
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Song of the day: “Come on” by Will Young. Still a gorgeous song and I don’t mind at all to have it tumbling around in my head.

Not a lot of stuff happening these past couple of days, seeing as we continued on the same project, in this case the demolition of the wreck on the property. We have sawed, we have cut, drilled, turned, bent, hammered and all in all had a very, very good time at diminishing the blasted thing to manageable parts. Yay. Who cares that my hands are in tatters, and that big brother ripped one of his favorite pants to pieces. The eyesore is gone for once and for all…well, it will be as soon as we get rid of the old metal pieces. Hah.

I wasn’t in the best of moods yesterday. Not so much grumpy as I was a bit listless. My night had been way too short (less than six hours of sleep) and for most of the day I had trouble focusing.
Did walk the boarding dogs twice, which they appear to enjoy a lot. Did need to make some shortcuts since the other dogs were out and about, but the boarders like the challenge of having to climb the side of the wall to get back to the house.

For some reason, I don’t know when, I busted my knee, meaning it is swollen somewhat fierce. In particular in the evenings. *sigh* Most unpleasant. It made going down into the yard very uncomfortable in the morning. Later, when my muscles woke up it became less bad, thankfully. Checked the greenhouse, both yesterday and today…and even went as far as transplanting some lettuce plants from the seedbed into pots. They’re looking rather good, so I was actually not at all eager to dig ‘m out. No helping it, though; the ones already in pots took a big hit during the hail storm.
We re-sowed beets (the experiment of sowing early failed), and some rows of carrots. And also, big brother had to take out the young onions which we’ll have to replant up in grandpa’s little yard.

Though yesterday the weather was absolutely splendid, today things have been changing for the worse. From the north west clouds have gradually been sliding in, filling the air with moisture and covering the sky…pity. I would have liked a few more days of good weather. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow the sun will be back.

We parked the car, belonging to the owner of our boarding dogs within the fence. There’s a lot of traffic going on at night, and since our neighbor once had his radio stolen, we don’t want to risk finding something gone, or wrecked for that matter.

I finished the Jack Vance trilogy of Lyonesse. I gotta admit that I had a load fun reading them. Only one more of Vance’s books to go, though. Last one of big brother’s beloved collection, and I should probably cherish it, since stuff like that doesn’t get written anymore. Not much character based, nor even plot, just undiluted adventure, which makes it special in a very different way.

Doggie news: we have a sick dog. Purna (black cocker spaniel) has liver problem, so mom and little sister are scrambling to take care of the little darling. Liver problems, kidney problems; they’re the worst kind. It is so strange he’s ill, in particular since his mood is so cheery still.

Chaos has fully recovered from his visit to the vet. If I didn’t know better I’d think it never happened. He’s barking again, sniffing around the yard, trying to make Knight II behave by going all Alpha on him, and snoozing on the bed several hours a day. I swear, sometimes he’ll be standing in the doorway of my cabin, barking his head off. Then, I will go inside and say, “Okay, go to bed than” and he will dart into the bedroom and jump up against the bed, looking up at me reproachfully. Tail high, he lets me lift him up on the bed, where he will trot to the pillows and flop down on his side. After two or three rubs of his cheek into the pillow he will promptly drop off to sleep. Such a peculiar dog, a Basset Hound.
Grandpa is upset at the moment. He lost the pocket watch I made for him, and no matter where he looks, he can’t find it. *sigh* I’m afraid I’m going to have to help search for it, otherwise he’ll feel really bad. Hah.

There was cooking, of course, but yesterday involved leftovers from the day before, and today I baked potatoes with a veggie mix on the side. I like baked potatoes, thank you very much. Big brother and I really are potato people.

Big brother has been distracted and absent a lot the past few days again. He’s working on the computers, installing new programs, fixing old problems, and regretfully that sort of thing really takes a lot of time. He’s learning a lot, though, which is a good thing. Would be weird if he didn’t learn after reinstalling that darn OS a gazillion times.

We went for a jog. A new path this time. I didn’t do all that well (not surprisingly after that short night, but what the heck) in particular not since half was uphill. Hah. It was good for Knight II, though. He got to run proper for a bit.

Got another big batch of sand, which we will have to unload tomorrow morning because we have to go to town before midday. Grandpa has already offered to do the honors, so, yay.

Had a good edit last night, despite me running on fumes again. Managed several pages, at which time I ended up in bed on time for a change. Double yay. Hopefully the same will happen tonight…referring to turning in, of course. Hah.

And by now I am drawing blanks as to what else to write about, so I’ll stop right here…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't find out how to get in touch with you with reasonable privacy. I am interested in the prize. It sounds like fun!

Email me at the address on my profile and I give it to you.
