
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A day on the road

Song of the day: “The Banana Boat Song” by Harry Belafonte. Still a good song.

So I am totally late today. Since I wasn’t home most of the day, that wasn’t surprising, but I’ll get to that later.
First off, let’s start on yesterday.

I slept really long, partly due to the fact that I was absolutely exhausted the night before. Seriously, I was nauseous from it, and could barely keep my eyes open. Finally decided to just give up on the edits and got to be early…which meant I slept a couple hours more than usual and woke up completely sore the next morning, hah. It was worth it, though. That was a nice night. Hah.

Spent quite a bit of time with tenant, what with caregiver being at her other job again. Ended up settling her in the sunshine on my terrace with some pumpkin and tomatoes to cut for supper. That done, it was time to head on down into the yard where plants needed to be watered and a small reed fence needed to be build around the new field where big brother and I planted a batch of potatoes.
What followed was a quick harvesting session, including the wonderfully fresh ingredients for the vegetarian hamburgers I planned to make for lunch, and which worked out so well that we were all a little disappointed that I’d made only two per person. Hah.

There was another trip to town, which I won’t bore you with, and by the time we got home it was too late to cook supper. Instead we had some fried potatoes while we worked on the edit and went through a solid four pages at a sturdy clip.

Which brings us to today. I was up in time for a change, and decided to do a good workout. Went well, I’ll admit, and managed a full session in record time. It felt good. Yay. I’ve been missing the workouts somewhat fierce, and since I was getting more achy with every passing day, I really didn’t want to postpone it any longer. Did the usual hour and a half, of course, and then had to rush through the morning chores.

Managed to fix the second hand 3 heater gas stove that we got the other day. There was gas leakage all over the place, so I took the darn thing apart, cleaned out all the tubing, knobs and whatnot, and yes, success! We had plans to get to work in the yard, but then we got a job opportunity out in the country, for which we had to drive quite a distance to see what all was involved. I’m optimistic about the possibility, despite it being a big job. If we get the job, big brother and I will be out working for about a week, putting up a fence of about 230 feet. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes. Hah.

It was a good trip, however. Beautiful country up there, traveling through olive orchards that spread out across countless hills and mountains. Got to play with a puppy (perro the agua) and some other dogs while we tried to fix a geyser to boot. Potential client had a hankering for a shower after having to do without for two weeks. Aaawwww.

But anyway, we’ll see how that goes. Afterwards we had to head to town to pick up a load of bread. We are seriously pondering to get the dogs accustomed to homemade food again (on a bread basis) because it would definitely improve their health. You wouldn’t believe how much sick dogs we’ve had ever since we were forced to go for kibble. Homemade stuff made them much healthier, not to mention did their teeth a world of good.

Suffice it to say that when we got home tonight the dogs were absolute ecstatic. Poor darlings had been without us for a solid nine hours, and didn’t like it in the least. Knight was absolute bonkers, and Chaos has been looking at me balefully ever since he came sauntering up the mountain to greet me. I’ll be giving them an extra petting tonight for sure, poor darlings.

No edits today, no time I’m afraid. And since it is already past midnight, I am going to have to cut this short.

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