the way down without pause. Yay. Of course, what for me is a run, is nothing more than a trot for Knight II, the lazy dog. I swear, if he could get away with it, he’d just wait in the car. What kind of a dog is that?

Once at home it was back to the kitchen to make supper because I was starving, and more than ready to call it a day. Food was devoured, at which time we got started on the day’s edit. Quantity was not a problem yesterday evening. We made good progress, at least better than the past week when every sentence seemed to provoke an argument. Hah. But anyway, yesterday’s edit went well enough and we managed to stop before fatigue ad frustration started to play parts on us.

Which brings us to today, doesn’t it? I was right on time this morning, but still had to hurry a bit through the morning rituals. Tenant and caregiver had to be at the new doctor’s place and since I had to be in town too, we thought we’d connect it. So, taking the country road, (we left a little early) we headed for the village where I dropped them off at the practice.

Tenant doesn’t like the fact that her hearing is so bad (it’s not all that bad really. It has more to do with focus than actual hearing), so she wants to know if there maybe is a hearing aid to assist her. She got a really expensive one a few years ago, but she hated that one. It just confused her. Also, she’s been bothered by dizziness, while otherwise she is in perfect physical health.

Heading further into the village I parked the car and then went to the post office to send the package to the UK, (there was a loooooong line going on the in post office. How come you always get the long lines in government run companies, huh?) then I headed for my own doctor, (podiatrist, really) to pick up my insoles…the old ones. They weren’t there yet, and despite the woman having told me to come by today in the late morning to pick them up, the assistant said that the doctor wouldn’t be in until later today. Grrr.

Then there was fresh bread and milk to pick up, at which time caregiver phoned to let me know that she and tenant could be picked up. Turns out that the doctor agreed that her hearing wasn’t bad enough to warrant a hearing aid. She just had to be careful to focus on one conversation at a time. Hah. Well, duh. But anyway, the visit reassured her, and that is all that matters.

We took the scenic route through the woods back, and after a very, very late breakfast for me, let tenant doze on my porch while grandpa and I headed for the storage to gather wood. Mom has a shortage of or shelves in her working area at the moment, so she asked if I could make her another shelving unit. It’ll be 7 feet high, and 4 feet wide and about one foot deep. It should hold some fabrics at least. Hah.

Cousin Ed helped me put the thing together during the afternoon, and we finished the main structure at around five in the afternoon. It’s looking good. :-) Tomorrow we’re going to paint it (if all goes as planned), put the back in, and maybe contemplate doors in front of it. It would keep the dust out. I’ll have to snap some pictures. Huckabee really liked the closet. He pied against it, the naughty boy.

That done it was time for supper, leftovers of yesterday with fresh tomato soup. Yay. I love tomato soup.

Well, I’ve gotta start on the edit, and hopefully will be able to keep my eyes open for the duration of it. Hah.

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